UK Universities' Global Engagement Strategies: Time for a rethink?
Dr Vicky Lewis has written a review of 134 current UK HEI strategic plans and 26 international strategies (as a reflection of ‘current state of play’), followed up by interviews with 12 senior sector stakeholders and insights from the plethora of webinars, virtual conferences, papers, articles etc. that have bubbled up since the pandemic started. This second phase of research focused on exploring what the next generation of strategies may look like.
The aim of the report is to stimulate discussion within the sector and to be of practical use to those responsible for their institution’s internationalisation strategy as they consider how this needs to change for the post-pandemic context.
The report can be downloaded here:
There is an option to download the full report, an Executive Summary, and / or an Overview of key questions for HEIs to ask (as leaders consider their international strategies).