Available funding opportunities:
Programme: British Embassy Zagreb
British Embassy Zagreb invites organisations to submit proposals by 14 April 2025 for projects demonstrating impact in areas of strengthening inter-community relations in Southeast Europe. The British Embassy in Zagreb is inviting organisations to submit project proposals for funding from their Impact Fund. As the name suggests, the purpose of the fund is to achieve impact, so they’re looking for projects that make a real difference in the highlighted priority areas. Project proposals which strengthen and nurture relationships between Croatian and UK people and organisations are particularly welcome.
Eligible Activities:
This year, the call will focus on organisations, projects and activities, which link to the following thematic areas:
· Regional stability and development: connecting and strengthening societies in Southeast Europe
· Innovation for growth: building and nurturing UK-Croatia research & innovation, science, technology, and business partnerships
· Energy and climate: promoting green growth and energy transition
Actions must take place in Croatia.
Eligible Applicants:
There are no details on eligibility.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: 14/04/2025
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Programme: Centre for Civic Education
The project Together For LGBTQI+ Equality is implementing the Centre for Civic Education (CCE/CGO), in partnership with ERA – LGBTI Equal Rights Association for Western Balkans and Turkey, Queer Montenegro, Queer Center Skopje, Tuzla Open Center, Open Mind Spectrum Albania, and Center for Social Group Development from Kosovo. The project is financed by the European Union.
Eligible Activities:
Project proposals should promote equality and inclusion of LGBTIQ persons in all spheres of public and private life by strengthening the capacities of civil society. This includes advocacy, public awareness-raising, alliance-building, and strategic litigation to help repeal discriminatory laws, policies, measures, and practices against LGBTIQ persons, as well as contribute to policy-making in the area of non-discrimination.
Actions must take place in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia.
Eligible Applicants:
In order to be eligible for a grant, CSOs must fulfil criteria as follows: be a legal person; be non-profit-making; be a civil society organisation; be registered in one of the WB countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia) at least 12 months before the deadline for submission of project proposals; be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the project.
Total Budget: €300,000
Deadline: 17/04/2025
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Programme: Healthy Food Healthy Planet (HFHP)
HFHP is pleased to invite civil society organisations based in Europe to participate in its open Calls to Collective Action. This is an exciting opportunity to bring forward innovative ideas and collaborate with partners to shape healthier, just and
sustainable food environments. Our Calls to Collective Action are open to partnerships of two or more organisations working together to change food environments. They welcome proposals from organizations with diverse experiences and perspectives, particularly those who work with grassroots groups or affected communities. They seek projects in three areas of focus, developed in collaboration with our civil society network.
Eligible Activities:
The focus areas are:
· Strengthening Subnational Leadership and Elevating Local Impact: Bridging Local Initiatives to National and European Food System Transformation
· Strengthen communities against the harms of industrial livestock production to public health and justice.
· Accelerate corporate accountability in food systems towards mandatory mechanisms
Actions must take place in Europe.
Eligible Applicants:
This Call to Collective Action seeks proposals from coalitions or alliances that include grassroots organisations and aim to address the public health, environmental, and social harm caused by industrial livestock production, including industrial fish farming.
Total Budget: €2,000,000
Deadline: 18/04/2025
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Programme: ENABEL
The general objective of this call is to contribute to the promotion of green cities in Palestine through resilient urban planning, green inclusive services, and green buildings, taking into account the needs of vulnerable groups (women and youth). The Specific objective of this call for proposal is: To enhance information and raise awareness on environmental and climate issues, promoting behaviour change in Palestinian schools, with a focus on gender-sensitive approaches that address the unique experiences and contributions of both girls and boys in sustainable practices.
Eligible Activities:
The main outcome of this assignment is enhancing information and sensitization on environment and climate as to promote behaviour change, through developing the following:
· Students’ awareness of environmental challenges is increased, with attention to gender- specific perspectives and experiences
· Green coverage is increased in targeted schools.
The selected applicant will work closely in 4 governorates in the West Bank (Hebron, Bethlehem, Tubas, and Nablus) to develop 12 new environmental clubs, 13 school gardens and green houses in addition to the other listed activities.
Eligible Applicants:
In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must: (1) be a legal person and (2) be a non-profit private entity or a foundation; and (3) be established in Palestine.
Total Budget: €250,000
Deadline: 21/04/2025
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The World Food Prize is the foremost international honor recognizing – without regard to race, religion, nationality, or political beliefs – the achievements of individuals who have advanced human development by improving the quality, quantity or availability of food in the world. The World Food Prize is awarded for a specific, exceptionally significant, individual achievement at any point along the full range of the food production and distribution chain. Fields of achievement include, but are not limited to: (1) soil and land; (2) plant and animal science; (3) food science and technology; (4) nutrition; (5) rural development; (6) marketing; (7) food processing and packaging; (8) water and the environment; (9) natural resource conservation; (10) physical infrastructure; (11) transportation and distribution; (12) special or extraordinary feeding programs; (13) social organization and poverty elimination; (14) economics and finance; (15) policy analysis; and (16) public advocacy.
Eligible Activities:
The World Food Prize emphasizes the importance of a nutritious and sustainable food supply for all people. By honoring those who have worked successfully toward this goal, The Prize calls attention to what has been done to improve global food security and to what can be accomplished in the future.
Actions can take place worldwide.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible is: (1) someone who is making exceptional progress in the quality quantity and availability of food; (2) someone who is creating waves within the world of agriculture and food production to enhance the quality, quantity and availability of food.
Total Budget: €500,000
Deadline: 01/05/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - International Partnerships
The global objective of this call for proposals is to enhance the capacity and resilience of Armenian civil society organisations as trusted, independent and effective actors.
Eligible Activities:
The priorities of this call for proposals are:
· To enhance the capacity of independent media outlets and journalists in Armenia to operate freely, ethically, and professionally by providing training, legal support, and technological tools that improve investigative journalism and counter disinformation.
· To enhance the capacity, sustainability, and impact of Armenian civil society organizations (CSOs) by strengthening their institutional capacities, financial resilience, and ability to engage effectively in policy dialogue, advocacy, and service delivery.
The call will be divided into two lots:
LOT 1: Freedom and Professionalism of Media
LOT 2. Strengthening civil society in Armenia
Actions must take place in Armenia.
Eligible Applicants:
In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must: (1) be a legal person and (2) be non-profit-making and (3) be a specific type of organisation such as non-governmental organisation.
Total Budget: €3,970,000
Deadline: 05/05/2025
More information and official documents:
Programme: European Commission (EC) - International Partnerships
The global objective of this call for proposals is to strengthen the participation and contribution of Moldovan civil society to the democratic, economic and social development of the country in the context of the EU accession process. This action aims to support inclusive, resilient and democratic society by capacitating CSOs to participate in the implementation and monitoring of reforms related to the EU accession, to engage in open and structured policy dialogue with public authorities, promoting citizens active civic participation in social and economic life, ensuring fair and equal development opportunities for all.
Eligible Activities:
The specific objectives and priorities of this call for proposals are:
Lot 1 specific objective: Strengthening the capacities of civil society organisations to participate and contribute to the EU accession process of the Republic of Moldova.
Lot 2 specific objective: Strengthening the capacities of civil society organisations to better perform their role as community mobilisation actor in the context of the EU integration process.
Lot 3 specific objective: Enabling CSOs to meaningfully contribute to the strengthening of the child protection system in the Republic of Moldova in the context of EU accession.
Actions must take place in the Republic of Moldova.
Eligible Applicants:
In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must: (1) be a legal person and (2) be non-profit-making and (3) be a specific type of organisation such as non-governmental organisation.
Total Budget: €6,000,000
Deadline: 05/05/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - International Partnerships
The general objective of the programme for this call for proposals is: The sustainable and integrated use of marine resources is improved and stimulates inclusive economic growth.
Eligible Activities:
The specific objective of the programme concerning this call for proposals is:
The foundations for an effective system for the long-term maintenance of natural capital, biodiversity and marine and coastal ecosystem services shall be established.
In addition, project proposals should be structured around 3 main pillars: Conservation, Blue Economy, Governance.
Actions must take place in in the islands of São Tomé and Príncipe.
Eligible Applicants:
In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must: (1) be a legal person and (2) be non-profit-making and (3) be a specific type of organisation such as non-governmental organisation.
Total Budget: €2,000,000
Deadline: 06/05/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - International Partnerships
The global objective of this call for proposals is: Relaunching tourism as a driver for sustainable growth and the creation of decent, sustainable and inclusive green jobs. The specific objective of this call for proposals is: Promote an approach that integrates environmental protection and the development of sustainable, inclusive and gender-sensitive value chains.
Eligible Activities:
The priorities of this call for proposals are:
A-General priorities: The objectives of the proposed actions must be consistent with those of the programme.
B-Specific priorities : The action must respond to the 2 main outputs expected from the programme, namely: (1) The regulatory framework and natural resource management systems for strengthening the protection of the environment and biodiversity (including the promotion of human rights and gender equality) are consolidated; and (2) Development of sustainable, inclusive and high-quality tourism, targeting especially women and young people, based on ecosystem services, and based on: 2.1- sustainable and responsible tourism offering green, decent and gender-sensitive jobs for communities in protected areas and their peripheral areas, and 2.2- vocational training for private stakeholders in the tourism sector (eco and agro-tourism, cultural tourism, scientific tourism), in accordance with the gender perspective and the guiding principles on business and human rights.
Actions must take place in in the islands of São Tomé and Príncipe.
Eligible Applicants:
In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must: (1) be a legal person and (2) be non-profit-making and (3) be a specific type of organisation such as non-governmental organisation.
Total Budget: €3,500,000
Deadline: 06/05/2025
More information and official documents:
Programme: European Commission (EC) - International Partnerships
This call for proposals is divided into TWO LOTS:
LOT 1 – Human Rights and Democracy
Lot 1 – Specific Objective 1: Business and Human rights – Support civil society organisations, duty-bearers and right-holders’ participation in the implementation of national and international regulatory frameworks on Business and Human Rights.
Lot 1 – Specific Objetive 2: Human Rights Defenders – Support the recognition, promotion and protection of human rights defenders in Liberia.
Lot 1 – Specific Objetive 3: Transitional Justice – Support transitional justice processes in Liberia as a crucial step for the promotion of human rights, justice, peace and security, good governance, and development.
LOT 2 – Support to Civil Society in Partner Countries
Lot 2 – Specific Objective 1 – Promote good governance by strengthening Liberian civil society organisations’ (CSOs) and community-based organisations’ (CBOs) capacities to ensure informed and inclusive access to land and equal land-related economic opportunities.
Lot 2 – Specific Objective 2 – Strengthen Civil Society Organisations working for the inclusion of vulnerable and marginalised youth
Eligible Activities:
Actions must take place in Liberia.
Eligible Applicants:
In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must: (1) be a legal person and (2) be non-profit-making and (3) be a specific type of organisation such as: a non-governmental organisation or civil society organisation and (4) be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary.
Total Budget: €1,915,000
Deadline: 12/05/2025
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The Raskob Foundation is an independent, private family foundation. The mission of the Raskob Foundation is to support domestic and international projects from institutions and organisation identified with Catholic church. Their international program is funding various topics such as education, governance and human rights, health, economic empowerment and business trainings, water and sanitation, income generation and disability.
Eligible Activities:
Sample projects that they have funded in the past include: youth leadership and peacebuilding in Ecuador, income generation activities in Ethiopia, feeding programs in Haiti, women empowerment in India, medical aid to the poor in Gaza, childhood education program in Jordan, ending child labour in Malawi, program for disabled mothers in Palestine, improve water and sanitation in South Sudan.
They are funding projects in any country in Asia, Africa, America and Europe.
Eligible Applicants:
If the requesting organisation is located in the US, it must be tax- exempt 501 (3) with public charity status and be catholic (listed in the P.J. Kenedy Official Catholic Directory). If the requesting organization is located outside the US, it must have a non-profit, non-governmental status equivalent to a public charity as found in the United States and be catholic as verified by Ordinary of the Diocese.
Total Budget: €2,000,000
Deadline: 15/05/2025
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Programme: Digital Energy
The 2025 Digital Energy Challenge for Start-ups will reward 3 to 4 Start-ups that are developing digital innovative projects aimed at accelerating access to energy, boosting the energy transition and improving the operational efficiency of players in the energy access and grid services in Africa.
Eligible Activities:
The three themes for the 2025 call for projects are:
Universal electricity access and mini-grids
Digital innovations in the field of mini-grids to maximize their efficiency and impact: energy management systems for the optimal use of clean and renewable energy; software and hardware technologies for an efficient integration of productive use assets; storage systems and algorithms minimizing the use of fossil fuel generators; tools to facilitate interconnections with the main grid and with other mini-grids; systems and algorithms for building-up nanogrids; geospatial data analytics for power demand evaluation and/or credit risk assessment
Efficient grid management
Digital services and products ensuring a proper operation of the power grid, with a focus on: information availability and communication systems; streamlining Business-As-Usual grid operational management practices of the power system; increased power availability and service quality.
Resilience and decarbonation of power systems
Digital-based solutions enabling the development of a greener and more resilient power infrastructure (encompassing generation systems as well as the grid): additional renewable capacity; grid stability and flexibility; energy savings at the end-user level (Commercial & Industrial as well as households).
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
The Start-up must meet the following criteria:
Created less than 10 years ago
Be in the pre-seed/early-stage financing phase i.e. less than €1M funding raised
Annual turnover of less than €1M
Employ between 1 and 99 people full-time.
NGOs can apply under the Start-up category if the project meets one of the additional following criteria:
The project is set up as a company as a branch of the NGO
The project has a dedicated team and business plan, and clearly targets business sustainability/profitability (e.g. plans to spin off as an independent entity).
Finally the Start-up’s project must adhere to one of the three above-mentioned themes and be:
Digital i.e. based on a telecom, computer or cloud-based technology
Innovative, either intrinsically or compared to the local market
Local i.e. headquartered or with project management activities in the country of the project
Eligible countries:
Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo Democratic Republic, Congo Republic, Côte d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gabon, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Total Budget: €150,000
Deadline: 16/05/2025
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Applications are now open for the ABH Prize Competition. ABH is not just a competition; it’s a community of changemakers. Beyond the prize money, the ABH Prize connects you to a network of entrepreneurs, investors, mentors, and global thought leaders who can help take your business to the next level.
The competition is just the beginning of their journey together, and they are focused on long-term growth, community, and lasting impact, not just short-term rewards.
They also provide all finalists with several other benefits throughout the competition they can leverage to improve their business.
Eligible Activities:
These benefits include:
Access to the ABH Network. Their finalists will also have the opportunity to become a part of the ABH Network where they can tap into valuable entrepreneurship resources such as mentorship, exclusive training resources – such as investment readiness coaching, and more. They will also have the opportunity to network with a wide range of business leaders and other like-minded entrepreneurs and be given access to exclusive ABH events tailored to help them refine and grow their businesses.
Feedback from Industry experts. Throughout the interview and evaluation process, their finalists will have the opportunity to engage with their highly-qualified judges who will offer finalists advice.
Publicity: They will provide their finalists a platform to tell their stories through their website and social media channels. They also issue press releases at each stage of the competition to ensure the stories of their finalists gain exposure across Africa and the world.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
The ABH Prize is for ALL businesses. From tech startups to social enterprises, they’re looking for businesses that solve real-world problems. Whether you’re tackling health, education, agriculture, fintech, or the environment, if your business has a positive impact on your community or beyond, they want to hear from you!
Applicants simply need to meet a strict, but simple set of criteria:
Applicant is of African origin. You should have African citizenship and/or a parent or grandparent has African citizenship.
The company is legally registered. The business should be registered with the government in at least 1 African country. It should have a business license to operate.
The company is Africa-based. The business is headquartered in an African country and primarily operates in Africa.
The company is in a post-idea stage. The business has been operational for at least 3 years and has at least 3 years of revenue history that can be provided.
Total Budget: $1,500,000
Deadline: 23/05/2025
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Programme: World Food Prize Foundation
The Dr. Norman E. Borlaug Award for Field Research and Application, endowed by the Rockefeller Foundation, is presented every October in Des Moines, Iowa, by the World Food Prize Foundation. This $10,000 award recognizes exceptional, science-based achievement in international agriculture and food production by an individual under the age of 40. Awardees emulate the same intellectual courage, stamina and determination in the fight to eliminate global hunger and poverty demonstrated by Dr. Norman Borlaug as a young scientist working in Mexico in the 1940s and ’50s.
Eligible Activities:
Dr. Judith Rodin, former President of The Rockefeller Foundation, announced during the 25th World Food Prize Laureate Award Ceremony in 2011 that her Foundation would commit $1 million to endow this annual award in honor of Dr. Norman E. Borlaug, whose early work in Mexico was supported by The Rockefeller Foundation. The individuals chosen to be recipients of the Borlaug Field award are selected by an anonymous international jury, chaired by Dr. W. Ronnie Coffman of Cornell University. Dr. Coffman, who was Dr. Borlaug’s only doctorate student, serves as a member of the World Food Prize Council of Advisors.
Actions can take place worldwide.
Eligible Applicants:
Nominees must be under the age of 40 (40th birthday not reached before World Food Day, October 16, of the year in which the award is presented). Nominees must be actively working in the discipline, research area, position, or on the project(s) for which they are being recognized. They may be associated with a public or private educational, research or development organization or related entity.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: 01/06/2025
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Programme: Women's Fund Armenia
The 16 Days of Activism is an annual international campaign that begins on November 25 (the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) and concludes on December 10 (Human Rights Day). Launched in 1991 by the Center for Women’s Global Leadership, the campaign aims to raise awareness about gender-based violence and inspire actions to end all forms of such violence. Governments, NGOs, and individuals worldwide organize various events, including seminars, marches, and social media campaigns, focusing on preventing gender-based violence, restoring justice, and empowering survivors.
Eligible Activities:
The initiative highlights the connection between gender inequality and violence, calling for systemic change.
As part of this call, grants will support feminist gatherings and a variety of events and actions dedicated to feminist goals, community empowerment, and inspiring change. They welcome applications that align with their mission and focus on raising awareness about domestic violence, addressing and preventing it, reflecting on its gendered dimensions, amplifying the voices of systemically ignored groups in the context of domestic violence, and challenging patriarchal structures.
Actions must take place in Armenia.
Eligible Applicants:
They invite a wide range of applicants, including: Feminist self-organized groups, Researchers in academia and beyond , Artists and creative initiatives, Local and community-based feminist activists, Civil society organizations and coalitions, Student groups.
Total Budget: $500,000
Deadline: 01/11/2025
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Programme: ILGA-Europe
The aim of this program is to address the intersectional impact of injustice, racialisation, racism and specific harms affecting the lives of racialised LGBTI communities across Europe. They are looking for projects whose primary aim is to address the intersectional impact of injustice, racialisation, racism and specific harms affecting the lives of racialised LGBTI communities across Europe.
Eligible Activities:
This programme will do it by:
· Supporting, strengthening and advancing the work of up to 13 European LGBTI organisations that are led by racialised LGBTI people and work with and for racialised LGBTI communities;
· Creating spaces for the organisations to exchange and build connections through holding regular partner meetings
Actions must take place in Europe.
Eligible Applicants:
This call is aimed specifically for registered and non-registered LGBTI organisations and initiative groups in Europe that are: Led by racialised LGBTI people and Working for and with racialised LGBTI communities.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: 30/03/2025
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Programme: International Organization of the Francophonie (OIF)
The “Francophonie with Them” Fund is a solidarity mechanism aimed at strengthening the economic and social autonomy of women in the French-speaking world, in vulnerable situations, and with a view to sustainable development.
The International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF) thus continues its commitment to the socio-economic empowerment of girls and women, with the aim of achieving gender equality, eradicating poverty, and promoting inclusive growth.
Eligible Activities:
The specific objectives of the "La Francophonie avec Elles" Fund are to:
Improve the participation and inclusion of women in economic and social life;
Improve women's access to vocational training;
Support women in developing income-generating activities and facilitate their access to economic opportunities.
Target Audience
The projects supported by the Fund mainly benefit women, particularly those in situations of poverty and vulnerability, who are at the intersection of several discriminations: young women (15-35 years old), older women, migrant and refugee women, young mothers, single mothers, women living with HIV, women with disabilities, women from sexual minorities, etc.
In certain situations, if women express the need and consent, the submitting organization must put in place provisions to encourage the support of their male entourage.
Geographic Focus
Furthermore, particular attention will be paid to projects implemented in small island countries and in under-represented countries such as those in Central and Eastern Europe.
West Africa: formalization of income-generating activities;
Central Africa: access to economic opportunities in the fields of agriculture, forestry, livestock, fishing, valorization and processing of non-timber forest products (NTFPs), particularly for displaced women;
North Africa: strengthening the participation of women, including migrants and refugees, in the job market through vocational training;
Middle East: strengthening the technical and entrepreneurial skills of women and girls in vulnerable situations through innovative vocational training aimed at their concrete and sustainable jobs;
Asia Pacific: access to vocational training geared towards professional integration and entrepreneurship;
Caribbean: strengthening the entrepreneurial capacity of women and girls in the fields of sustainable agriculture, forestry, livestock and fruit and vegetable processing;
Central and Eastern Europe: access to vocational training aimed at creating agricultural incomes or achieving sustainable employment;
Indian Ocean and Djibouti: access to economic opportunities in the areas of sustainable agriculture, the blue economy, crafts, and local services.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible, the candidate organization must meet the following conditions:
Be a civil society organization (CSO): CSOs are considered to be: non-governmental organizations, foundations, humanitarian associations, economic interest groups, cooperatives, private research institutes and social partners. Individuals, public and private universities, businesses and local authorities are not considered CSOs. Particular attention will be paid to organizations whose main mission is the defense and promotion of the effective rights and emancipation of women and girls;
Be registered and officially recognized by the authorities of one of the 56 States and governments that are full members of the OIF for more than two (2) years, on the date the call is launched;
Submit an activity report that demonstrates functional, transparent and democratic governance (regularly organizes meetings, general meetings and events or activities related to its corporate purpose, has a Board of Directors, offers membership, and produces regular reports on its activities and finances, etc.);
Have financial capacity equivalent to the amount of the grant, taking into account the duration of the project. Financial capacity will be assessed on the basis of the annual financial report.
Not be a beneficiary of a project currently being implemented under previous editions of the “La Francophonie avec Elles” Fund.
To be eligible, the project must meet all of the following conditions:
Primarily and directly benefit women and young women (men may, however, benefit from awareness-raising activities aimed at making them agents of change for gender equality, or benefit from the activities in a significantly smaller number. In certain situations, if women express a need and consent, the applicant organization must put in place measures to encourage the support of their male entourage);
Integrate gender equality issues into all stages of the project, from the needs assessment to the implementation of activities;
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: 31/03/2025
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Programme: European Union (EU)
Entries are now open for the Samir Kassir Award for Freedom of the Press.
Candidates must submit a news report centered around one or more of the following topics:
rule of law,
human rights,
good governance,
fight against corruption,
freedom of expression,
democratic development or
citizen participation.
Eligible Activities:
Award Categories
Three awards will be granted for:
Best opinion article
Best investigative article
Best audiovisual news report
Eligible Countries
Applicants should be nationals of the following countries: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.
The submitted article must have been published in a print or online media outlet in one of the countries listed above or in one of the European Union Member States (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden).
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
The contest is open to Journalists.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: 01/04/2025
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Programme: International Research Centre on Artificial Intelligence
he Compute for Climate Fellowship is a global R&D funding program that empowers climate tech startups to leverage advanced cloud computing and AI in the fight against climate change.
The Fellowship was founded in 2023 by the International Research Centre on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI), under the auspices of UNESCO, and Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Each Fellow company accepted into the program builds a groundbreaking proof-of-concept (PoC) climate solution that is funded by AWS, with technical and scientific advisors from AWS and IRCAI.
Eligible Activities:
Focus Areas
Winners will “think big” and demonstrate innovation, leverage advanced cloud computing, and show potential for significant global impact across at least one of the nine climate solution areas:
Clean Energy
Low-Carbon Transportation
Sustainable Agriculture and Food
Circular Economy and Industry
Sustainable Buildings
Greenhouse Gas Management
Carbon Removal
Environment and Climate Risk
Indigenous Solutions to the Climate Crisis
Additional Benefits
Three month PoC build period with personalized technical support and mentorship
Access to advanced computing services, like quantum computing, HPC, and generative AI tools
Expert guidance in advanced computing, AI, sustainability, and ethics from IRCAI and AWS mentors
Media and visibility via speaking opportunities and PR (on a case by case basis)
Showcase of results across United Nations and international bodies
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
Your company is privately held and was founded within the last 10 years.
You have a technical team capable of building with advanced cloud computing.
Your proposal incorporates innovative use of advanced cloud computing services such as:
AI/ML and Generative AI
High-Performance Computing
Autonomous Computing
Spatial Computing
Simulation Technologies
Quantum Computing
Time series data analytics
Total Budget: €500,000
Deadline: 06/04/2025
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Programme: Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office’s (FCDO)
The Forest Governance, Markets and Climate (FGMC) programme is the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office's (FCDO) flagship global forest governance initiative.
Eligible Activities:
FGMC2 will seek to strengthen governance foundations that translate into reducing the illegal and unsustainable use of forest resources, while benefitting poor, forest-dependent people, especially Indigenous People and Local Communities (IPLCs).
Geographic Focus
FGMC2 aims to build forest governance partnerships with up to 16 tropical forest countries as set out in the Business Case.
In this first grants round they would welcome proposals that help to build coalitions of practice across Guyana, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, China, Ghana, Liberia, Cameroon, Republic of Congo and DRC. Proposals focused on action to inform and influence global processes is also welcome.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
The FGMC2 Accountable Grants will be awarded to independent not-for-profit organisations only.
‘Not-for-profit’ organisations include international and national non-government organisations (NGOs), federations and membership bodies, but exclude government bodies (national, regional or local) and individuals.
Please note that:
The submission of Concept Notes is open to UK as well as non-UK entities.
Applications from consortia, partnerships or networks of two or more not-for-profit organisations or from organisations working with multiple funding sources and / or implementing partners are welcome. For all consortia, a lead organisation should be declared, and all consortium partners should be not-for-profit organisations.
Organisations that support or encourage activities that discriminate on the basis of colour, disability, ethnicity, gender or religion; that lead to civil unrest; or are linked to terrorist organisations are not eligible.
Total Budget: £500,001 to £1,000,000 and more than £1,000,000
Deadline: 18/04/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC)
Sectors or Themes
This call aims to support actions of:
strengthening of the various roles of girls and women in economic and community development, through the improvement of their economic capacities;
empowerment through training, financing and formalization of very small, small and medium-sized enterprises (VSMEs) owned by women and financial inclusion;
development of female entrepreneurship;
creation in rural areas of the regions concerned, and;
promotion of entrepreneurial culture among women and girls in targeted regions (Tambacounda, Sédhiou, Kédougou, and suburbs of Dakar).
Eligible Activities:
The priorities of this call for proposals are:
Implementing a Human Rights-based approach;
Encourage participation and pooling of resources with public stakeholders (such as: the Professional and Technical Training Financing Fund, Senegal Services, the Food Technology Institute, Senegal Connect, the Senegalese Small and Medium Enterprise Development and Supervision Agency, local authorities, etc.), youth organizations, women's organizations and private sector stakeholders (companies, private training centers, etc.).
Contribute to the implementation of the TEI IYBA in Senegal through the articulation of project proposals with:
the IYBA project “ Supporting Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Support (SEED )” which aims to: improve access of SEED beneficiaries to business development services (financial and non-financial) through strengthened entrepreneurial ecosystems (both nationally and internationally); establish a business environment (rules, regulations and policies) conducive to the creation and growth of SEED beneficiaries; promote an inclusive entrepreneurial culture that encourages women and youth to create and develop SEED beneficiaries; improve access of entrepreneurial ecosystem businesses, SEED beneficiaries and other stakeholders to information on entrepreneurial ecosystems and approaches to strengthening entrepreneurial ecosystems.
the “Women” program Entrepreneurship for Africa (WE4A) which aims to support the economic empowerment and financial inclusion of women entrepreneurs in sectors that contribute to the green economic transformation. WE4A focuses on women-owned very small, small and medium-sized enterprises (VSMEs) (Livelihood Enterprises, Niche or Dynamic Enterprises, High Growth Potential Enterprises (Startups) in green sectors.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must:
be a legal person and
have no profit motive and
belong to one of the following categories of organizations: non-governmental organization, civil society organization, association, platform or consortium of civil society organizations and
be effectively established in a Member State of the European Union with a minimum of 5 years' experience in Senegal and
be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and the affiliated entity(ies), without acting as an intermediary, and
be, at the time of publication of this call for proposals, registered for at least 2 years with the competent services of Senegal.
Total Budget: €6,050,000
Deadline: 29/04/2025
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Programme: Invest in Open Infrastructure
The Invest in Open Infrastructure is pleased to announce its IOI Fund for Network Adoption to support the shared adoption, implementation, and expansion of open data infrastructure to foster collaborative research, with a particular focus on Africa, North America, and Latin America.
The Fund prioritizes projects that demonstrate a clear understanding of local needs, foster community engagement, promote universal access and participation, and contribute to addressing critical global challenges.
Increased access to open data and content: Facilitating greater access to research data and content for researchers and institutions within participating networks. This includes supporting activities that increase the adoption, implementation, and scaling of infrastructure solutions that enhance the creation, discovery, accessibility, and reusability of research outputs.
Advancement of collaborative research on critical global issues: Supporting research networks that contribute to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by addressing pressing global challenges, such as climate, agriculture, health, and sustainable development.
Sustainable and community-driven infrastructure: Promoting the adoption and use of open data and content infrastructure solutions in a manner that is sustainable, community-driven, and responsive to local needs.
Fair and accessible research ecosystems: Fostering an environment where everyone has a fair chance to participate and contribute, regardless of background and geographical location.
Strengthening networks as a provider of shared infrastructure: Supporting networks in becoming stronger providers of valuable infrastructure services to their members and to the wider research community.
Eligible Activities:
Eligible Projects
Demonstrate a clear, deep understanding of the needs and challenges faced by the research communities served, or can be served, by the network.
Present a well-defined and feasible project plan with clear objectives, activities, timeline, and a realistic and well-justified budget.
Have a strong team with the necessary skills and experience to successfully implement the project.
Demonstrate a commitment to open principles and practices.
Will maximally benefit from IOI's strategic support and guidance, and from peer-to-peer learning from other participating networks and partners.
Have the potential to generate significant impact on shared adoption of open infrastructure and the advancement of open science.
Eligible Activities
Improving usability of existing infrastructure to expand reach and/or use.
Staffing, capacity building, and support for governance for the shared infrastructure and/or scoped project.
Technical activities, including roll-out of new systems, upgrades, migrations from legacy systems, maintenance, and implementation.
Adapting existing infrastructure solutions to facilitate use by local research communities, e.g. translating and contextualizing user interfaces and documentation, developing low-bandwidth/offline support.
Connecting and integrating with core systems to drive usability.
Designing and implementing safeguards, including privacy and security patches, data protection policies, and other legal provisions.
Organizing events, workshops, and other activities to promote the use or shared maintenance of the infrastructure.
Collecting and analyzing data, and the implementation of data collection and analysis systems, to assess the impact of the implementation and scaling of infrastructures.
Ineligible Activities
Activities that contradict the mission and values of IOI.
Activities that violate the terms and conditions of a US 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, including but not limited to partisan political activities.
Activities that discriminate with regard to race, sex, education, ethnicity, socio-economic status, religion, ability/disability, sexual orientation, gender self-identification, age, country of origin, first language, marital status, or citizenship.
Activities that involve money laundering, terror, and kidnapping.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
The (lead) applicant must be a national or international research network that meets the following criteria:
Network membership: Network members must be institutions and/or research-performing organizations (RPOs), networks of institutions and/or RPOs (e.g. a regional research and education network whose members are national research and education networks, whose members are institutions), or national/regional research agencies.
Networks with only individual memberships are not eligible;
Networks with multiple types of memberships that include organizational memberships are eligible, but only the organizational members are taken into account when evaluating the number and geography criteria below.
Number of members: National networks (whose members are mainly based in one country) must serve at least 10 institutions/RPOs; international networks must have members in at least 5 different countries.
Membership geography: The majority of network members must be based in Africa, North America, and/or Latin America.
Registered location: Networks CANNOT be based/registered in Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Syria, or Cuba. The US and European governments have sanctions on financial relationships with organizations and people in these countries. As a result, their banks and financial service providers have wholly prohibited any payments to these countries. With uncertainty about how sanctions will impact this Fund, and the inability to provide payment, they cannot support awards to regions under these sanctions.
Fiscal relationship with members: Network must have a fiscal relationship with its members, e.g. members pay a fee to maintain their membership, or the network distributes/cascades funds to members.
Able to accept funding from a US-based charity: Network must be able to accept funding from a US-based 501(c)3 organization and manage its distribution to third-party partners and vendors as needed.
Point of contact: Network must provide a point of contact who will commit to reporting back on the progress and impact of the award to the IOI team.
Language: Network core staff must be able to communicate in English at working proficiency.
Current IOI employees, contractors, and clients are not permitted to apply.
Applicants must abide by local laws that apply to their activities based on their residence.
Total Budget: US$1-1.5M per funded network
Deadline: 30/04/2025
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Programme: NordForsk
The aim of this call is to fund excellent research activities that address shared Nordic and Nordic-Baltic societal challenges in the context of extensive use and implementation of AI in the region. The initiative should contribute to cross-border mobilisation of capacity and competence building among Nordic and Nordic-Baltic research communities and strengthen networks and collaborations.
Eligible Activities:
Unlike traditional AI research and innovation, which often centres on pure technological advancements, this initiative seeks to explore the use, development and implementation of AI, on an individual, organisational and societal level, creating prerequisites for responsible and critical future approaches. Approaches focusing on pure AI technology advancement or development are not included in this framework whereas approaches which seek to optimise existing AI methods or algorithms towards responsible use and functionalities are included.
The research consortium must include research performing organisations in at least four Nordic or Baltic countries, of which at least three must be Nordic. Nordic countries are defined here as Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Åland Islands.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible are research performing organisations.
Total Budget: €17,000,000
Deadline: 13/05/2025
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Programme: Goethe-Institut
The Goethe-Institut has launched its International Coproduction Grant to support coproductions worldwide that grow out of collaborative and dialogue-based working processes in the fields of music, dance, theatre and performance art.
Eligible Activities:
The short documentary film is funded with a supplementary lump sum of € 1,000.
Funding Criteria
The projects for which funding is requested must centre on the performing arts (no exclusively film- or exhibition-based projects)
Calibre of the project
Standing of the participating artists in their performing arts scene
Budget showing own/third-party funding and a sound financial plan
Balanced project partnership, artistic collaboration
At least one performance outside of Germany and, if possible, in Germany, too
Project period should not exceed 24 months
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
Professional performing artists, ensembles and initiatives in Germany and non-German-speaking countries in the fields of theatre, dance, music and performance art with insufficient means of their own to realize an international coproduction.
In particular, they welcome applications for funding from developing and transition countries.
Only artists who do not live and work primarily in Germany may submit an application.
Applications must be filled out in English.
Application Requirements
To conclude the project, you are expected to put together a short (5-minute) documentary film (no trailer) where both the process and the results of the project are shown. This film can be posted on the Goethe Institut’s website or shown on exchange events.
To ensure a correct calculation of the travel expenses in the financing plan, have two travel expense estimates drawn up by a travel agency or by an online travel provider and submit them with your application.
Letters of confirmation from all coproduction partners
Meaning confirmations from all coproducers, specifying their roles (artistic, organizational, in the production, etc.) as well as their respective contributions to and other forms of involvement in the project.
Official invitations/Letters of confirmation by venues and supporters
Confirmations from sponsors and other partners (e.g. organisers, festivals, venues, etc.) with exact details of the services and contributions. If there are no final confirmations by the application date, a letter of intent can be submitted.
Confirmation from the local Goethe-Institut abroad
Introduce your project to the Goethe-Institut in your country/region and with the help of the local colleagues complete the "Confirmation form for IKF application (local GoetheInstitut)". This document must be signed and included with your application.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: 15/05/2025
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Programme: European Cloud for Heritage OpEn Science
The ECHOES Cascading Grants Programme provides funding for consortia led by Cultural Heritage Institutions (CHIs) to engage with the Cultural Heritage Cloud.
The programme supports up to 50 projects across three calls to enhance digital engagement, data sharing, and collaboration.
Eligible Activities:
Focus Areas
Data – Projects that contribute heritage data to the Cultural Heritage Cloud and would like to make use of its tools and infrastructure.
Engagement and Collaboration – Initiatives that promote digital skills, awareness, and collaboration with CHIs. Projects that strategically enlist professional umbrella organisations to promote the benefits of the cloud at the sector level to the different CH communities would be particularly welcomed.
Data and Vertical Applications – Projects that contribute new datasets to the Cultural Heritage Cloud or develop applications that integrate with enhance its functionalities.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
To be considered for funding, applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:
The coordinator must be a CHI. In this context, they define CHIs as mission-driven organisations dedicated to the preservation, management, research, and dissemination of cultural heritage, ensuring its accessibility for present and future generations. Any type of CHI (e.g., museums, libraries, archives, or other public institutions dedicated to cultural heritage conservation, preservation and outreach) may apply.
The coordinator must be located in an eligible country, including all EU Member States and associated countries under Horizon Europe.
The coordinator must be a public or private legal entity, with this status specified on a legal entity form.
The proposal must be submitted in English. Application forms provided by ECHOES must be completed in full, with all of the required information provided in the appropriate sections of the online template.
The proposal must be submitted to the proposal platform before the specified deadline for the Call to which the applicant is applying.
In each of the three ECHOES calls: organisations can coordinate one project proposal and participate in up to two additional project proposals.
Larger organisations that are made up of individual centres, institutes or labs, are not considered as a single entity for this call. The individual centres, institutes or labs are entitled to apply as independent from the larger organisation.
Organisations involved in ECHOES can join and prepare proposals, but not the individual centres, institutes or labs and people from these organisations that are actively involved in the ECHOES project. In the proposal, organisations need to express their relation to the ECHOES consortium in detail. An independent evaluator assigned by the ECHOES Consortium will assess if there is a potential conflict of interest.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: 15/05/2025
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Programme: BASE Foundation
The BASE Foundation has launched the call for pilot projects on Digitalisation for Flexible and Resilient Energy Systems targeting eight countries.
Eligible Activities:
This expansion aligns with Italy’s “Piano Mattei” and the “Rome Process”, which aim to deepen partnerships between Italy and Africa, focusing on sustainable development and energy transition.
Projects must be implemented within a 24-month timeframe, including all phases from initiation to final reporting.
Geographic Focus
Brazil, South Africa, Morocco, Tunisia, Kenya, Nigeria, Ethiopia, and Tanzania are eligible countries.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
UN agencies cannot submit applications to avoid conflicts of interest, as UNEP manages the selection and evaluation process.
The consortium lead must not be from one of the eligible focus countries. However, they must demonstrate a high level of local content or presence (either themselves or with other consortium members).
Small companies are welcome to apply. Partnerships with stakeholders relevant to the project’s specificity, such as energy companies or others, are encouraged to enhance the project’s implementation capacity and scalability.
Non-UN international organizations are eligible to apply.
Total Budget: $2,000,000
Deadline: 23/05/2025
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Programme: European Union National Institutes for Culture
Are you a cultural and/or civil society organisation in Sub-Saharan Africa, looking to start or strengthen an Africa-Europe collaboration project in culture? Or, do you want to engage with other African and European partners to respond to local challenges through a co-creative and innovative cultural project? If yes, then The Spaces of Culture Funding Scheme is the right choice for you.
The Spaces of Culture Funding Scheme is part of the EU-funded Africa-Europe Partnerships for Culture programme, is looking for new and exciting collaborative cultural relations projects taking place in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The Spaces of Culture programme brings an exciting opportunity to:
place focus on networking and relationships, new audiences, and opening up civic space;
continue to cultivate and develop a shared cultural relations approach to cooperation between Africa and the European Union (EU);
explore in more depth approaches to fair collaboration in Africa including new and balanced partnerships between Europe and Africa and considerations of ethical sensitivities linked to colonial legacies.
The purpose of this call for proposals therefore is to find and support concrete cultural relations projects taking place in Sub-Saharan African countries.
The call supports involvement of a broad range of EU Member States, with many EUNIC members having the ambition to start new relationships, open branches, or otherwise intensify their collaboration on the continent, while at the same time broadening the range and diversity of local partner organisations from the continent collaborating with their European counterparts.
This also includes the flexibility to develop and support initiatives in countries on the continent where the presence of Member States is limited or with no existing EUNIC cluster. All EU Member States active on the continent therefore are invited to participate through their network of either cultural institutes or embassies.
Eligible Activities:
What are they looking for?
Projects need to subscribe to the principles of cultural relations and must go beyond the projection and promotion of (the diversity of) European culture in Sub-Saharan Africa. Project activities demonstrate deeper understanding of these principles by practicing mutual listening and learning, engaging in dialogue, co-creation and joint capacity building with all partners involved.
Projects can take any format, focusing on arts, creative industries, digitalisation, education, gender, heritage, human rights, social inclusion, sports, sustainability, tourism, youth, and others.
The call encourages contemporary and innovative formats, including digital or hybrid ones. As preparatory activities for the project, research, feasibility studies, and capacity building initiatives are possible. Projects could also have the potential to be upscaled and translated to a different context.
Extra attention should be given to widening access to culture and cultural collaborations, especially amongst:
People with disabilities
Communities outside urban areas
Communities living in fragile contexts, including environmental and security fragility.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
The call aims to broaden the range of local organisations collaborating with European counterparts in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The call also supports the involvement of EUNIC members that wish to intensify their collaboration on the continent, particularly where the presence of EU Member States or a EUNIC cluster is limited.
Project proposals must include a minimum of: three key local cultural and/or civil society partners, three full EUNIC members (with possible exceptions in countries with limited EUNIC presence), and involvement from EU Delegation(s) in the country(ies).
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: 08/06/2025
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Programme: GenScript
The GenScript Life Science Research Grant Program is a new initiative dedicated to supporting breakthroughs in life science research areas.
This program is designed to empower researchers by providing grant funding earmarked explicitly for purchasing GenScript reagents and services.
Eligible Activities:
Areas of Research
The grant offers financial support to researchers engaged in projects that can contribute significantly to critical areas of life science research, including but not limited to:
gene and cell therapy development,
antibody drug discovery,
vaccine development,
plant sciences.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
The program is open to researchers globally. There are no restrictions based on geographic location, and international applicants are encouraged to apply.
Eligible entities include academic/research institutions, universities, biotechnology companies, and other organizations engaged in life sciences research.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: 15/06/2025
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Programme: Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation (BST)
The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) strengthens transatlantic cooperation on regional, national, and global challenges and opportunities in the spirit of the Marshall Plan. Among other working areas, the Fund also supports civil society by fostering democratic initiatives, rule of law, and regional cooperation. It runs the The Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation (BST) which promotes: (1) regional cooperation and good governance in the Wider Black Sea region; (2) accountable, transparent, and open governments; (3) strong, effective civic sectors; and (4) independent and professional media.
Eligible Activities:
The Black Sea Trust’s (BST) Civic Participation program funds in-country projects:
· Armenia: Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in promoting citizen participation and democracy; Monitoring and challenging disinformation, hate speech, and fake news; Supporting independent media; Empowering youth in order to inspire agents of change; Supporting watchdog activities in order to hold the authorities accountable; Fighting corruption; Special focus on NGOs that are located in the regions, outside of the capital city of Yerevan
· Azerbaijan: Legal aid to civil society actors; Increase civic participation in the electoral processes; Support of independent media; Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in promoting citizen participation and democracy
· Georgia: Watchdog activities; Support of independent media; Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in promoting citizen participation and democracy
· Ukraine: Accountability of elected and appointed officials; Anti-corruption activities; Cohesion of civil society at national level; Think tanks and public policy; Support of independent media
· Moldova: Fighting foreign and state run propaganda, disinformation, and fake news; Supporting watchdog activities in order to hold authorities accountable; Supporting independent media; Empowering youth in order to inspire agents of change
Actions must take place in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine.
Eligible Applicants:
Regional Program projects can be initiated by civic entities from the Black Sea region (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Moldova, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine) or Central and Eastern Europe (such as the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia).
Total Budget: €1,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: Common Fund for Commodities (CFC)
The Common Fund for Commodities (CFC) invites applications for financial support from projects that aim to transform commodity value chains and uplift smallholder and SME-based enterprises in CFC member countries. The CFC provides a variety of financial and technical support options to empower SMEs, cooperatives, International Commodity Bodies (ICBs), and other institutions, particularly those led by or supporting women in agriculture.
Eligible Activities:
Their mission is to alleviate poverty and create sustainable livelihoods in commodity-dependent communities, with a strong emphasis on supporting the poorest and most vulnerable in the global value chains, including in areas of production, processing, financing, marketing, and R&D. Successful applications should demonstrate tangible, sustainable impacts on the lives of low-income populations who depend on commodities, with particular focus on female smallholders and women-led enterprises.
Quality project proposals from LDCs (Least Developed Countries), LLDCs (Landlocked Developing Countries) and SIDs (Small Island Developing States) will be given priority to alleviate more people from poverty.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible are SMEs/enterprises/businesses/cooperatives/financial institutions/governments. Women entrepreneurs are especially encouraged to apply.
Total Budget: $1,500,000 per project
Deadline: 01/04/2025
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Programme: UK PACT
As a demand-led programme, the Nigeria-UK PACT Country Fund aims to align its support with the Government of Nigeria’s existing plans and policies. Through consultation with the Government of Nigeria, UK PACT has identified key opportunities in the Climate Policy and Governance sector.
Eligible Activities:
The following projects have been identified for funding within this call for proposals:
· Strengthening Climate Governance and Policy Implementation: Enhancing Nigeria’s capacity in global climate negotiations
· Data and Monitoring for Climate Action: Building robust climate data and MRV systems
· Private Sector Climate Action: Enhancing private sector capacity for climate action
Actions must be implemented in Nigeria.
Eligible Applicants:
They invite all organisations with relevant experience and expertise in delivering technical assistance projects in the climate policy and governance sector to register. This could be Think tanks, academic institutions, NGOs, private companies, professional associations or similar organisations that have the knowledge, skills and experience to deliver technical assistance projects relating to one of the thematic areas outlined. As of 2024, organisations operated on a for-profit basis can participate as a partner, both within a consortium or as the lead implementing partner of a proposal; however, projects must be delivered on a not-for-profit basis.
Total Budget: £500,000 per project
Deadline: 03/04/2025
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Programme: Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF)
The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) is a joint initiative of l’Agence française de développement, Conservation International, the European Union, Fondation Hans Wilsdorf, the Global Environment Facility, the Government of Japan and the World Bank. A fundamental goal is to ensure civil society is engaged in biodiversity conservation.
Eligible Activities:
The Mediterranean Basin Biodiversity Hotspot is the second largest hotspot in the world and the largest of the world’s five Mediterranean-climate regions. CEPF’s investment strategy was updated in 2024. The resulting investment strategy (2025-2030) is documented within the ecosystem profile. This investment strategy is comprised of a series of strategic directions, broken down into investment priorities outlining the types of activities that are eligible for CEPF funding.
Actions can take place in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cabo Verde, Montenegro, Morocco, Tunisia, North Macedonia.
Eligible Applicants:
Non-governmental organizations, community groups, universities and small private enterprises may apply for funding. Individuals must work with civil society organizations to develop applications rather than apply directly.
Total Budget: €180,000 per project
Deadline: 11/04/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - International Partnerships
The overall objective of this call for proposals is to empower civil society organizations to actively engage in advocacy, oversight and decision-making processes that promote good governance, transparency and accountability, and strengthen the fight against corruption in public management at municipal, departmental and national levels.
Eligible Activities:
The specific objectives of this call for proposals are:
1. Promote inclusive and gender-sensitive citizen participation and dialogue at the municipal level in the areas of transparency, accountability and the fight against corruption, particularly through the Citizen Transparency Commissions (CCT).
2. Improve social auditing of public infrastructure projects, ensuring in particular the inclusion of vulnerable population groups.
3. Contribute to transparency and anti-corruption policies, as well as to comprehensive and inclusive citizen reporting mechanisms for acts of corruption.
Actions must take place in Honduras.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible organisations are: (1) non-profit-making; (2) be a civil society organisation; (3) and be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action.
Total Budget: €2,950,000
Deadline: 11/04/2025
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Programme: Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)
The Forest Governance, Markets and Climate (FGMC) programme is the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office’s (FCDO) flagship global forest governance initiative. The FCDO manages the programme centrally from the UK and works with UK embassies abroad and partner country governments. The business case for a second phase (FGMC2) sets out a 10-year vision. The budget for the first period to 2029 has been approved by ministers.
Eligible Activities:
A Programme Management and Strategy Support Team (PMSST) will assist the FCDO in managing the programme, including the accountable grants scheme. Accountable grants will be awarded by FCDO but contracted by the PMSST. This enables a focus on learning and encouraging collaboration between the various projects supported across the entire programme.
This call is inviting proposals for short concept notes from non-government organisations working to sustain global forests through policy action (for example, think tanks, advocacy groups and trade associations) whose actions are aligned to FGMC2 objectives. Organisations should be working to strengthen the civil society and private sector voice and capacities in national forest policy decision-making. For organisations working at national scale only (i.e., in one country), there will be other initiatives established under FGMC2 to support and develop local capacities.
FGMC2 aims to build forest governance partnerships with up to 16 tropical forest countries as set out in the Business Case. In this first grants round they would welcome proposals that help to build coalitions of practice across Guyana, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, China, Ghana, Liberia, Cameroon, Republic of Congo and DRC. The Concept Note guidance sets our further information in terms of any proposed country-specific actions. Proposals focused on action to inform and influence global processes is also welcome.
Eligible Applicants:
The FGMC2 accountable grants will be awarded to independent not-for-profit organisations only. This includes international and national non-government organisations (NGOs), federations and membership bodies. Government bodies (national, regional or local) and individuals are not eligible to apply.
Total Budget: €1,000,000
Deadline: 18/04/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - International Partnerships (IP)
The global objective of this call for proposals is to strengthen sustainable, in-country capacities for effective conflict management and peacebuilding. The specific objective of this call for proposal is to empower civil society actors, in particular young women and men, to act as agents for positive change and peace in their communities and in the public arena.
Eligible Activities:
The priorities of this call for proposals are:
· For Lot 1 (Guinea-Bissau) and Lot 4 (The Gambia) – Empowering young women and men as agents for positive change and peace: empowering inclusive and progressive local actors and initiatives for peace, reconciliation and/or social cohesion, in particular those representing or involving young women and men, also by promoting inspiring practices and narratives through different new and innovative channels.
· For Lot 2 (Liberia) – Strengthening the Youth Peace and Security agenda in Liberia: creating an inclusive and enabling environment in which young women and men safely and meaningfully participate in matters related to peace and security and/or in transitional justice processes. It is considered an added- value to address both aspects.
· For Lot 3 (Sierra Leone) – Fostering peaceful youth participation in more responsible and inclusive information systems: fostering the integrity of information systems at the grassroots level, also by educating young people on how to identify and counter information manipulation and violence incitement, and by encouraging youth participation in both traditional and new innovative spaces for dialogue and public debates.
Actions must take place in Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Sierra Leone and The Gambia.
Eligible Applicants:
In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must: (1) be a legal person and (2) be non-profit-making: non-governmental organisation or public sector operator and (3) be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary.
Total Budget: €4,000,000
Deadline: 24/04/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - International Partnerships (IP)
This call for proposals is divided into TWO LOTS:
LOT 1 – Human Rights and Democracy
LOT 2 – Support to Civil Society in Partner Countries
Eligible Activities:
LOT 1 – Human Rights and Democracy
Lot 1 – Specific Objective 1: Business and Human rights – Support civil society organisations, duty-bearers and right-holders’ participation in the implementation of national and international regulatory frameworks on Business and Human Rights.
Lot 1 – Specific Objetive 2: Human Rights Defenders – Support the recognition, promotion and protection of human rights defenders in Liberia.
Lot 1 – Specific Objetive 3: Transitional Justice – Support transitional justice processes in Liberia as a crucial step for the promotion of human rights, justice, peace and security, good governance, and development.
LOT 2 – Support to Civil Society in Partner Countries
Lot 2 – Specific Objective 1 – Promote good governance by strengthening Liberian civil society organisations’ (CSOs) and community-based organisations’ (CBOs) capacities to ensure informed and inclusive access to land and equal land-related economic opportunities.
Lot 2 – Specific Objective 2 – Strengthen Civil Society Organisations working for the inclusion of vulnerable and marginalised youth.
Actions must take place in Liberia.
Eligible Applicants:
In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must: (1) be a legal person and (2) be non-profit-making and (3) be a specific type of organisation such as: a non-governmental organisation or civil society organisation and (4) be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary.
Total Budget: €1,915,000
Deadline: 25/04/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - International Partnerships (IP)
The global objective of this call for proposals is to contribute to the prevention and elimination of human trafficking in the Lao PDR. The specific objective(s) of this call for proposals are:
1. Raise awareness about the risks, signs, and prevention of human trafficking among the vulnerable populations, especially girls and women;
2. Improve the protection of human trafficking victims.
Eligible Activities:
The priorities of this call for proposals are prevention and elimination of human trafficking, and protection of victims. Proposals should respond to the specific priorities listed above, and must both apply a human-rights based approach, considering groups in vulnerable situations (e.g. persons with disabilities), and a gender-transformative approach as per the European Union principles and the GAP III. Cross-cutting issues include: promotion of human rights, gender equality, children’s rights, the rights of persons belonging to minorities, the rights of persons with disabilities, and other vulnerable groups.
Actions must take place in Laos.
Eligible Applicants:
In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must: (1) be a legal person and (2) be non-profit-making: civil society organisation (CSO) and its associations and (3) be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary.
Total Budget:€1,750,000
Deadline: 28/04/2025
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Programme: High Commission of Canada
he CFLI is a program designed to support small-scale, high-impact projects in developing countries, which align with Global Affairs Canada’s thematic priority areas for engagement. The program is directed at projects conceived and designed predominantly by local partners. Projects are selected and approved by the relevant Canadian embassy or high commission. The CFLI also serves to support positive bilateral relations between Canada and recipient countries and their civil societies, by deepening contacts and supporting local endeavours.
Eligible Activities:
All projects must align with at least one of the following CFLI thematic priorities:
Inclusive governance, including diversity and 2SLGBTQI+, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.
Peace and security, with a focus on conflict prevention and building peace.
Growth that works for everyone, including women’s economic rights, decent jobs and entrepreneurship, investing in the poorest and most vulnerable, and safeguarding economic gains.
Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.
Human dignity, covering health, education and nutrition.
Environment and climate action focusing on adaptation and mitigation, as well as on water management.
Actions must take place in Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible applicants are: (1) local non-governmental, community and not-for-profit organisations; (2) local academic institutions working on local projects; (3) international, intergovernmental, multilateral and regional institutions, organizations and agencies working on local development activities; (4) municipal, regional or national government institutions or agencies of the recipient country working on local projects; and (5) Canadian non-governmental and not-for-profit organizations that are working on local development activities.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: 30/04/2025
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Programme: Lord and Lady Lurgan Trust
Lady Lurgan created the Lord and Lady Lurgan Trust in 1987, three years after the death of her husband. The Trust reflects the interests and lives of both Lord and Lady Lurgan who met through their love of music. The thematic focus areas of the Trust are: (1) music and arts education and participation; (2) deafness and other disabilities; (3) the elderly; (4) medical relief including hospice support; and (5) medical research.
Eligible Activities:
Most grants are awarded to projects in the UK (incl. Northern Ireland), but some grants are also issued for projects based in South Africa.
Actions must take place in South Africa.
Eligible Applicants:
The Trust only funds registered charities.
Total Budget: £100,000
Deadline: 30/04/2025
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Programme: Foundation fiat panis
The Foundation fiat panis is calling for nominations for the Justus von Liebig-Award for World Nutrition for outstanding achievements in the fight against hunger and poverty. The prize will be awarded to people or institutions which have made an outstanding contribution to the improvement of world nutrition or to alleviate the consequences of under- and malnutrition.
Eligible Activities:
The following areas are of particular interest:
· scientific contributions to research and teaching in the field of agricultural or nutritional sciences and related disciplines,
· entrepreneurial and organizational services
· achievements of a humanitarian nature
· contributions to the communication of world food problem and possible solutions.
Actions can take place worldwide.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible are individuals and institutions.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: 30/04/2025
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Programme: EMBO
The EMBO Global Investigator Network supports group leaders producing impactful research in the Life Sciences and who, at the time of application, are within their first six years of setting up their laboratories in Chile, India, Singapore or Taiwan. Through the EMBO Director’s Special Fund, EMBO has opened the call to researchers based in African countries.
Eligible Activities:
Global Investigators receive four years of financial support for networking activities, including travel costs, and benefit from training opportunities, support for their lab members, participation in EMBO events, and mentoring. They become part of an international network of more than 700 current and former EMBO Young Investigators, Global Investigators and Installation Grantees. This grant provides them with opportunities to form collaborations with scientists in their region and in Europe.
Actions must take place in Chile, India, Singapore, or Taiwan or Africa.
Eligible Applicants:
Candidates applying for an Installation Grant must: (1) Have been independent research group leaders for at least one year and for less than six years on 1 January in the year of the application; (2) Have an excellent track record; (3) Have published at least one senior author research paper in an international peer-reviewed journal from independent work carried out in their laboratory.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: 01/05/2025
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The Foundation supports humanitarian causes that use the power of aviation to help save lives, promote human welfare and alleviate suffering. Their focus is on restoring the basic necessities and improving the well-being of those in need as a result of global disasters and/or afflictions. As such, the ISTAT Foundation supports non-governmental, not-for-profit organizations that provide air transportation for patients that have critical needs for medical treatment and cargo for humanitarian purposes.
Eligible Activities:
Educational Grants are intended to build and enhance awareness of diverse careers in aviation, inspiring the next generation to consider a future in the aviation industry. Humanitarian Grants are aimed at supporting charitable, nonprofit organizations that leverage aviation to save lives, promote human welfare, and alleviate suffering.
Actions can take place in various countries worldwide.
Eligible Applicants:
Who qualifies for an Educational Grant? Organizations registered as non-governmental, nonprofit entities and offer aviation-focused programs or projects. Applications are accepted from a variety of organizations, including: Museums, Educational Institutions/Universities, Industry Associations/Student Associations, Youth Organizations.
Who qualifies for a Humanitarian Grant? Organizations registered as a charitable, nongovernmental entity focusing on aviation-related humanitarian prevention, relief, and/or recovery efforts for: Natural disasters (drought, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.); Human-generated disasters (conflict, social, industrial/transport accidents, etc.) or Health-related crises.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: 26/05/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - International Partnerships (IP)
The overall objective of this call for proposals is: To contribute to the deepening of trade and investment relations between the EU and Argentina in the green and digital sectors.
Eligible Activities:
The specific objectives of this call for proposals are:
· SO1: To increase the knowledge of Argentine and EU companies/entrepreneurs and authorities on the opportunities and business conditions relevant to GGIA in Argentina.
· SO2: To promote contact between GGIA actors (companies, authorities, financial institutions, civil society, etc.).
· SO3: To support European companies in GGIA commercial/investment projects along the value chain in Argentina.
(SO3 is considered the highest priority objective and to which a greater part of the financial resources should be channelled.)
Actions must take place in Argentina.
Eligible Applicants:
In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must: (1) be a legal person and (2) be non-profit-making and (3) be a specific type of organisation such as: non-governmental organization, think tank, chamber of commerce, industry association, business organization, thematic network dedicated to promoting international trade and/or investment and (4) be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary.
Total Budget: €5,000,000
Deadline: 30/05/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - ESF+
This call aims to support the development of social economy and social finance in Europe. The action grants will contribute to building up the institutional capacity of stakeholders, delivering support to social economy actors (e.g. cooperatives, social enterprises), as well as those supporting the development of social finance (i.e. microfinance, social enterprise finance and social impact investing) in Europe.
Eligible Activities:
The beneficiaries under this call are expected to:
a) support the Commission in its outreach activities at national and local levels, with the aim of ensuring awareness, contribution to and implementation of EU level policies and initiatives in the areas of the call,
b) increase the beneficiaries and their members’ capacity to contribute to policy design at EU, national and local levels, and
c) provide expertise and data as regards the potential, needs, barriers and opportunities faced by organisations active in the areas of the call.
Social economy entities, social enterprises and microenterprises are instrumental in the implementation of many of the European Pillar of Social Rights principles. In particular they play a key role in delivering the following principles:
01. Education, training and life-long learning,
02. Gender equality,
03. Equal opportunities,
04. Active support to employment,
05. Secure and adaptable employment,
09. Work-life balance,
11. Childcare and support to children,
17. Inclusion of people with disabilities,
18. Long-term care and
20. Access to essential services.
Actions must take place in EU member states + associated countries.
Eligible Applicants:
In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must: be legal entities (public or private bodies) and be established in one of the eligible countries.
Total Budget:€13,300,000. They expect to fund between 8 and 10 proposals ranging between €500,000 and €1,500,000 each.
Deadline: 19/06/2025
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Programme: German Embassy South Africa
Implementing the German Feminist Foreign Policy and the Just Energy Transition, the focus of the support is on the following sectors in South Africa, eSwatini and Lesotho:
Eligible Activities:
· Women’s rights, access to equal education and health care, women’s resources and representation
· Anti-discrimination of any kind, gender equality, anti-discrimination of sexual orientation and physical disabilities
· Measures supporting the Just Energy Transition
· Local economic development/alternative livelihoods, especially in communities with phased-out revenues from fossil fuels, small-scale farming
Actions must take place in South Africa. Applications from the priority target regions of Mpumalanga and Limpopo will be given enhanced consideration. Projects for Eastern-, Northern- and Western Cape are managed by the Consulate General in Cape Town.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility is limited to NGOs / NPOs and other civil society actors which support marginalised and impoverished communities or communities in transition.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: 31/03/2025
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Projects must contribute to the main objective of the Foundation: to preserve threatened tree species, avoid their extinction and improve their conservation status. Only projects aiming at improving the conservation status of globally threatened tree species listed on the IUCN Red List of Threatened species are eligible.
Eligible Activities:
Threatened species include those listed as Vulnerable (VU), Endangered (EN) or Critically Endangered (CR).
Therefore, applicants must check the status of their target species at to ensure that their project is eligible. If a species is considered as threatened but the assessment is not yet published on the Red List website, detailed additional information justifying a VU, EN or CR status must be provided. They define trees as plant species presenting a single trunk at least 2 meter high.
Actions must take place in Latin America.
Eligible Applicants:
Any organisation with well-established expertise and efficiency in plant conservation can apply. No more than one project can be submitted per organisation.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: 06/04/2025
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Programme: European Commission - CREA
The InnovLab support shall support the design, development and/or spread of innovative tools, models or solutions applicable in the audiovisual and other cultural and creative sectors (CCSs) with a high potential of replicability in those sectors.
Eligible Activities:
The objectives of the scheme is to encourage cooperation between the audiovisual sector and other CCSs in order to accompany their environmental transition and/or to improve their competitiveness and/or the circulation, visibility, discoverability, availability, diversity and the audience of European content across borders. The support also aims to enable the European audiovisual sector and other CCSs to better adapt to the opportunities offered by the development of Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Worlds.
Actions must take place in EU member states plus Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Tunisia and Ukraine.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility is limited to legal entities (public or private bodies).
Total Budget: €5,001,863
Deadline: 24/04/2025
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Programme: European Commission - CREA
Expected results are:
Improvement in the trans-national distribution of recent non-national European films.
Increase in the investment in the production, acquisition, promotion, theatrical and online distribution of non-national European films.
Develop links between the production and distribution sector thus improving the competitive position of non-national European films.
Eligible Activities:
There are two phases for the funded activities:
· The generation of a potential fund which will be attributed according to the performance of the company on the European market.
· The implementation of the action – the potential fund thus generated by each company must be reinvested in: the co-production of eligible non-national European films; the acquisition of distribution rights, for example by means of minimum guarantees, of eligible non-national European films; promotion, marketing and advertising on the market of eligible non-national European films both for theatrical and online releases.
Actions must take place in EU member states plus Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Tunisia and Ukraine.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility is limited to legal entities (public or private bodies).
Total Budget: €32,000,000
Deadline: 24/04/2025
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Programme: IUCN
The IUCN NL Land Acquisition Fund invites local conservation organisations and civil society organisations (CSOs) to submit their proposal for land acquisition to protect nature. The fund contributes to initiatives acquiring natural areas, creating reserves and connecting the habitat of endangered species. For 25 years, the Land Acquisition Fund has been enabling the protection of important ecosystems around the globe through land purchase, long-term land leasing and other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs).
Eligible Activities:
The general objective of the proposed project must be in line with the objective of the Land Acquisition Fund: providing funds to local NGOs and CSOs to acquire threatened nature, create reserves and connect habitats for endangered species. Furthermore, potentially successful proposals from NGOs or CSOs have:
· experience and capacity concerning the effective management of a conservation area, and
· experience and capacity in the field of project management and financial management and control.
Actions can take place in Africa, Asia Pacific and Latin America.
Eligible Applicants:
The Land Acquisition Fund cannot grant financial assistance to: individuals, commercial (for profit) organisations, governmental institutions, and projects/ organisations with a primary focus on sustainable agricultural systems or to education, rescue, or rehabilitation centres.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: 01/05/2025
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Programme: European Commission - CREA
The action European Cooperation Projects supports projects involving organisations in the cultural and creative sectors of all sizes, including micro-organisations and small-sized organisations, and from different countries to undertake sectoral or cross-sectoral activities. Proposals are expected to present a clear cross-border cooperation dimension as this is at the core of the European Cooperation Projects.
Eligible Activities:
The action is anchored in the policy framework of the Culture strand of the Creative Europe Programme and the EU Overarching Priorities (EU greening efforts, inclusion and gender equality, digital transition and international relations). European Cooperation Projects are open to all the cultural and creative sectors. However, considering that this action aims to pursue the objectives of the Culture strand of the Programme, projects involving exclusively organisations from the audio-visual sector and projects of an exclusive audiovisual content are out of scope for this call and therefore are not eligible for funding under it.
Actions must take place in EU member states plus Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Tunisia and Ukraine.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility is limited to legal entities (public or private bodies). The consortium most be composed of minimum 5 entities from 5 different eligible countries.
Total Budget: €20,992,767. The maximum EU grant amount is of €1,000,000 per project. The funding rate is of maximum 70%.
Deadline: 13/05/2025
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Programme: European Commission - CREA
The action European Cooperation Projects supports projects involving organisations in the cultural and creative sectors of all sizes, including micro-organisations and small-sized organisations, and from different countries to undertake sectoral or cross-sectoral activities. Proposals are expected to present a clear cross-border cooperation dimension as this is at the core of the European Cooperation Projects.
Eligible Activities:
The action is anchored in the policy framework of the Culture strand of the Creative Europe Programme and the EU Overarching Priorities (EU greening efforts, inclusion and gender equality, digital transition and international relations). European Cooperation Projects are open to all the cultural and creative sectors. However, considering that this action aims to pursue the objectives of the Culture strand of the Programme, projects involving exclusively organisations from the audio-visual sector and projects of an exclusive audiovisual content are out of scope for this call and therefore are not eligible for funding under it.
Actions must take place in EU member states plus Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Tunisia and Ukraine.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility is limited to legal entities (public or private bodies). The consortium most be composed of minimum 10 entities from 10 different eligible countries.
Total Budget: €17,993,801. The maximum EU grant amount is of €2,000,000 per project. The funding rate is of maximum 60%.
Deadline: 13/05/2025
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Programme: European Commission - CREA
The action European Cooperation Projects supports projects involving organisations in the cultural and creative sectors of all sizes, including micro-organisations and small-sized organisations, and from different countries to undertake sectoral or cross-sectoral activities. Proposals are expected to present a clear cross-border cooperation dimension as this is at the core of the European Cooperation Projects.
Eligible Activities:
The action is anchored in the policy framework of the Culture strand of the Creative Europe Programme and the EU Overarching Priorities (EU greening efforts, inclusion and gender equality, digital transition and international relations). European Cooperation Projects are open to all the cultural and creative sectors. However, considering that this action aims to pursue the objectives of the Culture strand of the Programme, projects involving exclusively organisations from the audio-visual sector and projects of an exclusive audiovisual content are out of scope for this call and therefore are not eligible for funding under it.
Actions must take place in EU member states plus Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Tunisia and Ukraine.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility is limited to legal entities (public or private bodies). The consortium must be composed of minimum 3 entities from 3 different eligible countries.
Total Budget: €20,992,767. The maximum EU grant amount is of €200,000 per project. The funding rate is of maximum 80%.
Deadline: 13/05/2025
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Programme: Youth4Climate
Y4C’s Call for Solutions is a global innovation challenge for Youth and Youth-led organizations working on climate action focused projects. The Call aims to fund new and existing youth-led solutions that are ready to implement or scale, and to support the further development of young people’s ideas and projects by providing relevant learning opportunities with the support of partners. In 2025, the Youth4Climate Call for Solutions launches its third round of funding opportunities for young people aged 18 to 29 and youth-led entities.
Eligible Activities:
Applicants to the Call for Solutions can request up to USD 30,000 in seed funding and successful applicants will also benefit from:
Connections and visibility at country, regional and global levels that may enable scaling and growth of their projects.
Capacity development offers include a mentorship programme consisting of group workshops, one-to-one mentorship, and project pitching and feedback opportunities.
They are supporting projects worldwide in America, Asia, Africa, Europe and the Pacific.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible are: (1) Young Individuals aged 18 to 29 and who meet the remainder of the eligibility criteria; (2) A legally registered, youth-led civil society organization (CSO), non-governmental organization (NGO), community-based organization (CBO), or company with the majority of the organization’s leadership being young people aged 18-29 years at the time of submitting the application.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: 26/05/2025
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Programme: European Commission - CREA
The aim of the support is to create and operate a network of cinemas with a view to:
Encourage cinema operators to screen a significant proportion of non- national European films through incentives and collaborative projects;
Contribute to raise and increase the interest of the audience for non-national films including through the development of activities for young cinema-goers;
Help those cinemas to adapt their strategy to the changing environment including by promoting innovative approaches in terms of audience reach and engagement, as well as partnerships with other film industry operators as well as with local cultural institutions;
Encourage exchange of best practices, knowledge sharing and other forms of cross border collaboration amongst members of the network
Contribute to the policy dialogue on the film industry by collecting data and disseminating the outcome of the activities of the network beyond its members.
Eligible Activities:
Expected results are:
· Increase the audience for non-national European films on the European market;
· Reach new audiences for European films including young cinema-goers;
· Reinforce and renew the ongoing cinema experience;
· Adjust the business practices of European cinema theatres in terms of sustainability and inclusion;
· Foster the innovation potential of European cinema theatres through enhanced collaboration.
Actions must take place in EU member states plus Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Tunisia and Ukraine.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility is limited to legal entities (public or private bodies).
Total Budget: €15,500,000
Deadline: 16/07/2025
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Programme: LEO Foundation
Research Grants from LEO Foundation are open competition grants given to support the best dermatology research projects worldwide. They welcome applications for research projects that improve the understanding of the underlying medicinal, biological, chemical, or pharmacological mechanisms of dermatological diseases and their symptoms.
Eligible Activities:
They also welcome applications for projects that address clinical issues among people who are at risk of developing, or have developed, a skin disease, including how it impacts their quality of life and the societal costs involved. The aim is to support the best dermatology research projects worldwide.
Actions can take place worldwide.
Eligible Applicants:
Any researcher who has obtained at least a PhD degree or equivalent academic qualifications may apply. The applicant must be affiliated with a university, hospital, or other non-profit organization. The LEO Foundation welcomes applicants from anywhere in the world.
Total Budget: €1,000,000
Deadline: 11/09/2025
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Programme: European Commission - CREA
The objective of the European mini-slate development support is to foster the competitiveness of European independent production companies and to increase their economic weight on the market. The aim is also to increase the capacity of audiovisual producers to develop projects with the potential to circulate throughout Europe and beyond, and to facilitate European and international coproduction. The support will also provide an entry point for emerging talent, giving them the opportunity to direct a short film supported by the strong foundation provided by experienced companies.
Eligible Activities:
Expected results are:
· A stronger position on European and international markets for companies selected under European mini-slate development.
· Increased quality, feasibility, cross-border potential and market value of European works supported.
· Support will be given to independent European production companies able to develop a slate of 2 to 3 audiovisual works (fiction, animation, creative documentary). This should allow production companies to reduce risks and increase their capacity to attract and retain talents.
Actions must take place in EU member states plus Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Tunisia and Ukraine.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility is limited to legal entities (public or private bodies).
Total Budget: €5,500,000
Deadline: 17/09/2025
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The purpose of the LEO Foundation Visiting Researchers program is to stimulate a cohesive and agile skin research ecosystem by supporting temporary embedment of skin researchers in a foreign research environment with the aim of fostering genuine international collaborations and strengthening the exchange of knowledge, ideas, methodology, and technology between Danish and international skin research communities.
Eligible Activities:
The program is anchored in Denmark, i.e., an applicant from a Danish research institution can apply to visit a research institution abroad, or an applicant at an international research institution can apply to visit a Danish research institution.
Actions can take place worldwide.
Eligible Applicants:
Applicants must be at or above postdoc level.The LEO Foundation welcomes applicants from anywhere in the world.
Total Budget: €1,000,000
Deadline: 01/10/2025
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Programme: GIVING JOY
At Giving Joy, they are committed to expanding our support for women-led initiatives worldwide. To give more women the opportunity to apply for our micro-grants, they are excited to announce a new application schedule tailored by geographic region. This approach allows us to dedicate focused time to each region, considering local nuances and innovations.
Eligible Activities:
Starting in January 2025, their grant application periods will open quarterly, with each region receiving a one-month window to apply during each quarter. Women can use the grant to start a new business, or expand an existing business. You can also use the grant to start or expand a nonprofit, non-governmental organization (NGO), charity, or propose a specific activity or project you would like to implement.
Actions can take place worldwide.
Eligible Applicants:
Applicants must be women ages 18 and up.
Total Budget: €100,000
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The Minor Foundation for Major Challenges is a Norwegian trust that funds communication projects which mitigate anthropogenic climate change. The board grants support to the projects they believe have the greatest impact on influencing public opinion and increasing political support for cutting green house gas emissions. The Foundation’s work focuses on providing inspiration, changing attitudes, spreading information, etc., all meant to have an impact on decision-makers in society.
Eligible Activities:
Their ultimate goal is to reach as many people as possible in the hope of limiting and helping to prevent global climate changes. Most of their funding goes to Europe. So far they have supported around 30 projects. Innovative and experimental projects with high impact are particularly encouraged. The thematic areas of eligible for funding are (1) climate change and (2) environment and natural resources. The foundation’s priorities are to:
– encourage and support innovation in climate communication
– increase the number of voices and narratives in climate advocacy
– help strengthen social and political movements that open up for radical change
– concentrate on supporting European proposals
They have funded projects in Asia (China) and Europe but welcome applications from all over the world.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible for funding are non-profit organisations with a mission to combat climate change and environmental concerns.
Total Budget: €200,000 per applicant
Deadline: 27/11/2025
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Programme: Bhutan Foundation
The Small Grant program of the Foundation is to:
· Respond to emerging and critical needs, supporting partners’ changing and dynamic environments
· Leverage new knowledge, expand the network, and enhance partnership with CSOs and CBOs
· Supplement and consolidate ongoing efforts.
Eligible Activities:
The program is aimed at supporting small-scale, innovative, and impactful projects with measurable results across Bhutan.
Actions must take place in Buthan.
Eligible Applicants:
Bhutan Foundation invites all Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Community-based Organizations (CBOs).
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: 31/03/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - International Partnerships
The global objective of this call for proposals is the improvement of life skills through their integration in the upper secondary education curricula and careers guidance introduced in the school system.
Eligible Activities:
The specific objectives of this call for proposals are:
• To improve the ‘21st century skills’ (critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity) of adolescents with a pilot in small cities.
• To develop a career guidance model and design the training materials for career guidance professionals in schools.
Actions must take place in Albania.
Eligible Applicants:
In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must: (1) be a legal person and (2) be non-profit-making and (3) be a specific type of organisation such as: public or private universities or research institutions or public sector operator, or international (inter-governmental) organisation and (4) be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary.
Total Budget: €1,000,000
Deadline: 7/04/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - International Partnerships (IP)
The global objective of this call for proposals is to support the EU-China dialogue on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) standards – with particular focus on highly competitive economic sectors (e.g. green economy, automotive, chemicals, construction and mining) – to contribute to enhancing the level playing field between European Union (EU) and Chinese companies.
Eligible Activities:
The specific objective(s) of this call for proposals are:
1. Promote EU data and standards to improve China’s methodology for data collection and analysis systems on accidents at work and other work-related health problems.
2. Analyse the causes of occupational accidents and work-related health problems in China, and thereby promote the development of policies and regulations in line with EU best practices and standards and provide relevant information to the EU policy makers for the dialogues.
Actions must take place in China.
Eligible Applicants:
In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must: (1) be a legal person and (2) be Non-governmental organisation, Public and private sector organisations (both profit & non-profit), Economic operators, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), Public bodies, International (inter-governmental) organisation as defined by Article 159(1) of the EU Financial Regulation
and (3) be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary.
Total Budget:€2,500,000
Deadline: 08/04/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - International Partnerships (IP)
The global objective of this call for proposals is to strengthen Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) as actors of good governance and development in their own right. The call aims to contribute to an inclusive, participatory, empowered, and independent civil society in Pakistan; and an inclusive and open dialogue with and between CSOs.
Eligible Activities:
The specific objective of this call for proposals is to address key challenges faced by women and youth in Pakistan through CSOs-led projects9 and the strengthening of women’s and youth organisations. The priorities of the call for proposals are divided in two lots:
Lot 1 – Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women and Girls
Lot 2 – Youth Empowerment and Leadership
Actions must take place in Pakistan.
Eligible Applicants:
In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must: (1) be a legal person and (2) be non-profit-making and (3) be a specific type of organisation such as: non-governmental organisation (Civil Society Organisation) and (4) be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary.
Total Budget: €5,914,000
Deadline: 09/04/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - International Partnerships (IP)
The global objective of this call for proposals is to contribute to the full enjoyment of all human rights, be they civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights. The specific objective of this call for proposals is to support CSOs-led initiatives aimed to protect and promote human rights in the area of criminal justice in Pakistan, support improvements to the legal, procedural and institutional frameworks, to the benefit of the citizens and residents of Pakistan.
Eligible Activities:
The priorities of this call for proposals include the following:
– Upholding of human rights standards in prisons and other places of detention, including prevention of torture and other cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, as well as safeguards for death row prisoners;
– Upholding the rights to equality before the courts and tribunals and to a fair trial, including respect for human rights standards in sentencing policies and mercy petition processes;
– Access to justice for vulnerable groups, including enhancing access to legal aid as well as effective investigations and prosecution of crimes against women, children or minorities, in particular.
Actions must take place in Pakistan.
Eligible Applicants:
In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must: (1) be a legal person and (2) be non-profit-making and (3) be a specific type of organisation such as: non-governmental organisation (Civil Society Organisation) and (4) be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary.
Total Budget: €2,417,410
Deadline: 16/04/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - UCPM
· Priority 1: Improving risk assessment, anticipation, and disaster risk management planning: DRM strategies will only entirely address the risks a country faces with an assessment that takes into account climate change, cross-border risks emerging risks, cascading effects, high impact low probability risks, and exposed or vulnerable areas and groups, including persons with disabilities. This priority aims at enhancing the eligible entities’ capability to identify and assess relevant disaster risks with potential transboundary/trans-European and cross-sectoral impacts and use that information to reinforce disaster prevention and preparedness activities.
· Priority 2: Increasing risk awareness and preparedness of the population: Population plays an important role in disaster prevention and preparedness and citizens are usually the first responders to disasters. National, sub-national and local authorities should cooperate, together with the private sector and civil society organisations, to i) increase disaster risk awareness and understanding of the population, ii) fostering a culture of risk prevention and preparedness to risks, iii) create favourable conditions for individuals to actively engage in DRR/DRM activities.
· Priority 3: Enhancing early warning: Early warning systems are key elements for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. In the wake of the Covid-19 crisis and with the recent extreme weather events and cascading impacts across sectors, the importance of advanced multi-hazard and risk warnings has never been more widely acknowledged. Although in Europe there is considerable experience with early warning systems, especially for weather and climate-related hazards, recent disasters have shown that more effort and collaboration is necessary. This would include the use of new technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, in order to be able to process large volumes of data in a timely fashion, appropriate for emergency management.
· Priority 4: Ensuring a robust civil protection system by strengthening institutional preparedness and individual capacity: Ensuring a robust civil protection system plays a crucial part in efficiently meeting the demands placed on civil protection and DRM authorities, in particular during and after a disaster, when society needs them most. Increasing complexities during disasters, changing parameters as a result of climate change and the ever-growing risk of concurrent disasters or prolonged emergencies, require institutions with a role in DRM to adapt and prepare themselves accordingly.
Eligible Activities:
Actions must take place in EU member states plus Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Türkiye, Ukraine.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must be legal entities (public or private bodies) established in the eligible countries.
Total Budget: €10,000,000
Deadline: 29/04/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - CERV
With this call, divided into 4 priorities, we aim at financing projects that will:
· support the development of large-scale, long-term actions on tackling gender-based violence, with regranting (giving financial support to third party Civil Society Organisations)
· protect and support victims and survivors of gender-based violence and domestic violence
· prevent gender-based violence, including cyber violence
· make integrated child protection systems work in practice
Eligible Activities:
To fight violence, including gender-based violence and violence against children by:
· Preventing and combating at all levels all forms of gender-based violence against women and girls in all their diversity and domestic violence, including by promoting the standards laid down in the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence;
· Preventing and combating all forms of violence against children, young people and other groups at risk, such as LGBTQI persons and persons with disabilities;
· Supporting and protecting all direct and indirect victims of the forms of violence referred to in points (1) and (2), such as the victims of domestic violence perpetrated within the family or within intimate relationships, including children orphaned as a result of domestic crimes, and supporting and ensuring the same level of protection throughout the Union for victims of gender-based violence.
Actions must take place in EU Member States, the EFTA/EEA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, EU candidate countries: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Ukraine.
Eligible Applicants:
Applicants (the notion of applicants concerns applicants and partners) must be either public bodies or non-profit organisations with legal personality.
Total Budget: €23,000,000
Deadline: 07/05/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - UCPM
The overall objective is to improve civil protection preparedness and response to all kinds of disasters inside the Member States/Participating States of the Mechanism by providing a testing environment and a learning opportunity for all actors involved in civil protection assistance interventions: a full-scale exercise.
Eligible Activities:
The scenario for the exercises should build on risk assessments. Examples, but not exclusively, extreme weather, wildfires, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, industrial risk, critical infrastructure disruption, marine pollution, epidemic/health risk, CBRN, and multi-sectorial emergencies. In addition to the main theme, cross-cutting issues such as gender, age, persons with disabilities, human rights, environmental sustainability, green economic practices, digitalisation, resilience in infrastructure, the protection of cultural heritage, etc. are encouraged to be considered and included as relevant
Actions must take place in EU member states plus Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Türkiye, Ukraine, Georgia, Kosovo.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must be legal entities (public or private bodies) established in the eligible countries.
Total Budget: €4,000,000
Deadline: 15/05/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - Erasmus+
The objective of the present call is to provide structural support, referred to as operating grants, to European non-governmental organisations (ENGOs) and EU-wide networks active in the field of youth pursuing the following general aims/objectives:
· Raise awareness of the EU Youth Strategy including the European Youth Goals, through actions to engage, connect and empower youth;
· Promote and strengthen the EU Youth Dialogue in order to build young people’s confidence in the EU project by addressing the democratic deficit, lack of transparency and visibility and to ensure meaningful youth involvement and dialogue at all stages of EU decision-making by improving existing participation mechanisms and creating new ones. This will build on the legacy of the European Year of Youth and its commitment to strengthen the EUYD as the main youth participation instrument in Europe.-Strengthen dialogue with civil society and citizens, particularly young people;
· Ensure young people have better access to reliable information, support their ability to evaluate information critically and engage in participatory and constructive dialogue;
· Strengthen young people’s democratic participation and autonomy as well as provide dedicated youth spaces in all areas of society;
· Increase commitment and cooperation of youth civil society actors with public authorities for the implementation of policies in areas relevant for young people;
· Boost youth stakeholder participation, including by building upon the potential of digital communication alongside other forms of participation;
· Boost youth civil society involvement in the dissemination of policy and programme actions including results and good practices among their membership and beyond.
Eligible Activities:
Activities must take place in EU Member States or third countries associated to the Programme.
Eligible Applicants:
Any participating organisation established in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme can be the applicant. This organisation applies on behalf of all participating organisations involved in the project.
Total Budget: €1,000,000
Deadline: 15/05/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - JUST
This call aims to establish 3-year Framework Partnership Agreements with European networks whose statutory aims are to facilitate and support judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters and/or access to justice for all. The annual operating grants to be signed on the basis of these Framework Partnership Agreements will enhance the capacities of these networks to contribute actively to the development and implementation of the EU policies in these areas.
Eligible Activities:
Actions must take place in EU Member States, the EFTA/EEA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, EU candidate countries: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, Ukraine, Moldova and North Macedonia.
Eligible Applicants:
Applicants (the notion of applicants concerns applicants and partners) must be either public bodies or non-profit organisations with legal personality.
Total Budget: €1,000,000
Deadline: 26/06/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - JUST
In the area of judicial cooperation: to facilitate and support judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters, and promote the rule of law, independence and impartiality of the judiciary, including by supporting the efforts to improve the effectiveness of national justice systems, and the effective enforcement of decisions.
In the area of access to justice: to facilitate effective and non-discriminatory access to justice for all, and effective redress, including by electronic means (e-justice), by promoting efficient civil, and criminal procedures, and by promoting and supporting the rights of all victims of crime, as well as the procedural rights of suspects and accused persons in criminal proceedings.
Eligible Activities:
These grants will fund operating costs and those activities of the network which have EU added value and contribute to the implementation of the objectives of the Programme among others: analytical activities, training activities, mutual learning, cooperation, awareness-raising and dissemination activities. Applicants must provide a detailed annual work programme for a period of 12 months.
Actions must take place in EU Member States, the EFTA/EEA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, EU candidate countries: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, Ukraine, Moldova and North Macedonia.
Eligible Applicants:
Applicants (the notion of applicants concerns applicants and partners) must be either public bodies or non-profit organisations with legal personality.
Total Budget: €4,425,000
Deadline: 03/07/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - CERV
The programme helps to promote intercultural dialogue by bringing people of different nationalities and different languages together and giving them the opportunity to participate in common activities. In this context, Town-Twinning projects will raise awareness of the richness of Europe’s cultural and linguistic environment and promote mutual understanding and respect, contributing to the development of a respectful, dynamic and multifaceted European identity and the respect of common values, democracy and fundamental rights.
Eligible Activities:
In view of this overall objective, the projects may address the following topics (the list is not exhaustive):
– The EU is built on solidarity: solidarity between its citizens, solidarity across borders between its Member States, and solidarity through support actions in and beyond the EU. Solidarity is a shared value that creates cohesion and responds to societal challenges. Town-Twinning projects will help to overcome national perceptions by fostering mutual understanding and by creating fora where common solutions can be discussed in a constructive way. Their aim should be to raise awareness of the importance of reinforcing the European integration process based on solidarity and EU values;
– Town-Twinning projects will give citizens the opportunity to express what kind of Europe they want. Debates supported under the Town-Twinning measure should be based on the EU’s specific achievements and on lessons learnt from history and from European integration. They should also reflect on current trends, and enable participants to challenge euroscepticism and to suggest possible actions that the EU could take to foster a sense of belonging to Europe, to increase an understanding of the benefits of the EU and to reinforce the EU’s social and political cohesion.
Actions must take place in EU Member States, the EFTA/EEA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, EU candidate countries: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Ukraine.
Eligible Applicants:
Applicants (the notion of applicants concerns applicants and partners) must be either public bodies or non-profit organisations with legal personality.
Total Budget: €
Deadline: 17/09/2025
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Programme: EIT Culture & Creativity
EIT Culture & Creativity invites proposals for the 2025 Short Innovation Projects - Segment 1, supporting high-impact initiatives that tackle key challenges in the Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries (CCSI).
The call focuses on fast-paced, results-driven innovation projects with a maximum duration of 6 months, delivering tangible and market-ready solutions within a short timeframe.
With a strong emphasis on Fashion, Architecture, Cultural Heritage, Audio-Visual Media, and Gaming, the call seeks to accelerate commercialisation and market adoption of innovations that address the challenges of globalisation, digital transformation, emerging technologies (such as AI), and environmental sustainability.
Eligible Activities:
Scope and Topics
Call segment 1 (single applicant)
The Call for Short Innovation Projects, segment 1, supports 6-month projects carried out by a single SME or micro enterprise. These projects advance technologies from TRL 7 to TRL 9, ensuring rapid commercialization. The single applicant must independently manage the project, act as the commercial partner, and implement the innovation.
Priority sectors include all five EIT CC priority areas: Fashion, Cultural Heritage, Architecture, Gaming, and Audio-Visual Media. The expected outcome is a market-ready product, service, or business model, with a clear path to commercialization across multiple European markets.
All proposals must have a minimum co-funding rate of 30% across the project. Partners within a consortium may have different individual co-funding rates, as long as the overall co-funding for the entire project meets the required minimum of 30%.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
Call segment 1 (single applicant)
Proposals must be submitted by a single SME or micro enterprise established in an EU Member State or Horizon Europe-associated country. The single entity acts as both the innovation developer and commercial partner, progressing an innovation from TRL 7 to TRL 9 within 6 months. The entity is fully responsible for market readiness and contributing to financial sustainability through the Financial Sustainability Mechanism (FSM).
Total Budget: €595,000
Deadline: 11/04/2025
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Programme: CIVICUS
The WeRise Campaign is a global initiative by CIVICUS aimed at protecting and promoting the Freedom of Peaceful Assembly (FoPA) as a fundamental right. This second cohort builds on the success of the first, fostering a network of activists, organizers, and movement builders committed to expanding civic space through innovative and impactful protest strategies. The campaign seeks to support sixteen CIVICUS members from four different regions in designing local campaigns that challenge traditional protest methods, redefine who can participate, and reshape the future of activism.
Eligible Activities:
Proposals should highlight the voices of marginalized groups, including refugees, migrants, students, trade unionists, and artivists, and tackle systemic barriers to peaceful assembly. CIVICUS is particularly interested in proposals that address the experience of FoPA for migrants and refugees, the criminalization and violence against protest movements and activists, and the role of AI and digital surveillance in repressing protests. The campaign prioritizes grassroots, creative, and context-specific solutions that directly counter the increasing repression of activism worldwide.
The campaign prioritizes applications from countries where restrictions on protests are most severe. These include Angola, Mozambique, Ghana, Guinea-Conakry, Thailand, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Jordan, Iran, Egypt, Tunisia, Argentina, El Salvador, Venezuela, and Peru.
Eligible Applicants:
The call is open to a wide range of groups and movements actively engaged in defending and expanding civic space. Eligible applicants include social movements, both registered and unregistered, protest movements, including climate justice groups, refugee and diaspora networks advocating for FoPA, trade unions protecting workers’ rights, student movements pushing for change, and artivists who use creative expression as a form of resistance.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: 15/03/2025
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The Elisabeth & Amelie Fund supports projects of Belgian organizations working in developing countries to improve access to drinking water. The Fund aims to improve access to water and sanitation by establishing drinking water and sanitation systems in schools. The call for projects will focus on school sanitation projects with a hygiene education component. Access to sufficient safe water, basic sanitation and hygiene is an absolute necessity to maintain the health of a community and contribute to its economic development. Water being a common good, it must be managed equitably. There must be a concerted approach between all stakeholders. In the current context of climate change, it is essential to emphasize water conservation while adapting to local specificities and context.
Eligible Activities:
Previously funded projects include:
· Setting up two permaculture pilot projects in a park with communal vegetable gardens to help vulnerable women farmers, to grow vegetables more efficiently, and encourage families with private vegetable gardens to make sustainable use of rainwater and wastewater;
· Installing collectors to collect rainwater for vulnerable families in an arid area, and encourage families to grow vegetables on their plots in order to reduce their dependence on remote water points and vegetable markets; and also to contribute to food security and the health;
· Reforestation and groundwater replenishment for irrigation agriculture, groundwater wells, reservoir purification and rainwater collection in schools, to improve access to irrigation and drinking water for farming families and their children.
Actions must take place in the Southern Hemisphere (i.e. Ethiopia, Mali, Cambodia etc.).
Eligible Applicants:
Communities and organizations from developing countries may contact a Belgian organization to submit a joint project. Eligible are Belgian organizations working in countries in the southern hemisphere to improve access to drinking water.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: 25/03/2025
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Programme: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
The Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF), Wellcome, and the Gates Foundation (GF) are jointly launching a new initiative, Gram-Negative Antibiotic Discovery Innovator (Gr-ADI), to drive innovation in early drug discovery for Gram-negative pathogens.
This Grand Challenges RFP will identify and select the first projects within the consortium. The focus of this RFP will be on the discovery of antibiotics with broad spectrum activity against Enterobacteriaceae, using Klebsiella spp. as the pathogen to initiate a discovery program.
Eligible Activities:
The Challenge
The ultimate objective of Gr-ADI will be to enable discovery of safe and simple first-line broad-spectrum drugs for syndromic management, through:
Development of novel and emerging biological, chemical, and AI tools that could be applied broadly for antibiotic discovery to identify new antibiotic targets.
Application of these innovative approaches to generate chemical starting points for project-based drug discovery.
Fostering a collective mindset to address gaps in knowledge, solve problems, and manage a portfolio of targets and hits.
Proposals must address at least one of the following themes:
Development of genome-scale tools or other innovative technologies to identify new chemical starting points linked to targets as well as assessment of potential drug target vulnerability, singly or in combination.
Development of innovative technologies to select targets and chemical leads with a very high bar to resistance.
Gaining a better understanding of the chemistry underlying penetration of compounds to different compartments of the bacterial cell to build a platform to rapidly test whether compounds reach and accumulate at their target.
Development of novel and coordinated approaches to identifying new chemical leads for clinically or in vivo validated drug targets, for which there is currently no agent in Phase 3.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
This initiative is open to nonprofit organizations, for-profit companies, international organizations, government agencies, and academic institutions.
Only individuals who are applying through a legally recognized corporate entity are eligible.
They particularly encourage applications from institutions based in LMICs and projects led by women and other groups that are historically underrepresented in the drug discovery field. All applications received will then be reviewed on their merits.
Lead applicants must be able to demonstrate the experience needed to drive and lead a project and to deliver on the objectives.
Applications can be from multi- and inter-disciplinary teams, and they encourage lead applicants to put together diverse teams, promoting a diverse, inclusive, and supportive research environment.
Researchers may participate as co-applicants or collaborators on multiple proposals but may submit only one application as a lead applicant to this RFP. If researchers are co-applicants or collaborators on multiple proposals, they must be able to demonstrate that they can dedicate enough time and resources to all projects if all the projects they are involved in are funded.
Total Budget: $5,000,000
Deadline: 25/03/2025
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Programme: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is seeking proposals for innovative solutions for the early detection, prevention, and treatment of preeclampsia, particularly in low- and middle-income countries where maternal mortality rates are high.
To support this focus, they are looking for collaborations, including those with research institutions, health care providers, and global health organizations, that enable cross-sector insights and ensure that solutions are adaptable and practical.
Eligible Activities:
The objectives of the challenge are:
Early prediction and detection of preeclampsia: They seek biomarkers (including other than sFlt1 and PlGF), diagnostic tests, and point-of-care technologies to predict early in pregnancy the risk of preeclampsia and to diagnose it before symptoms become severe.
Understanding the pathophysiology of preeclampsia and its heterogeneity: They seek to understand the biological mechanisms driving the disease and its subtypes so that new interventions can be effectively tailored to the underlying etiology.
Preventive and therapeutic interventions: They seek new approaches to known targets or new targets to reduce the incidence and severity of preeclampsia, mitigate disease progression, and prevent the cardiovascular and metabolic complications that often follow it.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
This initiative is open to nonprofit organizations, for-profit companies, international organizations, government agencies, and academic institutions.
They particularly encourage applications involving projects led by women or from women-led organizations and applications from institutions based in low- and middle-income countries.
They are looking for proposals that:
Identify biomarkers that easily, reliably, and affordably predict preeclampsia risk early in pregnancy
Identify biochemical, genetic, epigenetic, or metabolomic signatures that can be translated into point-of-care tests
Leverage innovations in mobile health, wearable sensors, or simple clinical algorithms to identify women at risk before symptoms become severe
Identify the underlying biological mechanisms driving preeclampsia and its subtypes, including the roles of the placenta, endothelial function, immune response, and gut microbiota
Total Budget: $500,000 per project
Deadline: 25/03/2025
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Programme: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
This Grand Challenge on Innovative Data and Modeling Approaches to Measure Women’s Health seeks to advance innovative ways to measure women’s health by either developing new measurement models or adapting existing ones to better capture the full scope of women’s health burdens and progress.
This Grand Challenge prioritizes solutions that leverage data sources that are existing or under development rather than relying on new, large-scale data collection efforts, ensuring sustainability and feasibility.
Eligible Activities:
They invite applicants to explore bold, innovative approaches. Specifically, the objectives of the Challenge will be to:
Reimagine new ways to understand and measure women’s health that extend beyond the limitations of existing composite indicators such as DALY.
Use existing data sets or easily collectible datasets to quantify women’s health outcomes across countries. While this Grand Challenge does not fund large-scale data collection, proposals may include small-scale data expansion where it is feasible, policy-relevant, and significantly enhances gendered analysis.
Design innovative methodologies that incorporate gendered, socio-cultural, economic, and structural determinants of health, ensuring a comprehensive gender-sensitive approach (A gender-sensitive approach takes into consideration how one's gender impacts access to services, risk and protective factors and barriers that are uniquely experienced because of one's gender in a society).
Create tools or frameworks that enable cross-cultural or subnational comparative analysis, identifying context-specific gaps and progress.
Reflect the interconnected dimensions of women’s health across the life course
Incorporate gaps in the measurement of:
Skills, knowledge, and networks: addressing how gender disparities in education, training, and professional networks impact health access, decision making, and service delivery.
Supply and access to services: examining how health systems, financing mechanisms, and gender-based barriers affect the availability, affordability, and accessibility of essential services for women
Health and economic impacts: capturing the intersection of health outcomes with economic participation, caregiving burdens, workforce inclusion, and financial independence.
Produce outputs that are:
Methodologically rigorous: applying sound data science, statistical modeling, or analytical techniques that enhance the validity and reliability of women’s health measurements.
Interpretable and actionable: ensuring results can be understood and applied by policymakers and implementers.
Comparative and scalable: enabling cross-cultural or subnational analysis to identify patterns, disparities, and opportunities for intervention.
Gender-sensitive and intersectional: incorporating the social, economic, and structural determinants that affect women’s health outcomes.
Policy-relevant and decision-oriented: providing insights that have the potential to directly inform policies, resource allocation, or program design to improve women’s health measurement and action.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
This initiative is open to nonprofit organizations, for-profit companies, international organizations, government agencies and academic institutions. They particularly encourage applications involving projects led by women, early-career researchers and practitioners seeking to innovate in women’s health measurement, or from women-led organizations and applications from institutions based in low- and middle-income countries. They also encourage collaborative submissions across disciplines such as economics, public health, and gender studies.
They are looking for proposals that:
Demonstrate innovative thinking in modeling women’s health, providing creative methodologies or tools to address gaps in measurement.
Leverage existing data sources and/or explore datasets that are feasible to collect within current capacities.
Incorporate intersectional approaches, addressing disparities (social, economic, and structural determinants of health) that disproportionately impact women.
Align with the Opportunity Map dimensions, focusing on multidimensional indicators beyond traditional composite measures.
Show potential to generate actionable insights for policy and programmatic interventions at a national and/or global scale.
Enable cross-country or subnational comparisons, offering solutions that reveal context-specific gaps and opportunities for progress.
Present a clear pathway for real-world impact, outlining how the outputs can inform resource allocation, policy, or program design.
Highlight the potential for scalability and adaptability of the proposed approach across diverse country contexts.
Promote interdisciplinary collaboration, combining perspectives from multiple sectors such as public health, data science, economics, and gender studies.
Total Budget: $150,000 per project
Deadline: 25/03/2025
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The Margaret Dobson Further Education Trust was founded from an investment by the late Mrs Margaret Dobson. It was intended as an attempt by her to help young people and others with learning difficulties and other special needs to fulfill their potential, both in educational and practical skills. The Trust seeks to achieve this by making grants to other charities which are providing services with similar aims. Decisions are made by the Trustees after consideration of written applications. The Trustees have a set of guidelines to assist charities who are seeking grants. The Margaret Dobson Further Education Trust makes grants to support people with a learning disability after they reach normal school leaving age, to learn skills to help them live more independent lives.
Eligible Activities:
They fund: (1) projects that benefit young adults with a learning disability to give them skills to live more independent and fulfilled lives; (2) salaries; (3) equipment; (4) printing and marketing where part of a specific project; and (5) running costs where it can be shown that the charity may close if not supported at this time.
With limited resources at their disposal, the Trustees will prioritise applications from projects which meet at least two of the following criteria: (1) designed for, and aimed, at people with learning disabilities aged 16 to 25; (2) offer the opportunity for people to gain transferable life skills, which may include how to access support; (3) offer employment experience; (4) build in accredited training; (5) enable social interaction with other people and allow self-expression and confidence-building; and (6) applications from smaller organisations which are demonstrating an entrepreneurial approach to a locally identified issue.
Applications are accepted from UK registered charities and other charities that share the same objective worldwide.
Eligible Applicants:
Non-profit organisations are eligible to apply.
Total Budget: £100,000
Deadline: 31/03/2025
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The Hilden Charitable Fund was established in 1963 by Joan and Tony Rampton. It awards grants to projects both in the UK and in developing countries. The aim of the fund is to address disadvantages, notably by supporting causes which are less likely to raise funds from public subscriptions. This grants program supports projects (both in the UK and in developing countries) that address areas like community development, education, health, and women & girls. Overseas grants concentrate on:
Eligible Activities:
Projects which support access to education for women and girls (they will not fund individual bursaries or scholarships)
Projects which enable rural and/or displaced communities to become more self-sufficient
Projects that they have funded in the past include: repair of toilets, sewing programs for women, library upgrade of schools, vocational program for women with disabilities, humanitarian aid after disasters, micro credit schemes etc.
They fund projects in Malawi.
Eligible Applicants:
Their preference is to fund organisations based in the country where the work is to be delivered and, as such, you should be registered as an NGO in that country. Organisations must have an annual income (as shown in the most recent accounts) of no more than £250,000 (approximately $300,000). If you are a UK registered organisation you will need to be able to demonstrate how your work empowers local people/communities to become more self-sufficient and less reliant on your organisation.
Total Budget: £100,000
Deadline: 02/04/2025
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Since 2007, the Alstom Foundation has championed humanitarian initiatives espoused by its employees that deal with: (1) economic and social development (e.g. protecting children, frequently orphans, living in dire circumstances and those which develop the employability of disadvantaged women and youth seeking to enter the job market); (2) environmental protection (e.g. enhancing environmental awareness, protect natural habitats and build resilience to natural disasters); (3) access to mobility (e.g. facilitating economic development of communities by facilitating the movement of both people and goods); and (4) access to energy and water (e.g. helping remote communities to raise their living standards through access to these fundamental facilities).
Eligible Activities:
As a responsible company, Alstom created its foundation in order to improve living standards of communities located close to where it has a presence around the world. The Foundation supports projects that meet needs identified by Alstom’s local employees. All these projects are focused on raising living standards within local communities and all of them have a sustainability dimension.
The Alstom Foundation promotes economic development and social progress on a local scale – usually in the vicinity of Alstom’s operating locations. Eligible countries are: Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria , Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Luxemburg, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, UAE, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam.
Eligible Applicants:
The Alstom Foundation only supports projects that have been submitted by employees, whether it means working alongside local associations or NGOs, or funding completely original projects. Every year, the Foundation selects and funds the most original and attractive ideas from the diversity of the Group’s international footprint.
Total Budget: €1,500,000
Deadline: 10/04/2025
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Programme: EIT Culture & Creativity
EIT Culture & Creativity invites proposals for the 2025 Short Innovation Projects - Segment 2, supporting high-impact initiatives that tackle key challenges in the Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries (CCSI).
The call focuses on fast-paced, results-driven innovation projects with a maximum duration of 6 months, delivering tangible and market-ready solutions within a short timeframe.
With a strong emphasis on Fashion, Architecture, Cultural Heritage, Audio-Visual Media, and Gaming, the call seeks to accelerate commercialisation and market adoption of innovations that address the challenges of globalisation, digital transformation, emerging technologies (such as AI), and environmental sustainability.
Eligible Activities:
Scope and Topics
Call segment 2 (consortia):
The Call for Short Innovation Projects, segment 2, supports 6-month projects carried out by a consortium of two entities:
One SME or micro enterprise as the innovation developer (and often the commercial partner).
One supporting entity providing innovation support (e.g., research or technology development).
These projects advance technologies from TRL 7 to TRL 9, ensuring rapid commercialization. Priority sectors include all five EIT CC priority areas: Fashion, Cultural Heritage, Architecture, Gaming, and Audio-Visual Media. The expected outcome is a market-ready product, service, or business model, with a clear path to commercialization across multiple European markets.
All proposals must have a minimum co-funding rate of 30% across the project. Partners within a consortium may have different individual co-funding rates, as long as the overall co-funding for the entire project meets the required minimum of 30%.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
Call segment 2 (consortia) :
Proposals must be submitted by a consortium of two entities:
One SME or micro enterprise (the innovation developer) as the project leader.
One supporting entity (e.g., research organisation, technology provider, or business consultant) providing complementary expertise to support market readiness.
The partners must be from two different EU Member States or HE-associated countries. The commercial partner role must always be held by an SME or micro enterprise. The project must advance the innovation to TRL 9 within 6 months.
Total Budget: €2,640,000
Deadline: 11/04/2025
Programme: European Commission (EC)
Objective: will support the participation of European standardisation specialists in key international and global SDOs.
Through nine open calls, the initiative will enable specialists to contribute to and help create a fully integrated European Standardisation Ecosystem, thereby strengthening Europe's position in global standardisation initiatives.
Eligible Activities:
Applications that address any of the topics mentioned below taken from the Multi-Stakeholder Platform Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation will be considered of equal validity and merit during the evaluation process.
Due to their current strategic importance applications focusing on the topics of Quantum Technologies, Virtual Worlds and Digital Product Passport are highly encouraged.
Data Economy
Cybersecurity/Network and Information security
Quantum Technologies
5G and Beyond (6G)
Cloud and Edge Computing
Big Data & Open data
IoT Internet of Things
Electronic identification and trust services (including e-signature)
E-infrastrucutre for data and computing intensive service
Broadband infrastructure mapping
Accessibility of ICT products and services
Artificial Intelligence
European Global Navigation Satellite Systems (EGNSS)
E-Health, Healthy living and ageing
Digital skills
Digital learning
Pandemic Preparedness
Safety, transparency and due process online
Emergency communications and public warning systems
Virtual Worlds
Retail payments
Preservation of digital cinema
FinTech & RegTech Standardisation
Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies
Circular Economy including Digital Product Passport
Smart Grids and Smart Metering
Smart and Sustainable Cities
ICT Environmental impact
European Electronic Toll Service (EETS)
Intelligent Transport Systems
Digitisation of European Industry
Robotics and autonomous systems
Construction building information modelling
Common information sharing environment (CISE) for the EU Maritime domain
Water management digitalisation
Single European Sky
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
Potential applicants are Standardisation specialists, defined as professionals with proven expertise and experience in Standardisation activities e.g. previous contributions to standards developments, participation in various SDO groups working, previous or current chairs etc. in the respective priority area.
The target of 2026’s Open Calls are European Specialists who:
Have profound knowledge in one of the priority areas supported by the open calls;
Have experience regarding developments of standards, e.g., in SDOs, in reputable organisations and Standardisation communities, or when creating harmonised standards in open source developments;
Are individuals or natural persons residing in European Member States and Associated Countries;
Are not receiving support from other instruments (PPPs, EU or national R&I projects) for the proposed activities
Total Budget: €325,000
Deadline: 11/04/2025
More information and official documents:
Programme: UNICEF
UNICEF’s Adolescent and Youth Innovation Challenge is a new and agile initiative to support the development of innovative solutions and disruptive ideas that drive change. Through flexible approaches addressing the most challenging issues facing young people, innovators will have the opportunities to experiment with new ideas, contribute to knowledge creation through new evidence, and assess opportunities for scaling high-impact models.
Eligible Activities:
The Innovation Challenge includes the following objectives:
· Nurture and seed innovation and disruptive ideas from emerging thinkers and doers from across Jordan;
· Accelerate progress to address the most pressing challenges facing young people today;
· Support the development of new learnings to inform the sector at large; and
· Promote the scaling of successful innovations and ideas.
Actions must take place in Jordan.
Eligible Applicants:
Partners must have existing presence in the proposed geographical area.
Total Budget: $100,000
Deadline: 27/03/2025
More information and official documents:
Programme: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
In order to strengthen the role of civil society in the transition in Syria, TAKAMUL puts an emphasis on social cohesion, women and youth as well as the relationship between civil actors and public authorities. Social cohesion in Syria remains fragile after years of conflict. Many communities find themselves divided along social, ethnic and sectarian lines, with unequal access to resources and opportunities.
Eligible Activities:
Displacement has strained trust between groups and hampered the ability of communities to cooperate and plan their (economic) recovery together, leaving women and youth without avenues for meaningful civic and economic engagement.
The exclusion of women and youth from decision-making processes has led to further fragmentation in the country. Women and youth have been disproportionately affected by the conflict, facing increased vulnerability to violence, displacement, and economic marginalisation. They are often lacking opportunities to engage in community-led initiatives that could help bridge
these divides.
Actions must take place in Syria.
Eligible Applicants:
Only TANDEM projects consisting of one Syrian Diaspora Non-Governmental-Organisation (NGO) and at least one registered Community-based-Organisation (CBO) and/or NGO inside Syria will be accepted.
Total Budget: €130,000 - €250,000 per project
Deadline: 31/03/2025
More information and official documents:
Programme: European Commission (EC)
Applications are now open for the Partnership Agreements and Annual Operating Grants to support EU level Social NGO Networks.
With the ultimate goal of building a strong social Europe, this Call aims to:
· Promote social inclusion and combatting poverty by providing financial support to EU-level networks of civil society organisations active in this area at local, regional, national and transnational level. It will thereby contribute to the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) and its implementing actions, ensuring just transitions, protecting livelihoods, boosting employment, providing access to affordable high-quality social, essential and care services, reducing poverty and inequalities and creating opportunities for all;
Deliver on the European Pillar of Social Rights is a shared responsibility of the EU institutions, national, regional and local authorities, social partners and civil society. Civil society organisations are expected to:
· support the implementation of the EPSR at EU, national and local level, notably by collecting and exchanging data and good practices, cooperating with public authorities in the design and implementation of relevant policies, and delivering specific outputs directly relevant to the EPSR’s principles;
· organise communication and engagement activities to raise awareness of the EPSR both at the EU and national levels;
· Support the Commission in implementing and disseminating new initiatives in the poverty, social inclusion and social protection areas;
· The ultimate goal is to build a stronger social Europe: modernise and strengthen the welfare states to protect people, combat poverty and inequalities, and to face the green, digital and demographic transitions.
Eligible Activities:
Themes and Priorities
The primary mission of the applicants for framework partnerships should be in the areas of fostering social inclusion and/or combatting poverty.
Applicants should implement work programmes that:
· contribute concretely and directly to the implementation of the EPSR principles and related initiatives that are relevant to their statutory aim, with a particular focus on national and regional/local level;
· address directly at least 1 out of 20 principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights;
· organise communication and engagement activities to raise awareness of the EPSR and promote social rights in Europe;
· strengthen the capacity of national member organisations and their national, regional and local members to enable them to actively contribute to the EPSR implementation;
· provide concrete support to the European Semester process (at EU and national levels, including through the Recovery and Resilience Plans) through monitoring of implementation of social policies and initiatives by collecting data and evidence on the ground.
Eligible Activities
Activities should include:
· contributing to evidence-based regulation, policies and reforms at EU/national/local level to support EPSR implementation and providing the Commission with input for policy design, e.g. by gathering relevant evidence (especially from local levels) and by contributing to public or targeted consultations and to thematic strategic dialogue meetings on policy or programme management related issues;
· raising public awareness and disseminating information on EPSR and particularly on social protection and social inclusion policies and legislation at EU and national levels, including good practices in ensuring access to social protection and social inclusion for all, and mapping out existing gaps;
· building capacity of national members, and their national, regional and local members to actively engage them in implementing the EPSR and the related initiatives locally and in reinforcing social services provision at local and regional levels;
· assisting in the transfer and exchange of good practices (e.g. within ESF+/EaSI and other relevant EU funded programmes);
· reinforcing cooperation with other EU level networks (e.g. through joint actions), including across different policy areas; with and between the national social stakeholders; with national, regional and local authorities.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:
be legal entities (public or private bodies)
be established in one of the eligible countries, i.e.:
EU Member States [including overseas countries and territories (OCTs)]
non-EU countries:
listed EEA countries and countries associated to the ESF+
be non-governmental, non-profit-making, and independent of industry, commercial and business or other conflicting interests;
have statutory aims falling under the objectives and scope of the priorities of this call for proposals;
have national member organisations in at least fourteen (14) Member States of the European Union;
have members that are mainly non-profit organisations;
be mandated by their members, through a Management Board or other administrative forum, to represent these members at the EU level and to be responsible for the activities of the network.
Total Budget: €51,500,000
Deadline: 08/04/2025
More information and official documents:
Programme: European Commission (EC)
The European Commission (EC) is accepting applications for the Annual Operating Grants to support EU-level Social NGO Networks.
With the ultimate goal of building a strong social Europe, this Call aims to:
· Promote social inclusion and combatting poverty by providing financial support to EU-level networks of civil society organisations active in this area at local, regional, national and transnational level. It will thereby contribute to the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) and its implementing actions, ensuring just transitions, protecting livelihoods, boosting employment, providing access to affordable high-quality social, essential and care services, reducing poverty and inequalities and creating opportunities for all;
· Support the implementation of the Commission’s EU policy initiatives to put the EPSR principles into practice, notably in the area of social inclusion and combatting poverty;
· Deliver on the European Pillar of Social Rights is a shared responsibility of the EU institutions, national, regional and local authorities, social partners and civil society.
Civil society organisations are expected to:
· support the implementation of the EPSR at EU, national and local level, notably by collecting and exchanging data and good practices, cooperating with public authorities in the design and implementation of relevant policies, and delivering specific outputs directly relevant to the EPSR’s principles;
· organise communication and engagement activities to raise awareness of the EPSR both at the EU and national levels;
· Support the Commission in implementing and disseminating new initiatives in the poverty, social inclusion and social protection areas;
· The ultimate goal is to build a stronger social Europe: modernise and strengthen the welfare states to protect people, combat poverty and inequalities, and to face the green, digital and demographic transitions.
Eligible Activities:
Themes and Priorities
The primary mission of the framework partners should be in the areas of fostering social inclusion and/or combatting poverty
Applicants should implement work programmes that:
· contribute concretely and directly to the implementation of the EPSR principles and related initiatives that are relevant to their statutory aim, with a particular focus on national and regional/local level;
· address directly at least 1 out of 20 principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights;
· organise communication and engagement activities to raise awareness of the EPSR and promote social rights in Europe;
· strengthen the capacity of national member organisations and their national, regional and local members to enable them to actively contribute to the EPSR implementation;
· provide concrete support to the European Semester process (at EU and national levels, including through the Recovery and Resilience Plans) through monitoring of implementation of social policies and initiatives by collecting data and evidence on the ground.
Eligible Activities
Activities should include:
· contributing to evidence-based regulation, policies and reforms at EU/national/local level to support EPSR implementation and providing the Commission with input for policy design, e.g. by gathering relevant evidence (especially from local levels) and by contributing to public or targeted consultations and to thematic strategic dialogue meetings on policy or programme management related issues;
· raising public awareness and disseminating information on EPSR and particularly on social protection and social inclusion policies and legislation at EU and national levels, including good practices in ensuring access to social protection and social inclusion for all, and mapping out existing gaps;
· building capacity of national members, and their national, regional and local members to actively engage them in implementing the EPSR and the related initiatives locally and in reinforcing social services provision at local and regional levels;
· assisting in the transfer and exchange of good practices (e.g. within ESF+/EaSI and other relevant EU funded programmes).
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:
be legal entities (public or private bodies)
be established in one of the eligible countries, i.e.:
EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs))
non-EU countries:
listed EEA countries and countries associated to the ESF+
be non-governmental, non-profit-making, and independent of industry, commercial and business or other conflicting interests;
have statutory aims falling under the objectives and scope of the priorities of this call for proposals;
have national member organisations in at least fourteen (14) Member States of the European Union.
Total Budget: €13,250,000
Deadline: 15/04/2025
More information and official documents:
Programme: European Commission (EC)
The European Commission (EC) is seeking proposals for the Prevention and Preparedness Projects Program.
Themes and Priorities
Applicants can select one or several of the following topic priorities.
Priority 1: Improving risk assessment, anticipation, and disaster risk management planning
DRM strategies will only entirely address the risks a country faces with an assessment that takes into account climate change, cross-border risks emerging risks, cascading effects, high impact low probability risks, and exposed or vulnerable areas and groups, including persons with disabilities. This priority aims at enhancing the eligible entities’ capability to identify and assess relevant disaster risks with potential transboundary/trans-European and cross-sectoral impacts and use that information to reinforce disaster prevention and preparedness activities.
Priority 2: Increasing risk awareness and preparedness of the population
Population plays an important role in disaster prevention and preparedness and citizens are usually the first responders to disasters. National, sub-national and local authorities should cooperate, together with the private sector and civil society organisations, to increase disaster risk awareness and understanding of the population, fostering a culture of risk prevention and preparedness to risks,
create favourable conditions for individuals to actively engage in DRR/DRM activities. Evidence-based risk information and communication, as well as education activities, targeted to the public –including vulnerable groups and persons with disabilities– are effective tools to raise risk awareness, preparedness and contribute to response measures.
Priority 3: Enhancing early warning
Early warning systems are key elements for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. In the wake of the Covid-19 crisis and with the recent extreme weather events and cascading impacts across sectors, the importance of advanced multi-hazard and risk warnings has never been more widely acknowledged. Although in Europe there is considerable experience with early warning systems, especially for weather and climate-related hazards, recent disasters have shown that more effort and collaboration is necessary. This would include the use of new technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, in order to be able to process large volumes of data in a timely fashion, appropriate for emergency management.
Priority 4: Ensuring a robust civil protection system by strengthening institutional preparedness and individual capacity
Ensuring a robust civil protection system plays a crucial part in efficiently meeting the demands placed on civil protection and DRM authorities, in particular during and after a disaster, when society needs them most. Increasing complexities during disasters, changing parameters as a result of climate change and the ever-growing risk of concurrent disasters or prolonged emergencies.
Eligible Activities:
Expected Impact
Priority 1. Improving risk assessment, anticipation, and disaster risk management planning
Project activities and outputs should lead to the achievement of at least one of the following outcomes:
· Improved understanding and knowledge of current and future disaster risks and of risk drivers.
· Harmonised multi-country risk assessments for identified shared risks are developed and/or improved along with the recommendations on the follow-up steps.
· Improved sharing of risk data and risk analysis.
· Enhanced quantification and sharing of disaster loss and damage data, using internationally agreed indicators (e.g., the targets of the Sendai framework for Disaster Risk Reduction).
Priority 2. Increasing risk awareness and preparedness of the population
Project activities and outputs should lead to the achievement of at least one of the following outcomes:
· Enhanced personal and household preparedness for disasters across the EU.
· Enhanced evidence-based knowledge, understanding and awareness of disaster risks.
· Improved sharing of risk information and development of a culture of risk prevention and preparedness.
· Strengthened participation of volunteers and civil society in DRM, including youth, vulnerable groups, and persons with disabilities.
· Enhanced availability of tools and guidelines on increasing risk awareness.
Priority 3. Enhancing early warning
Project activities and outputs should lead to the achievement of at least one of the following outcomes:
· Improved multi-country early warning and information systems and linkage with the Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) and the Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS).
· Strengthened integration of early warning systems in decision making at various levels, including at individual and organisational levels.
· Increased understanding of early warning messages among the general public or specific groups, including vulnerable groups and persons with disabilities.
· Enhanced availability of tools and guidelines on improved risk communication.
Priority 4. Ensuring a robust civil protection system by strengthening institutional preparedness and individual capacity
Project activities and outputs should lead to the achievement of at least one of the following outcomes:
· Development of solutions to integrate lessons learnt, at organisational and/or individual level, into existing structures and processes.
· Integration of a broader range of stakeholders such as science and research, political and technical decision makers or the general public into preparedness and capacity strengthening activities.
· Strengthened relationships between stakeholders already being part of the DRM community while broadening the communities' reach into other sectors.
· Facilitated transfer of research and innovation outcomes into civil protection and DRM planning and operations through agile learning and feedback mechanisms.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:
be legal entities (public or private bodies)
be established in one of the eligible countries, i.e.:
EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs))
UCPM Participating States
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Türkiye and Ukraine
Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) beneficiary countries not participating in the UCPM: Kosovo
European Neighbourhood Policy countries not participating in the UCPM: East (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia) and South (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia).
Total Budget: €14,000,000
Deadline: 29/04/2025
More information and official documents:
Programme: European Commission (EC)
Applications are now open for the Full Scale Exercises Program.
The general objective of this topic is to improve civil protection preparedness and response to all kinds of natural or human-induced disasters inside the Member States by providing a testing environment and a learning opportunity for all actors involved in civil protection assistance interventions through a full-scale field exercise at several levels.
Eligible Activities:
Themes (scope)
The scenario for the exercises should build on risk assessments.
Examples can be, but not exclusively, extreme weather, wildfires, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, industrial risk, critical infrastructure disruption, marine pollution, epidemic/health risk, CBRN and multi-sectorial emergencies.
In addition to the main theme, cross cutting issues such as gender, age, persons with disabilities, human rights, environmental sustainability, green economic practices, digitalisation, resilience in infrastructure, the protection of cultural heritage, etc. are encouraged to be considered and included as relevant. Civil-military cooperation could also be envisaged in the exercise scenario.
Eligible Activities
The full-scale exercise project must include the following elements and activities:
Activation of the Mechanism: The UCPM must be activated, whereby all the procedures involved are tested, developed and/or used as learning and exploring opportunity.
EU Civil Protection Team: A EUCP Team must be deployed at least during the full-scale field exercise and its dimension and composition should be adapted to the features of the exercise (minimum four members). The EUCP Team shall be composed as for real deployment and taking into account the function profiles i.e. a team leader, deputy team leader, ERCC liaison officer (ERCC LO) and coordination and assessment experts as team members that shall work closely with the Technical Assistant Support Team (TAST).
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:
be legal entities (public or private bodies)
be established in one of the eligible countries, i.e:
EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs))
UCPM Participating States: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Türkiye and Ukraine
European Neighbourhood Policy countries and IPA Beneficiaries are not eligible as member of the consortium but, if an agreement with the project’s consortium is reached, they may participate with teams and capacities in the field exercise. There are separate specific EU funding programmes that accommodate the needs of these countries.
Total Budget: €14,000,000
Deadline: 15/05/2025
More information and official documents:
Programme: Technology Development Board
A Joint Programme for Co-operation was established by the Department of Science and Technology (DST); Ministry of Science and Technology, India and the Centre for the Development of Technology and Innovation, E.P.E. (CDTI), to promote and fund market-driven research and technology development as well as to encourage partnerships and business-Ied R&D&I collaborative projects between entities from both countries.
The call for proposals aims to launch ambitious joint R&D projects of a high international standard between Indian and Spanish organizations. Potential projects will be funded by DST through TDB in India and CDTI in Spain.
Eligible Activities:
Thematic Areas
The collaborative projects should be innovative and focused on creating possibilities for new technologies, services or processes that will results in commercialisation.
This Call for proposals is open to collaborative R&D projects in the following areas/sectors:
Circular economy and sustainability: Economically competitive production processes and products, critical materials and/or energy that reduce, replace and/or reuse resources and/or aim for sustainability and environmentally friendly processes and/or technologies. Also including Drinking Water, Water Purification, Water Desalination, Irrigation Technologies and Wastewater Treatment & Management in the subarea of Water Technologies.
Digital transformation (Smart Mobility, Smart Grids, Smart Cities, etc.).
Digital health and medical devices: include categories such as mobile health (mHealth), health information technology (IT), wearable devices, telehealth and telemedicine, and personalized medicine.
Artificial Intelligence
Advanced Materials
Any other sector of mutual interest.
DST funding support for the project (includes industry support and academia/R&D organization must be matched equally (1:1) by Indian Industry. The exact amount of funding will be approved by the Indian Project Evaluation Committee based on merit and the contribution of industry, R&D organisation and academic partners respectively.
Funding from other public sector sources will be taken into account when awarding the grant, and applicants will be asked to declare funding from other sources in the application.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
Eligible Spanish Applicants
Spanish consortia should include at least one company. Participation of research institutes/universities and other R&D organizations is welcome as self-funded participants or subcontractors.
Eligible Indian Applicants
Eligible Indian applicants must be a commercial (for profit) company registered under The Companies Act 1956/2013, which operates in and is headquartered in India. Academic institutions and research centres, (including non-profit research institutes recognized by GoI) that are headquartered and operate from India are strongly encouraged to partner with the participating industry (IPL: Indian Project Lead).
Specific criteria for eligible applicants are as follows:
The Indian Project Lead (IPL) company applying for the project must be incorporated in India under The Companies Act 1956/2013.
The company must be at least 51% owned by Indian citizens over the total duration of the project.
The IPL should have the required expertise and team capacity to manage the proposed project.
The Indian Project Lead company should lead the project from Indian side and if required bring in other Industry Partners or Academic/R&D Institutions as partners.
Applicants already possesses basic infrastructures/test beds and or developed basic Proof of Concept (PoC).
Total Budget: €500,000 per project
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Founded in 1992, the mission of the Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation for the Americas (MCFA) is to promote environmental causes throughout the Americas in the broadest sense, which encompasses both the physical and social environments. In furtherance of their mission is providing support a wide range of projects in the following four categories: (1) Biodiversity Conservation, (2) Sustainable Development, (3) Environmental Justice and (4) Environmental Education.
Eligible Activities:
The Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation for the Americas carries out these objectives is its grant to The Nature Conservancy to create a manual to evaluate and strengthen coalition building for protected area conservation. Since its inception the MCFA has supported more than 100 projects in 15 countries throughout the Americas.
Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation for the Americas-supported programs are geographically limited to the Americas.
Eligible Applicants:
The Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation for the Americas does not provide financial support for individuals. It does not make gifts for religious, political or lobbying purposes. It does not support any organization that discriminates on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, marital status or handicap. It only makes direct grants and donations to 501(c) (3) non-profit organizations in the U.S. or their equivalents overseas.
Total Budget: $300,000 average
Deadline: 31/03/2025
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Programme: Transparent Fish Fund (TFish)
Transparent Fish Fund is a 501(c)(3) US nonprofit organization founded in 2011 in Palo Alto, California. They partner with hand-selected NGOs that effectively focus on poverty alleviation in East Asia. With financial support from their board members, who cover all our administrative costs, they are able to provide these NGOs with financial aid, capacity building resources, and reporting requirements to increase transparency and sustainability.
Eligible Activities:
They identify the most promising NGOs to partner with and develop them by:
§ Providing capacity building resources and fundraising support from the West
§ Facilitating financial accountability and transparency, even to the level of ensuring the recipient uses the contributions properly
§ Serving programs run by members of the Asian American community and/or focus on work in Asia or the Asian American community
Focus areas: basic needs, direct needs, poverty relief, medical intervention, health, education in underserved areas of rural China and Southeast Asia
Actions must take place in East Asia (Vietnam, China, Cambodia, Laos, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand).
Eligible Applicants:
None provided
Total Budget: $1,500,000
Deadline: 31/03/2025
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Programme: COAL
The COAL Prize dedicated to fresh water is a call to fight against the drying up of people's sensitivities towards Water, to elevate it to its rightful place at the heart of general attention, to rehabilitate it in its symbolic and sacred prerogatives, to consider it as the ally and partner of "our" existences.
It’s also a call to protect it, to play the part in restoring its natural cycles, to repair places that have been damaged, in solidarity with those, human and non-human, who are irreparably affected.
Eligible Activities:
Being Transformative
Selection Criteria
Applicants will be judged on the following criteria: artistic value, relevance (understanding of the theme – Being Transformative), originality (the ability to introduce new approaches, themes, and points of view), pedagogy (ability to get a message across and raise awareness), social and participative approaches (engagement, testimony, efficiency, societal dynamics), eco-design and feasibility. The COAL Prize supports artistic projects in progress. The award is not intended to cover all production costs of the project but should be considered as an aid to its development.
Ten artists are nominated by a selection committee of professionals for their projects submitted in response to this international call for entries. The Prix COAL and its special mentions are awarded from among these ten projects by a jury made up of representatives of the partner organizations and personalities from the fields of art and ecology.
Eligible Applicants:
Application Requirements
The application must include the following documents in a single pdf file. (the file must not exceed 30 MB):
A detailed description of the proposed project, describing its artistic dimension, its relevance to the theme, including a note on the technical feasibility of the project and a budget estimation
At least two visuals illustrating the project
A CV and a portfolio.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: 20/04/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC)
The European Commission is requesting applications for its 'Knowledge transfer and training of Civil Servants, Safety Officials and Permitting Staff to improve Safety Assessment and Licensing Procedures across Europe' initiative which targets the training of public officials, staff of certification bodies, and engineers who are tasked with preparing permitting applications, evaluating such applications, and issuing permits for hydrogen projects.
It will supply them with the necessary background knowledge to securely and confidently navigate the processes involved. The audience will consist of any staff involved in permitting processes on both sides of the table, but could also include fire brigades and other institutions involved in permitting processes in a consulting role. By raising awareness of the differences in these processes between Member States, the project will be able to contribute towards a harmonisation of procedures throughout the EU. The primary addressees of the project will be the regions and countries of the current and future Hydrogen Valley projects funded through the Clean Hydrogen JU.
Eligible Activities:
The project will compile the existing evaluation, permitting, and licensing procedures for hydrogen projects across Europe in order to establish the training material. From this base, the project will compile present best practices for permitting Fuel Cells and Hydrogen (FCH) technologies across the EU into a handbook. The project will provide training to public officials and all other types of staff engaged in permit applications, project assessment and certification, and permit granting. This will allow streamlining project implementation and ensure effective permitting and licensing procedures. Projects should further address the knowledge transfer between Hydrogen Valleys and between Member States on permitting and certification of hydrogen projects, for example, based on the best practice handbook.
Expected Outcomes
Project results are expected to contribute to all of the following outcomes:
Collecting information on differences in Member States regulations in permitting and licensing processes of hydrogen projects across the EU;
Giving public officials of the Hydrogen Valley regions and in the EU access to specific training plans and materials in order to spread knowledge on hydrogen technologies, their safety analysis and permitting processes;
Supporting the move towards the use of digital tools to improve the efficiency in evaluation and licensing processes;
Contributing to retain the EU leadership in efficiency and systematised licensing procedures, thus leveraging green hydrogen projects.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible Projects
Proposals should address all of the following:
Analysis of evaluation, permitting, and licensing procedures across the EU, covering at least all countries with Hydrogen Valleys. In addition proposals should cover all remaining Tier 1 and Tier 2 countries, and a selection of Tier 3 countries as deemed suitable by the applicants, ensuring an effective implementation of training programmes that can understand and explain the differences in procedures in the different target countries;
Development and implementation of comprehensive training programmes in the target countries and/or regions (at least, as a minimum, in all countries with Hydrogen Valleys supported by the JU) for public officials and staff involved in permit applications, assessment, evaluation, permitting, and licensing of hydrogen projects, covering relevant areas to ensure a deep understanding of principles and practices related to hydrogen projects;
Supply of train-the-trainer courses to training service providers and institutions with internal training programmes in all countries covered by the above;
Assessment of educational progress, issuing a certificate recognised by the EU hydrogen industry;
Introduction of the use of new digital tools to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in local evaluation and licensing processes, encouraging trainees to use such tools in their day-to-day practice.
Total Budget: €184,500,000
Deadline: 23/04/2025
More information and official documents:
Programme: Einstein Foundation Berlin
The Einstein Award for Promoting Quality in Research in cooperation with the QUEST Centre for Responsible Research at the Berlin Institute of Health at Charité honours researchers, institutions, and early career researchers around the globe whose work helps to fundamentally advance the quality, transparency, and reproducibility of science and research.
The award aims to provide recognition and publicity for outstanding efforts that enhance the rigor, reliability, robustness, and transparency of research in the life sciences, natural sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities, and stimulate awareness and activities fostering research quality among scientists, institutions, funders, and politicians.
The award is presented in three categories:
§ The Individual Award: honours individual researchers or small teams of collaborating researchers.
§ The Institutional Award: recognizes organizations and research institutions.
§ The Early Career Award: highlights innovative project proposals by researchers at the beginning of their careers.
Eligible Activities:
The contributions should align with the following objectives:
Reproducibility & Research Quality:
§ Fostering Research Integrity: Substantial contributions to research integrity through outstanding measures, such as enhancing transparency, promoting access to research results (‘Open Science’), and embracing collaborative research (‘Team Science’).
§ Quality-Improving Interventions: Developing and/or implementing interventions, governance, and policies that enhance the quality and reliability of research.
§ Innovative Approaches to Research Integrity: Developing innovative approaches that foster research on research integrity, conducting and designing novel measures or programs to prevent misconduct, and safeguarding validity and reliability in science and research.
§ Exceptional Integrity: Demonstrating exceptional integrity when facing difficult circumstances and/or conflicts of interest.
§ Long-Term Archiving: Guaranteeing the long-term archiving of data and publications through intergenerational archives.
§ Addressing Systemic Factors: Identifying and addressing systemic factors that foster research integrity and more responsible research.
§ Replications: Performing or supporting studies on the reproducibility of scientific results.
§ Teaching Good Research Practice: Making a significant contribution to the teaching of good research practice.
§ Research on Research: to identify opportunities for improving research practice, generating evidence for potential interventions, and developing metrics and policies that incentivize the adoption of best possible research practices.
§ Research Assessment and Incentives:
§ Identifying research standards and incentives: that directly or indirectly constrain the quality of research (e.g. reliance on purely quantitative output measures) and designing more adequate means to assess the quality of research and researchers.
Accessibility and Inclusion:
§ Increasing Diversity in Research: Making a significant contribution to increasing the diversity of research by considering aspects such as gender, race/ethnicity, geography, career stage, etc.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
Researchers and institutions worldwide that are engaged in science, research, education, and scholarship are encouraged to participate in this award. It acknowledges outstanding contributions to advancing the rigor, reliability, and transparency of research. They warmly welcome applications and nominations from marginalized and underrepresented groups.
Total Budget: €100,000 - €350,000
Deadline: 29/04/2025
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Programme: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization is inviting nominations for its Greece Melina Mercouri International Prize for the Safeguarding and Management of Cultural Landscapes to reward outstanding examples of action to safeguard and enhance the world’s cultural landscapes.
Eligible Activities:
Outstanding examples of action to safeguard and enhance the world’s cultural landscapes
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
Individuals, institutions, other entities, communities or non-governmental organizations (in official partnerships with UNESCO or not) that have made a significant contribution to the safeguarding, management and enhancement of the world’s major cultural landscapes.
Nomination Criteria
A self-nomination cannot be considered;
Government agencies of UNESCO Member States, in consultation with their National Commissions for UNESCO;
NGOs in official partnerships with UNESCO;
International, regional and national professional, academic and non-governmental organizations active in the field of cultural landscapes;
It is not necessary for a cultural landscape to be inscribed on the World Heritage List to be eligible for the Prize;
Candidatures relating to sites nominated for possible inscription on the World Heritage List may not be submitted in the same year in which the nomination dossier is examined by the World Heritage Committee.
Total Budget: $100,000
Deadline: 30/04/2025
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Programme: Austrian Development Agency (ADA)
The funding instrument Individual Projects East is available to civil society organisations (CSOs) that implement multi-year projects in developing countries in the Danube Region/Western Balkans, Black Sea Region/South Caucasus and Central Asia together with local partner organisations. The partners must retain responsibility (ownership).
Eligible Activities:
Eligible projects aim at poverty reduction, good governance, human security and the preservation of a liveable environment according to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Three-Year Programme on Austrian Development Policy. Possible thematic foci are rural development, food security, water supply and sanitation, education, human rights and peacebuilding, disaster preparedness, environment and climate change as well as migration and development, social inclusion and health. The thematic focus is set by the applicant, the “Right of Initiative” applies. Projects must be implemented in developing countries (according to the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee/DAC’s definition) and be in accordance with national and local strategies of the respective partner country.
Actions must take place in: (1) Funding rate 90% of project costs for ADC priority countries (Armenia, Georgia, Kosovo, Moldova); (2) Funding rate 55% of project costs for the following countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Ukraine); (3) Funding rate 25% of project costs for Remaining Least Developed Countries, Low Income Countries, Lower Middle Income Countries and Upper Middle Income Countries.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible for application are associations, foundations, trade unions, local authorities or other public corporations based in Austria. Individuals may not submit applications.
Total Budget: €350,000 - €600,000
Deadline: 15/05/2025
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Programme: Austrian Development Agency (ADA)
The funding instrument Individual Projects South is available to civil society organisations (CSOs) that implement multi-year projects in developing countries in East Africa and Horn of Africa/ Southern Africa/ West Africa, the Himalayas/Hindu Kush, the Middle East, South East Asia and in Latin America together with local partner organisations. The partners must retain responsibility (ownership).
Eligible Activities:
Eligible projects aim at poverty reduction, good governance, human security and the preservation of a liveable environment according to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Three-Year Programme on Austrian Development Policy. Possible thematic foci are rural development, food security, water supply and sanitation, education, human rights and peacebuilding, disaster preparedness, environment and climate change as well as migration and development, social inclusion and health. The thematic focus is set by the applicant, the “Right of Initiative” applies. Projects must be implemented in developing countries (according to the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee/DAC’s definition) and be in accordance with national and local strategies of the respective partner country.
Actions must take place in developing countries in East Africa and Horn of Africa/ Southern Africa/ West Africa, the Himalayas/Hindu Kush, the Middle East, South East Asia and in Latin America.
The funding rate depends on the country in which the project is carried out: (1) Funding rate 90% of project costs for ADC priority countries (Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Palestinian Territories, Uganda); (2) Funding rate 55% of project costs for Least Developed Countries in Africa as well as Jordan, Nepal, Pakistan; (3) Funding rate 25% of project costs for remaining Least Developed Countries, Low Income Countries, Lower Middle Income Countries and Upper Middle Income Countries. Per individual project, the minimum amount of funding provided by ADA is €350,000; the maximum amount is €600,000.
Eligible Applicants:
Legal entities such as societies, foundations, trade unions, regional/local administrative bodies or other public institutions based in Austria (in partnership with local organisations) are eligible.
Total Budget: €350,000 - €600,000
Deadline: 15/05/2025
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Programme: MASDAR
Applications are now open for the Zayed Sustainability Prize that recognises and rewards small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), nonprofit organisations (NPOs), and global high schools with impactful, innovative and inspiring sustainable solutions.
Established by the UAE leadership in 2008, the Prize honours the humanitarian and sustainability legacy of the UAE’s founding father, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. Over the past 16 years, the Zayed Sustainability Prize has awarded 117 winners who have positively impacted the lives of 384 million people around the world.
Eligible Activities:
This category recognises organisations that have demonstrated innovative, impactful and inspirational sustainability solutions in the areas of health that include, but are not limited to:
Ensuring access to essential and affordable healthcare
Ensuring access to maternal and newborn healthcare
Ending epidemics (AIDS, Malaria, Tuberculosis etc.)
Preventing and treating water-borne, communicable and non-communicable diseases
Reducing illness from pollution, hazardous chemicals and contamination
This category recognises organisations that have demonstrated innovative, impactful and inspirational sustainability solutions in the areas of food that include, but are not limited to:
Decreasing hunger and malnutrition
Increasing agricultural or other food processing productivity
Ensuring sustainability of food systems
Enhancing sustainable food production
This category recognises organisations that have demonstrated innovative, impactful and inspirational sustainability solutions in the areas of energy that include, but are not limited to:
Ensuring access to affordable and reliable clean energy
Increasing production of clean energy
Improving energy efficiency and energy infrastructure
Implementing clean energy technology innovation
This category recognises organisations that can demonstrated innovative, impactful and inspirational sustainability solutions in the areas of water that include, but are not limited to:
Ensuring access to safe and affordable drinking water
Ensuring access to sanitation and hygiene
Increasing water use efficiency
Climate Action
The category recognises organisations that have demonstrated innovative, impactful and inspirational solutions producing positive results in the following areas:
Climate Adaptation and resilience building
Sustainable Land Use and Forest Conservation
Nature-based solutions for conserving/restoring ecosystems and natural resources or carbon removal
Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage
Global High Schools
The Global High Schools category recognises high schools or secondary schools, from six global geographic regions that propose innovative, impactful and inspirational sustainability projects in the areas of health, food, energy and/or water. The proposed project could be in one area (e.g. water) or a combination of areas (e.g. health, food, energy, water and climate action).
The Prize is intended to encourage students to develop and implement their sustainability ideas and is not aimed at administrative projects or educational reforms at the school.
The award in this category is not given for past achievements but will enable students from winning high schools to implement sustainability projects in their own schools. These student-led projects must demonstrate innovative approaches to address sustainability challenges and inspire students to take active roles in sustainable development.
The application must be submitted by the students and supported by the school management. The projects must:
demonstrate how they meet the three criteria: impact, innovation, inspiration, as explained in the Evaluation Criteria section of this page;
be able to be implemented and operational within one to two years; and
benefit the school community and/or their local/regional community for several years.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
Organisations must be a small or medium sized enterprise (SME) or a non-profit organisation (NPO).
Organisations must also demonstrate a clear vision and long-term plan to further deploy their solution and scale up their impact, as well as inspiring others to follow suit by advancing sustainable and human development.
Total Budget: $5,900,000
Deadline: 23/06/2025
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Eurofins Foundation’s primary areas of focus include supporting initiatives aimed at protecting the environment, improving nutrition, improving health, improving social businesses and promoting inclusion.
Eligible Activities:
Areas of focus:
Protecting the environment: protecting ecosystems in the sea and on land and conserving our planet’s scarce resources for future generations;
Improving nutrition: support projects and initiatives feeding deprived communities in developing countries, programmes aimed at decreasing food waste and facing challenges of feeding a growing world population in a sustainable manner, etc.
Improving health: facilitating access to clean water and sanitation, supporting research on cancer, organ transplants or addressing other significant challenges in modern healthcare;
Helping social, not-for-profit businesses working in the fields of environment or health protection and improved nutrition, in line with Eurofins’ DNA;
Promoting inclusion, diversity and equality at all levels of society through advocacy, education, mentorship, training and development programmes and STEM and STEAM outreach where this is contributing to a safer and healthier world;
Supporting students who study or carry out research in fields aiming at contributing to safer and healthier lives but who lack sufficient financial resources;
Helping nonprofit organisations active in the local communities where Eurofins’ laboratories operate and their staff live and work.
Actions can take place worldwide.
Eligible Applicants:
The project is impactful and aligned with the objectives of the Foundation; it must clearly mention the needs it addresses, its positive impact and the effective use of the funds; an evaluation of the project’s effectiveness is requested.
Total Budget: €2,000,000
Deadline: 31/10/2025
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Programme: LEGO Foundation & Grand Challenges Canada
Grand Challenges Canada is launching a new portfolio, Play Learn Thrive, to respond to gaps in current Early Childhood Development in Emergencies (ECDiE) and Education in Emergencies (EiE) approaches. They aim to create strong support systems for children in complex crisis settings so that they can play, learn, and thrive. They recognize that children’s holistic development, including their physical, intellectual, psychological, cultural, and social wellbeing, is intrinsically linked to the wellbeing and capacity of their caregivers and educators, as well as other members of their community. Strengthening this support network is essential to fostering children’s growth and development.
Eligible Activities:
Supported by The Lego Foundation, this funding call seeks solutions that create more robust support systems for children from birth to 12 years of age in complex crisis settings, with a focus on those who are left behind and whose developmental and educational needs are not being met.
Actions must take place in Jordan, Lebanon, Kenya, Uganda.
Eligible Applicants:
To be eligible for funding, applying organizations must (among other criteria): Be not-for-profit organizations that are legally incorporated; Have an active presence in at least one of the four priority countries (Jordan, Lebanon, Kenya, Uganda); Be legally registered to do business in at least one of the four priority countries; Implement programming directly in at least one of the four priority countries.
Total Budget: CAD250,000 per project
Deadline: 24/04/2025
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The Dan David Prize recognizes and encourages innovative and interdisciplinary research that cuts across traditional boundaries and paradigms. It aims to foster universal values of excellence, creativity, justice, democracy and progress and to promote the scientific, technological and humanistic achievements that advance and improve the world. The Dan David Prize covers three time dimensions – Past, Present and Future – that represent realms of human achievement.
Eligible Activities:
Each year the International Board chooses one field within each time dimension. Following a review process by independent Review Committees comprised of renowned scholars and professionals, the International Board then chooses the laureates for each field. The Past refers to fields that expand knowledge of former times. The Present recognizes achievements that shape and enrich society today. Future focuses on breakthroughs that hold great promise for improvement of the world.
Actions can take place worldwide.
Eligible Applicants:
The prizes are granted to individuals or institutions with proven, exceptional, distinct excellence in the sciences, arts, humanities, public service and business, that have made and continue to make an outstanding contribution to humanity on the basis of merit, without discrimination of gender, race, religion, nationality, or political affiliation.
Total Budget: $300,0000 x 9 prizes
Deadline: 31/10/2025
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Programme: World Food Programme (WFP)
The World Food Programme (WFP) is always looking to collaborate with NGOs that share their philosophy and goals, from organizations skilled in distribution, monitoring or early warning activities to those working in food-security assessments, advocacy for food and nutrition-related issues, or local coordination of food-security activities. Working together ensures that their efforts are not duplicated and that they use the resources in a complementary way. By speaking with a common voice, they can be better advocates for the communities they serve.
Eligible Activities:
Depending on the type of partnership arrangement, NGOs partnering with WFP fall into four main categories:
– Capability partners – support the design and implementation of programmes and operations
– Resource partners – provide human, financial and technical resources
– Knowledge partners – contribute information, evaluation and analysis
– Advocacy partners – support advocacy for Zero Hunger
Actions can take place in various countries worldwide.
Eligible Applicants:
They are working with more than 1,000 NGOs around the world and they constitute their biggest group of partners.
Total Budget: Large - more than $1,000,000, Medium - up to $1,000,000, Small - up to $100,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: Japanese Embassy in Bangladesh
The Embassy of Japan in Bangladesh is seeking applications for its Grant Assistance for Grass-Roots Human Security Projects (GGHSP) to support various development projects with a view to enhance human security at the grass-roots level. There is an increasing need for cooperation by the entire international community to realize a peaceful and affluent society in which everybody can live their individual lives in a humane manner.
Eligible Activities:
The overall goal of GGP is to enhance the wellbeing of people at the grassroots level, based on the concept of human security, for example: (1) education: primary education, illiteracy reduction, vocational training, governance, and human resource development in communities; (2) health: primary health care, family planning, HIV/AIDS, rehabilitation for people with disabilities, and communicable diseases; (3) livelihoods: environmental protection, social welfare for people with disabilities, street children and the elderly, gender issues, violence against women, women’s empowerment, and education for girls; and (4) others: disaster planning and prevention.
Actions must take place in Bangladesh.
Eligible Applicants:
Non-profit organisations, which have implemented economic and social development projects, e.g. local NGOs, international NGOs, educational institutions, medical institutions, etc are eligible to apply.
Total Budget: €130,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - Erasmus+
Sustainable Energy (SE) development is essential for Africa and Europe’s green energy transition in order to tackle the global challenge of climate change. Providing reliable and clean energy access to millions of people worldwide is necessary. To this end, the Long-Term Joint EU-AU Research and Innovation Partnership on Sustainable Energy (LEAP-SE) program co-funded by the European Commission (EC) under Horizon Europe aims at developing a long-term partnership between Europe and Africa on Research and Innovation (R&I) on sustainable energy. This partnership is set within the framework of the Climate Change and Sustainable Energy (CCSE) partnership of the AU-EU High-Level Policy Dialogue (HLPD) on Science, Technology and Innovation.
Eligible Activities:
The range of activities recommended for collaboration under LEAP-SE will focus on 7 identified multi-annual roadmaps presented in the Call and also on the LEAP-RE thematic priorities:
· Assessment of Renewable Energy Sources and integration of RES in sustainable energy scenarios;
· End-of-life and second‐life management and environmental impact of RE components;
· Smart stand‐alone systems;
· Smart grid (different scales) for off grid application;
· Processes and appliances for productive uses (agriculture, mobility and industry);
· Innovative solutions for priority domestic uses (clean cooking and cold chain);
· Production and utilization of Green Hydrogen
Activities must take place in EU Member States and African countries.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible applicants must be private or public bodies established in one of the eligible countries.
Total Budget: €10,000,000
Deadline: 27/03/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC)
To fuel the growth trajectory of digital solutions for Rural-Urban synergies and boost the overall project impact, RURBANIVE has launched a single Open Call (OC) providing Financial Support to Third Parties (FSTP) as a mechanism to increase the number of Rural-Urban Enablers.
Eligible Activities:
Purpose and Objectives
RURBANIVE Open Call encourages technology & service providers to develop and apply their own RUE within the 6 RURBANIVE domains, increasing the number of RUEs available to endusers. To ensure that the RUEs will be tailor-made to meet each rural-urban area’s needs, the Open Call poses requirements for the submission of proposals from consortia of min 2-max 4 parties including at least 1 technology & service provider (e.g. entities such as SMEs and other private for-profit or non-profit organizations, technological spin-offs, research institutions etc.) and at least 1 end-user (e.g. actors from the rural-urban environments, such as Local & Regional Administrations, Civil Society, Cooperatives, Associations, NGOs, Local Action Groups, Chambers and other Trade representative organizations, etc.). The newly developed RUEs will become available in English and in the local language. In addition, during sub-project implementation matchmaking activities between the developed RUE and the RUEs developed by the RURBANIVE consortium will be pursued and the opportunity will be given to develop the RUE in all relevant languages. Lastly, every developed RUE will have to produce a SUMMARY, which will also be available through RURBANIVE’s Community Store, in all languages of RURBANIVE’s consortium.
The purpose of the Open Call is to provide more solutions for the rural-urban areas, accelerate the expansion of the RURBANIVE innovation ecosystem and ensure an adequate motivation of the end-users. The participants will contribute to the enrichment of the RURBANIVE’s Community Store, which will serve as a one-stop-shop offering enhanced capabilities for searching and accessing digitised solutions and services.
The selected RUEs will be enhanced by new Business Models through participatory processes with rural and urban communities and relevant good practices. The OC will also enable the transfer of good practices and the creation of RUEs in other European rural-urban territories, facilitating the transferability and the replicability of these innovations to EU areas facing similar conditions.
Under the framework described above, the OC aims to:
Address a wider range of societal and environmental challenges related to the 6 RURBANIVE domains.
Harness the potential of using data from multiple sources and make users themselves
part of the solution.
Enable the transferability and accelerate the uptake and upscale of the RUEs at a pan European level towards sustainable and resilient rural areas.
Enhance RURBANIVE’s Community Store by adding at least 6 more RUEs based on
the synergies between rural and urban environments across Europe.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
RURBANIVE will accept applications, involving consortia of 2-4 parties (≥1 technology & service provider and ≥1 end-user) and proposed solutions must fall within one of the following domains:
improving logistics, and shortening value chains
ecosystem and biodiversity restoration
regional circular bioeconomy development
user engagement, empowerment, society and territorial awareness
culture, landscape and heritage access and promotion and
enhanced mobility
An automatic filtering to discard non-eligible proposals will be based on the following criteria:
Legal entity in eligible country;
Uniqueness of the proposal (one proposal per consortium);
Each party can participate in only one proposal; If any applicant is found to participate in multiple applications, all such project applications will be rejected.
Proposal includes at least one technical party (e.g. entities such as SMEs and other private for-profit or non-profit organizations, technological spin-offs, research institutions etc) and at least one rural community (e.g. actors from the rural-urban environments, such as Local & Regional Administrations, Civil Society, Cooperatives, Associations, NGOs, Local Action Groups, Chambers and other Trade representative organizations, etc.);
Proposed solutions fall within one of the six (6) domains: circular economy, ecosystem and biodiversity restoration, improving logistics, and shortening value chains, user engagement, empowerment, society and territorial awareness, culture, landscape and heritage access and promotion & enhanced mobility.
On top of that, the following eligibility criteria apply:
Existing consortium members of the RURBANIVE project and their affiliated entities are not eligible for the OC.
Proposals shall only ask for funding for that part of the work that is not yet accomplished and will be carried out once having been selected for funding. Of course, this does not exclude the usage of e.g., results, IP, infrastructures or approaches already held by the applicants.
All Applicants must have a valid VAT number and must be active and operational. However, in case having VAT number is not mandatory according to the national legislation of the applicant’s country, a registration number from the respective national authority (National business registry, Commercial court or similar) must be provided.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: 31/03/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - AMIF
he general objective of this call for proposals is to enhance the prevention of irregular migration in countries of origin and transit and to undermine the business models of migrant smugglers by reducing the demand for their services. This should be achieved by raising awareness about the risks of irregular migration and migrant smuggling in key countries of origin and transit, informing potential migrants about available legal pathways to Europe, and highlighting alternative economic opportunities in their home countries.
Eligible Activities:
The aim is to provide reliable information to counter the false narrative promoted by criminal networks and to alter the perceptions and behaviour of third-country nationals considering irregular migration to the EU, as well as key influencers in their decisions, such as family members, religious or community leaders, teachers, returning migrants, and migration facilitators. This enables migrants and potential migrants to make better-informed decisions based on objective information rather than misinformation spread by smugglers.
Actions must take place in EU Member States and countries associated to the AMIF.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible organisations are legal entities (public or private bodies).
Total Budget: €10,000,000
Deadline: 01/04/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC)
The European Commission is seeking proposals to strengthen the capacity of workers' organisations (both in Member States and candidate countries) to address, at EU/transnational level, challenges related to changes in employment and working conditions as well as challenges related to their effective participation in social dialogue.
Eligible Activities:
Themes and Priorities
Actions that address the following themes will be particularly welcome:
· actions aimed at preparing negotiations of autonomous social partner agreements to be concluded at EU level and at supporting their implementation at national level;
· actions related to the implementation of the work programmes of the existing European Social Dialogue Committees;
· actions related to the involvement of social partners in the European Semester and enhancing their contribution to EU policy making.
Other relevant themes for this call are:
· measures which contribute to addressing the employment, social and economic challenges as identified in the European Pillar of Social Rights.
· modernisation of the labour market, job creation and youth employment;
· new forms of work, including telework and platform work;
· strengthening collective bargaining, including on minimum wage;
· quality of work, including fair working-conditions and health and safety at work, anticipation, preparation and management of change and restructuring;
· digitalisation of the economy and society (including artificial intelligence and algorithmic management);
· transition to a climate-neutral economy;
· labour shortages and skills development including re- and upskilling; skills intelligence;
· intra-EU labour mobility, attracting talent in line with the needs of the economies and labour market;
· modernisation of social protection systems, including access to social protection for those in non-standard forms of employment;
· reconciliation of work and family life, gender equality, action in the field of antidiscrimination, healthier and longer working lives, active inclusion and decent work;
· tackling the employment, social and economic consequences of crisis situations.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible Activities
The types of activities which may be funded under this call for proposals include: conferences, seminars, round tables, studies, surveys, publications, training courses, development of training tools, the setting up of networks and the development and exchange of best practices.
Activities funded under this call for proposals should respect the gender equality and anti-discrimination principles. Access for people with disabilities shall be guaranteed.
Eligibility Criteria
In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries, affiliated entities and associated partners) must:
be legal entities (public or private bodies);
be established and registered in one of the eligible countries, i.e.:
EU Member States
non-EU countries (not for coordinator and single applicant):
Candidate countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Türkiye and Ukraine
Total Budget: €5,661,382
Deadline: 15/04/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - UCPM
The action “Technical Assistance for Disaster Risk Management” (hereinafter: “Track 1”) provides national disaster risk management authorities of eligible countries with financial support for the development of strategic disaster risk management actions. First introduced in the UCPM Annual Work Programme of 2019, ”Track 1” grants help national civil protection and other disaster risk management authorities prepare investment projects and strengthen their institutional and policy framework. Between 2019 and 2024, 23 Member States have received funding for over 61 grants, for a total value of over EUR 26 million.
Eligible Activities:
Applicants must choose only one of the following priorities:
· Priority 1: Strategic frameworks for disaster risk management
· Priority 2: Investments for disaster risk management
· Priority 3: Investments to improve crisis management capabilities
Actions must take place in EU member states plus Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Türkiye, Ukraine, Georgia, Kosovo.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must be legal entities (public or private bodies) established in the eligible countries.
Total Budget: €6,000,000
Deadline: 23/04/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC)
The European Commission is inviting proposals to establish a consensus-based digital label concept applicable to all types and classes of medical devices and IVDs, making use of existing technologies that will be further improved to suit medical technology products specifically.
A digital label is a form of e-labelling provided as an array of elements supporting a medical technology product, which is additional to critical information on the printed label (identification and traceability of the device, warnings and precautions, handling and use information). Access to the digital label is achieved, for example in the form of barcodes, 2D data matrix, QR codes, etc., which provides a scan able link to curated digital landing pages (websites) where the additional information will be displayed.
To fulfill the overall aim, the action funded under this topic must:
deliver a framework for:
· mapping of data elements that must be physically present on the label and those that the manufacturer can provide digitally. The framework will consider the requirements of EU Regulations (MDR General Safety and Performance Requirement (GSPR) 23.1, IVDR GSPR 20.1; the Packaging and Packaging Waste (PPWD) Directive; Digital Product passport, waste and packaging, battery, etc.) and is meant to also support future EU legislation (or transposition thereof in Member States).
· a standardised concept in providing digital content and structure for the medtech manufacturers. taking into account the different device types.
· define and make publicly available key performance indicators (KPIs) (e.g. trends of access and digital content type) or other measures to assess the acceptability and workability of the potential digital label solution(s), provided by manufacturers, and to be tested with end users (HCPs and patients).
· generate evidence on the acceptability and usability of digital label solutions through testing in a variety of use environments that will be defined by the full consortium.
· engage with all relevant stakeholders (e.g. HCPs, patients, national competent authorities, notified bodies) throughout the project lifetime to get robust input through consultations, surveys, workshops and testing.
· based on the results of testing and body of evidence gathered, develop recommendations on digital labels to inform relevant stakeholders, regulators, policy makers, and the relevant ISO/IEC bodies for the possible development of ISO/IEC standards for digital labelling for medical devices and IVDs.
· ensure appropriate knowledge dissemination via:
· developing training materials;
· subsequently fine-tuning training material for deployment to the public at large in all EU national languages: end users (HCPs, patients)/regulators (national competent authorities)/notified bodies in the EU Member States and any other relevant stakeholders;
· facilitating awareness and communication with other global jurisdictions’ digital label initiatives.
Eligible Activities:
Expected Impact
The action to be funded under this topic is expected to achieve the following impacts:
Streamlined and ‘green’ delivery of information
Key information as well as additional information is easily (and more) visible, accessible and identifiable to users (HCPs, patients) and health authorities equipped with a simple smart device (e.g., phone or tablet device)
Significant reduction of carbon footprint and avoidance of over-labelling, hereby contributing to the European Green Deal
Improved accessibility of information for users (HCPs and patients) and regulators. All the information that users might need is available in one place in their language of choice, thus increasing equal access of users to medical technologies
Targeted information based on user location: in the EU: summary of safety and clinical performance (SSCP), the European database for medical devices (EUDAMED) modules when available; globally: electronic instructions for use (eIFU):
· Crucial information from the printed label is additionally visible upon scanning (e.g. expiry date);
· Connection to technical support in case of problems;
· Reducing risk of use errors;
· Real time updates;
· Avoidance of cluttered labels.
Increased alignment between MDR and other EU and national legislations and streamlined compliance for all. One digital carrier will directly link the user with the up-to-date information required by the Digital Product passport in multiple languages (EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation EU Battery regulation, information on spare parts, etc.), hereby contributing to the European Green Deal
Increased competitiveness in the EU market thanks to improved supply management and streamlined packaging and labelling operations
Driving acceptance through (voluntary) adoption of digital labels by medical device manufacturers and their use by end users, notified bodies, national competent authorities in the European market, supported by the developed training material. Digital label is considered an additional tool to requirements in current legislation (MDR, IVDR).
Expected Outcomes
The action under this topic must contribute to all of the following outcomes:
· A consensus-based digital label concept/framework for medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVDs) is available to be used by manufacturers that meets end users’ requirements and addresses regulators’ demands
· Multiple valid and scalable digital label solutions based on a standardised approach are available and they:
· all work with the same enabler (label reader) for all medical technology product labels (all medical devices and IVDs, all types, all classes). This topic does not cover pharmaceutical products as such. Combination products that fall under the scope of regulations on medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices (MDR/IVDR) are, therefore, regulated as devices and are considered to be part of this topic;
· serve as an up-to-date single point of access to all information about the specific device;
· are interoperable with other EU legislation (such as digital product passport) and national legislation (e.g. language requirements);
· consider accepted international standards for data carriers;
· are acceptable after verification via user testing.
· Evidence-based recommendations are available that may inform the European Commission’s and the national competent authorities’ policy recommendations
Training materials on digital labels are available to the end users (healthcare professionals (HCPs) and patients), regulators (national competent authorities) and notified bodies in the EU Member States
A basis towards future international acceptance is created via:
documentation gathered that would be needed to launch a proposal for a new digital label standard or adaptation of an existing standard under the International Organisation for Standardisation/International Electro technical Commission (ISO/IEC) – development of a standard itself is not planned during the lifetime of the project;
awareness raising with other international jurisdictions that consider digital label initiatives.
Eligible Applicants:
Not available
Total Budget: €33,849,000
Deadline: 23/04/2025
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The purpose of the Nexans Corporate Foundation is to:
support sustainable electrification projects designed to help reduce energy poverty and poverty around the world.
promote training and education for local people in the technical, energy and environmental fields
to support environmental projects (climate, energy sobriety, protection of resources and biodiversity, etc.) linked to the challenges of electrification.
Eligible Activities:
They’re seeking impactful projects that fulfill one or more of the following criteria:
· Provide essential access to electricity for underserved populations.
· Educate and empower communities through knowledge.
· Advocate for environmental initiatives aligned with electrification efforts.
They give priority to the countries in which the Group is present: (1) South America (Chile, Peru, Brazil, Colombia); (2) Africa (Morocco, Tunisia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria); (3) Near and Middle East (Turkey, Lebanon); (4) Asia Pacific (Australia, New Zealand, Korea, China); (5) North America (Canada, USA) and (6) Europe (France, Ukraine). But they also support projects in countries where they are not present if they meet all the other criteria’s.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility is limited to international NGOs or recognized associations (i.e.: law 1901 in France) that exist for at least 2 years.
Total Budget: €300,000
Deadline: 31/03/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - CERV
The objective of this priority is to support EU countries in their efforts to enhancing literacy, maths and science skills by implementing effective teaching, learning and assessment practices, with a specific focus on foundational years (ECEC and primary education). Based on existing evidence the project should look at teaching, learning and assessment practices (including interdisciplinary approaches) which have been assessed and have a demonstrated impact in foundational years (ECEC and primary education), and see how these can be further scaled-up, in particular in ECEC settings and schools with a high concentration of children from vulnerable groups, including low socio-economic background and children with different home languages.
Eligible Activities:
A strong focus should be placed on involving parents/caregivers, including through support to parenting, home reading programmes, as well as on the involvement of other stakeholders, particularly public libraries, scientific institutions, and NGOs, non-formal learning providers (such as EU STEM Coalition national platforms), businesses, local authorities. Projects should place a special attention on Initial Teacher Education and Continuing Professional Development programmes and how they can enhance educators’ understanding of young children’s literacy/communication and mathematical and scientific development, and to understand how to assess this development.
Activities must take place in EU Member States or third countries associated to the Programme.
Eligible Applicants:
Any participating organisation established in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme can be the applicant. This organisation applies on behalf of all participating organisations involved in the project.
Total Budget: €3,000,000
Deadline: 29/04/2025
More information and official documents:
Programme: European Commission (EC) - CERV
This call for proposals aims at supporting, advancing and implementing comprehensive policies to protect and promote the rights of the child, including the right to participate.
Eligible Activities:
It responds to children’s current needs and challenges in the EU, through three priorities:
· Children’s rights in the digital age
· Children’s engagement and participation
· Embedding a rights of the child perspective in actions at national and local level
This call focuses on the implementation of the actions and recommendations at EU, national and local levels of the EU Strategy on the rights of the child. It aims at responding to children’s current needs and challenges in the EU.
It pays attention to the rights of children with specific needs and vulnerabilities, including those who fled the Russian’s war of aggression against Ukraine. Projects can be national or transnational. Transnational projects are particularly encouraged.
Actions must take place in the Member States of the European Union: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom. Eligible are also: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo and Ukraine.
Eligible Applicants:
Applicants must be either public bodies or non-profit organisations with legal personality. Applicants must be established in the eligible countries. The project must be transnational; the application must involve at least two applicants (lead applicant and at least one co-applicant not being affiliated entity or associated partner) from two different eligible countries
Total Budget: €17,000,000
Deadline: 29/04/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - Erasmus+
This priority focuses on the key role of data in primary, secondary, and vocational education. Data from learners, teachers, parents, school facilities (such as classroom and laboratories) is used to assess teaching and learning strategies (learning outcomes, teacher performance, test scores, graduation rates, etc.), and ultimately, the success of a school. Data is also used for comparative analytics purposes across districts, regions, and countries, and it also informs decision making concerning legislation, policies, funding, and innovative learning and teaching methods.
Eligible Activities:
However, the methodologies and criteria to aggregate, process, and synthesise educational data differs widely between schools, institutions, regions, and Member States. This makes comparing and synthesising educational data challenging, especially across Member States, and it impedes the development and implementation of comprehensive strategies for educational improvement and policy formulation.
Therefore, the European Commission wants to support forward-looking ideas, projects and activities that contribute to ethical and privacy-centric data collection methods, the facilitation of relevant data exchange, transnational collaboration agreements, the development of advanced and ethical analytical tools and methodologies, and robust data governance frameworks to ensure consistency and accuracy in collecting and analysing educational data.
Activities must take place in EU Member States or third countries associated to the Programme.
Eligible Applicants:
Any participating organisation established in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme can be the applicant. This organisation applies on behalf of all participating organisations involved in the project.
Total Budget: €13,000,000
Deadline: 27/05/2025
More information and official documents:
Programme: European Commission (EC) - Erasmus+
Projects under this priority will aim to foster broader organisational readiness and capacity of education and training institutions as well as more broadly to education and training systems through:
· Identify, map and analyse existing effective initiatives and areas in teaching, learning, and assessment at any level(s) of education and training where generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems are of particular use and benefit. Identify challenges as well as success factors for the deployment of generative AI.
· Develop, and pilot innovative approaches, methods, and practices of the use of generative AI systems in teaching, learning and assessment at any level(s) of education and training. Special attention should be paid to the ethical, effective, purposeful and pedagogically underpinned use of the technology.
· Produce guidelines and practical materials, as well as use cases on the critical use of generative AI systems in education and training practices that can be disseminated and easily implemented at organisational level. Those should be complemented with clear recommendations to inform further policy initiatives.
Eligible Activities:
Activities must take place in EU Member States or third countries associated to the Programme.
Eligible Applicants:
Any participating organisation established in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme can be the applicant. This organisation applies on behalf of all participating organisations involved in the project.
Total Budget: €13,000,000
Deadline: 27/05/2025
More information and official documents:
Programme: European Commission (EC) - Erasmus+
Projects under this priority will identify and test methods and mechanisms to improve guidance and counselling services to adults, with a particular focus on reaching out to and supporting workers in small and micro-enterprises, at all levels, including management.
Eligible Activities:
Ideally projects should devise approaches that have the potential of becoming mainstreamed. Projects should support guidance services:
· Providing coordinated services offering skills assessment, directing individuals to tailor-made learning options, with validation of the acquired skills.
· Improving the career management skills of individuals.
· Making use of skills intelligence and digital tools, including artificial intelligence, in career guidance to capitalise on new efficiencies and scale.
· Supporting employers to identify which skills their enterprises will need and how they can support their employees to assess and acquire these skills.
· Reinforcing career guidance counsellors’ training and competence development so that they can support individuals to unlock their full potential.
Activities must take place in EU Member States or third countries associated to the Programme.
Eligible Applicants:
Any participating organisation established in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme can be the applicant. This organisation applies on behalf of all participating organisations involved in the project.
Total Budget: €13,000,000
Deadline: 27/05/2025
More information and official documents:
Programme: European Commission (EC) - Erasmus+
Projects under this priority will identify and test methods and mechanisms to improve guidance and counselling services to adults, with a particular focus on reaching out to and supporting workers in small and micro-enterprises, at all levels, including management. Ideally projects should devise approaches that have the potential of becoming mainstreamed.
Eligible Activities:
Projects should support guidance services:
· Providing coordinated services offering skills assessment, directing individuals to tailor-made learning options, with validation of the acquired skills.
· Improving the career management skills of individuals.
· Making use of skills intelligence and digital tools, including artificial intelligence, in career guidance to capitalise on new efficiencies and scale.
· Supporting employers to identify which skills their enterprises will need and how they can support their employees to assess and acquire these skills.
· Reinforcing career guidance counsellors’ training and competence development so that they can support individuals to unlock their full potential.
Activities must take place in EU Member States or third countries associated to the Programme.
Eligible Applicants:
Any participating organisation established in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme can be the applicant. This organisation applies on behalf of all participating organisations involved in the project.
Total Budget: €8,000,000
Deadline: 27/05/2025
More information and official documents:
Programme: European Commission (EC) - Erasmus+
The general objectives of the priority are to contribute to:
· removing barriers to internal mobility for work and study purposes, facilitating the recognition of qualifications and learning outcomes;
· developing a highly skilled, qualified and mobile workforce, opening up opportunities for learners, workers and businesses;
· strengthening the quality, relevance and attractiveness of VET by supporting joint developments.
Eligible Activities:
The specific objective of the priority is to support the development and delivery of joint VET qualifications and/or modules that are part of qualifications, or the improvement of existing ones, thus facilitating the mutual recognition of qualifications and learning outcomes and contributing to removing barriers to work and study mobility within the EU. The joint qualifications and/or modules will include a work-based learning component and a mobility window for a certain number of VET learners to participate in exchanges or rotation among the partners and ensure the recognition of the joint qualification and/or modules among the participating organisations.
Activities must take place in EU Member States or third countries associated to the Programme.
Eligible Applicants:
Any participating organisation established in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme can be the applicant. This organisation applies on behalf of all participating organisations involved in the project.
Total Budget: €8,000,000
Deadline: 27/05/2025
More information and official documents:
Programme: European Commission (EC) - Erasmus+
The general objectives of the priority are to contribute to:
· removing barriers to internal mobility for work and study purposes, facilitating the recognition of qualifications and learning outcomes;
· developing a highly skilled, qualified and mobile workforce, opening up opportunities for learners, workers and businesses;
· strengthening the quality, relevance and attractiveness of VET by supporting joint developments.
Eligible Activities:
The specific objective of the priority is to support the development and delivery of joint VET qualifications and/or modules that are part of qualifications, or the improvement of existing ones, thus facilitating the mutual recognition of qualifications and learning outcomes and contributing to removing barriers to work and study mobility within the EU. The joint qualifications and/or modules will include a work-based learning component and a mobility window for a certain number of VET learners to participate in exchanges or rotation among the partners and ensure the recognition of the joint qualification and/or modules among the participating organisations.
Activities must take place in EU Member States or third countries associated to the Programme.
Eligible Applicants:
Any participating organisation established in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme can be the applicant. This organisation applies on behalf of all participating organisations involved in the project.
Total Budget: €8,000,000
Deadline: 27/05/2025
More information and official documents:
Programme: European Commission (EC) - Erasmus+
The forward-looking projects should aim at promoting an enabling and supportive environment for vocational excellence at national and/or regional level through support structures, wide dissemination of the CoVE projects and their results, further developing synergies with the work of various stakeholders, also sharing similar thematic or sectoral approaches, mapping of funding opportunities and other existing initiatives in the countries participating, thereby increasing the impact of the individual CoVEs, and promoting their sustainability and scalability beyond Erasmus+ funding.
Eligible Activities:
Activities must take place in EU Member States or third countries associated to the Programme.
Eligible Applicants:
Any participating organisation established in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme can be the applicant. This organisation applies on behalf of all participating organisations involved in the project.
Total Budget: €8,000,000
Deadline: 27/05/2025
More information and official documents:
Programme: European Commission (EC) - Erasmus+
The objective of this priority is to support EU countries in their efforts to enhancing literacy, maths and science skills by implementing effective teaching, learning and assessment practices, with a specific focus on foundational years (ECEC and primary education).
Eligible Activities:
Based on existing evidence the project should look at teaching, learning and assessment practices (including interdisciplinary approaches) which have been assessed and have a demonstrated impact in foundational years (ECEC and primary education), and see how these can be further scaled-up, in particular in ECEC settings and schools with a high concentration of children from vulnerable groups, including low socio-economic background and children with different home languages.
A strong focus should be placed on involving parents/caregivers, including through support to parenting, home reading programmes, as well as on the involvement of other stakeholders, particularly public libraries, scientific institutions, and NGOs, non-formal learning providers (such as EU STEM Coalition national platforms), businesses, local authorities.
Projects should place a special attention on Initial Teacher Education and Continuing Professional Development programmes and how they can enhance educators’ understanding of young children’s literacy/communication and mathematical and scientific development, and to understand how to assess this development.
Eligible Applicants:
Any participating organisation established in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme can be the applicant. This organisation applies on behalf of all participating organisations involved in the project.
Total Budget: €3,000,000
Deadline: 27/05/2025
More information and official documents:
Programme: US Mission to IRAQ
The U.S. Embassy Baghdad Public Affairs Section (PAS) is pleased to announce that funding is available through its Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program. This is an Annual Program Statement outlining our funding priorities, the strategic themes we focus on, and the procedures for submitting requests for funding. PAS Baghdad invites proposals that strengthen ties between the U.S. and Iraq through programming that highlights shared values and promotes bilateral cooperation.
Eligible Activities:
All programs must include an American cultural element, or connection with American expert/s, organization/s, or institution/s in a specific field that will promote increased understanding of U.S. policy and perspectives.
· Strengthening Governance, Democracy, and the Rule of Law
· Strengthening Civil Society and Promoting Civic Engagement
· Enhancing Professionalism in the Media
· Combatting Disinformation
· Countering Violent Extremism
· Promoting Innovation and Entrepreneurship
· Empowering Women and Youth
· Fostering U.S.-Iraqi Cultural Ties
Actions must take place in Iraq.
Eligible Applicants:
The Public Affairs Section encourages applications from the following types of organizations: Registered not-for-profit organizations, including think tanks and civil society/nongovernmental organizations with programming experience; Non-profit or governmental educational institutions; Governmental institutions. For-profit or commercial entities are not eligible to apply.
Total Budget: $500,000
Deadline: 30/08/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC)
The European Commission has announced its Networks of Towns Program for the year 2025.
This Call for proposals aims to support the following policy initiatives: European democracy action plan , the EU Citizenship Package, the Commission Recommendation on inclusive and resilient elections, the Commission Recommendation on promoting the engagement and effective participation of citizens and civil society organisations in public policy-making processes, the EU Roma strategic framework on equality, inclusion and participation , EU anti-racism action plan (2020-2025), LGBTIQ Equality Strategy (2020-2025), the Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2021-2030), promoting diversity and inclusion (Diversity Charters), the Gender Equality Strategy , the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child.
To promote exchanges between citizens of different countries, in particular through networks of towns, to give them practical experience of the wealth and diversity of the common heritage of the Union and to make them aware that these constitute the foundation for a common future.
To develop sustainable networks of towns, deepening and intensify their cooperation, while outlining their long-term vision for the future of European integration
Focus Areas
While maintaining a bottom-up approach, specific focus could be given to:
Bringing citizens together to discuss and share best practices, and thus helping to increase citizens’ engagement in society and ultimately to their active involvement in the democratic life of the Union;
Promoting awareness and building knowledge of EU citizenship rights, free movement of people and associated European common values and common democratic standards, making them more tangible for EU citizens;
Identifying ways to further strengthen the European dimension and democratic legitimacy of the EU decision-making process and fostering free, open and healthy democratic governance in an era of low turnout in elections, populism, disinformation and challenges facing civil society, including by supporting the active participation of citizens, including children, and civil society organisations in policy-making at local, national as well as European levels;
Promoting awareness, building knowledge and sharing best practice on the benefits of diversity as well as effective measures on how to tackle discrimination and racism at local level;
Promoting awareness and building knowledge of the role of minorities, such as people with a minority racial or ethnic background (for instance Roma and migrants), in European society and their contribution to Europe's cultural development;
Promoting prevention measures and awareness raising efforts, sharing best practices policies aiming to curb violence against women, domestic violence and violence against children at the local level, as well as bullying;
Projects may also promote awareness of the importance of the citizens' democratic participation through cultural activities, including by drawing inspiration from or being related to the New European Bauhaus initiative.
Eligible Activities:
Eligible Activities
Activities may include, among others: workshops, seminars, conferences, training activities, expert meetings, webinars, awareness-raising activities, high-visibility events, data gathering and consultation, development, exchanges, and dissemination of good practices among public authorities and civil society organisations, development of communication tools and the use of social media.
Expected Impact
Increased citizens’ engagement in society and ultimately their active involvement in the democratic life of the Union;
Creation of lasting links among partner organisations;
Better information on the rights conferred by EU citizenship and their improved implementation in Member States;
Improved awareness and better provision of information to mobile EU citizens and their family members on their EU citizenship rights;
Enhanced participation of citizens and civil society organisations to local, national and European policy-making processes;
Improved awareness of the benefits of diversity and the tackling of discrimination and racism;
Increase in and encouragement of mutual understanding and respect for European minorities, such as Roma;
Stronger awareness of the contribution of migration, migrants and their descendants to the cultural richness, diversity and common history of Europe;
Increased awareness of the importance of citizens’ participation, including through cultural activities;
Increased awareness of effective prevention policies at the local level regarding violence against women, domestic violence, and violence against children
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries) must:
be legal entities (public or private bodies)
be established in one of the eligible countries, i.e.:
EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs))
non-EU countries:
countries associated to the CERV Programme (list of participating countries)
Total Budget: €10,000,000
Deadline: 27/03/2025
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Programme: Barakat Trust
The Barakat Trust is seeking grant applications to fund individual and institutional efforts to promote and preserve artistic culture and heritage related to the Islamic world.
While they have a long track record of supporting projects and initiatives driven by individuals, including but not limited to research trips, publications, and training opportunities, individuals applying for grants from The Barakat Trust need to identify an institution to which grant monies can be transferred on their behalf. They cannot make transfers to personal bank accounts but are strongly committed to the support of individual professional development and projects led by individuals.
Eligible Activities:
The Barakat Trust awards are open to applicants worldwide in the fields of:
research into the history of the art and architecture, and the archaeology and material culture of Islamic societies, including archaeological and other fieldwork, and research trips
the conservation, preservation, restoration, and presentation to the public of artefacts, buildings and archaeological sites produced by Islamic societies
the work of libraries, museums and other public collections in the conservation, documentation, and presentation of artefacts and manuscripts produced by Islamic societies in their broadest sense, including the digitisation of archives and collections, and the training of conservation and curatorial staff
the organisation of events intended to further research in the history of the art, architecture, archaeology, and material culture of Islamic societies, including colloquia and conferences, lectures, seminars and workshops, exhibitions, and attendance at such events.
Barakat International Studentship
Barakat Postgraduate Student & Early Career Award
The Iradj Bagherzade Publication Grants
Barakat Senior Scholar
Barakat Postdoctoral Scholarship
Barakat Oxford Masters Studentship
Hands on Islamic Art
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
Institutions to which they can transfer funds include:
Registered charities
Registered community interest companies
Registered charitable incorporated organisations
Social enterprises
Education institutions including universities
Museums, libraries, and archives
Total Budget: £100,000
Deadline: 31/03/2025
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Programme: Global Energy Association
Applications are now open for the Global Energy Prize.
The Global Energy Prize for research in the field of energy (hereinafter, “the Prize”) is an independent scientific award for extraordinary scientific achievements, practical and theoretical research, development and systemic studies of global problems, patterns and prospects for the development of the power industry, aimed at the validation of the new efficient energy production methods, invention of new high-yielding energy sources, significant increase in the technical and economic performance of the already existing types of power sources, while ensuring their safety and compliance with all the environmental requirements, in order to promote sustainable development of civilization.
Eligible Activities:
The goals of the Prize are as follows:
Promotion of theoretical, experimental and applied research in the field of energy, and stimulation of international cooperation in this area.
Encouragement and engagement of key experts from various countries, international organizations, public and commercial structures, in order to solve the most significant problems and tasks in the energy sector.
Nomination submissions of the following categories are accepted for consideration:
Electric power engineering;
Exploration, extraction, transportation and processing of fuel and power resources;
Renewable energy sources;
Fuel cells and hydrogen energy;
Heat power engineering;
Nuclear power engineering;
New materials used in energy;
Energy efficiency;
Efficient energy storage;
Energy transportation;
Management in energy sector.
The nomination submissions of the categories are further distributed into three nominations:
Traditional energy:
Electric power engineering;
Exploration, extraction, transportation and processing of fuel and power resources;
Heat power engineering;
Nuclear power engineering.
Non-traditional energy:
Renewable energy sources
Fuel cells and hydrogen energy.
New ways of energy application:
New materials used in power engineering;
Energy efficiency;
Efficient power storage;
Energy transportation.
Eligible Applicants:
Nomination Criteria
Citizen of any state can become a laureate of the Prize.
Candidates for the Prize can be nominated by the Nominators. These are:
Scientists and/or organizations acting via their representatives who have been verified on the Organizer’s website and received confirmation of their nominating status, as well as persons specially invited by the Organizer to the nomination pool.
Laureates of the Global Energy Prize, Nobel Prize winners, laureates of the Kyoto, Max Planck, Wolf, Balzan, Zayed Future Energy, Energy Globe, Goldman Environment and UNEP Sasakawa Prizes.
Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and of foreign academies of sciences.
Persons performing solely administrative and/or organizational functions cannot be nominated.
Self-nomination for the Prize is not allowed.
The nominator can file up to three nomination submissions in the course of one nomination process. An individual nomination submission is required for each nominee.
The nomination process is strictly confidential. No preliminary public discussion of the nomination process or its stages is allowed. Nominators and other participants of the process shall not disclose the nominations submitted.
Total Budget: €500,000
Deadline: 20/04/2025
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Programme: BBVA Foundation
The BBVA Foundation is thrilled to invite nominations for its Frontiers of Knowledge Awards to honour fundamental disciplinary or interdisciplinary advances across a broad expanse of the knowledge map of the 21st century.
The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards, recognize and reward world-class research and artistic creation, prizing contributions of singular impact for their originality and significance. The name of the scheme is intended to denote not only research work that substantially enlarges the scope of our current knowledge – pushing forward the frontiers of the known world – but also the meeting and overlap of different disciplinary areas and the emergence of new fields.
Eligible Activities:
The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards recognize fundamental contributions in a broad array of areas of scientific knowledge, technology, humanities and artistic creation.
Award Categories
The disciplines and domains of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards are:
Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics)
Biology and Biomedicine
Information and Communication Technologies
Climate Change and Environmental Sciences
Economics, Finance and Management
Social Sciences
Music and Opera
Prize Information
The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards consist of 400,000 euros, a diploma and a commemorative artwork in each of their eight categories.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
Candidates may be one or more natural persons of any nationality, without limitation of number, that have made independent or convergent contributions to a given advance, whether due to a formal collaboration (with the nominees belonging to one or more groups) or parallel working. The awards are also open to scientific or cultural organizations that can be collectively credited with exceptional contributions to scientific knowledge, cultural creation, the fight against climate change or the conservation of the natural environment.
Awards may not be granted posthumously.
Total Budget: €400,000
Deadline: 30/06/2025
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Programme: Japanese Embassy in Uganda
The aim of GGP is to provide financial assistance to non-profit, development-oriented organizations to support community development projects which directly benefit people at the grassroots level. Since it was introduced in 1989, GGP has been implemented in 141 countries worldwide.
Eligible Activities:
Any projects geared towards grassroots assistance are eligible for financing under GGP. Preferable, however, are projects in the areas below. Particular attention will also be given to projects designed to assist the most vulnerable groups such as women, children and the physically disabled:
• Primary/secondary education
• Vocational training
• Primary health care, reproductive health and HIV/AIDS
• Water and sanitation
• Reconstruction for disaster areas
• Agricultural development
Actions must take place in Uganda.
Eligible Applicants:
Non-profit organisations, CBOs (Community-based Organisation), local/international NGOs, medical institutions, educational institutions, local authorities/governments including sub-county level which has a minimum of two years experience in implementing development projects track record in handling at least 50% of requested funds are eligible.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - Erasmus+
This Action aims to support the organisation of sport events with a European dimension in the following fields:
· volunteering in sport;
· social inclusion through sport;
· fight against discrimination in sport, including gender equality;
· encouraging healthy lifestyles for all: projects under this priority will mainly focus on:
· the implementation of the three pillars of the HealthyLifestyleAll initiative;
· the implementation of the Council Recommendation on health-enhancing physical activity and the EU Physical Activity Guidelines;
· the support to the implementation of the European Week of Sport;
· the promotion of sport and physical activity as a tool for health;
· the promotion of all activities encouraging the practice of sport and physical activity;
· promotion of traditional sport and games.
Eligible Activities:
Actions must take place in EU Member States, third countries associated to the Programme or in third countries not associated to the Programme from Region 1 (Western Balkans) or Region 2 (Neighbourhood East).
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible is any public or private organisation, with its affiliated entities (if any), active in the field of sport, established in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme.
Total Budget: €10,920,000. Grant sizes range up to €450,000.
Deadline: 05/05/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - JUST
The primary objective of the call is to support training promoting the digitalisation of national justice systems. Training funded under this call is expected to build the “digital capacity” of justice professionals, address training needs stemming from the Regulation on the digitalisation of judicial cooperation and access to justice in cross-border civil, commercial and criminal matters, the e-evidence Regulation, service of documents Regulation, and Taking of evidence Regulation and promote the digital transition of judicial training methodologies, while also contributing to the effective and coherent application of EU law in the areas of civil law, criminal law, and fundamental rights, including non-discrimination, equality, and the rule of law.
Eligible Activities:
Actions must take place in EU Member States, the EFTA/EEA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, EU candidate countries: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, Ukraine, Moldova and North Macedonia.
Eligible Applicants:
Applicants (the notion of applicants concerns applicants and partners) must be either public bodies or non-profit organisations with legal personality.
Total Budget: €4,075,000
Deadline: 26/03/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - Erasmus+
The Erasmus+ Teacher Academies aim to facilitate networking, knowledge sharing, mobility and provide teachers and trainers with learning opportunities at all phases of teachers’ and trainers’ careers by promoting close cooperation between organisations active in initial and continuing teacher education and training, complement other work done in achieving the Education Area, and help transfer the results to national and regional policy making and eventually to teacher education and support for schools.
Eligible Activities:
The overall objective of this action is to create European partnerships of teacher education institutions and training providers to set up Teacher Academies that will develop a European and international outlook in teacher education. These Academies aim to develop teacher education in line with the EU’s priorities in education policy and contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the European Education Area. The action focusses on networking, mobility and innovative methods, and will also embrace multilingualism, language awareness and cultural diversity topics.
Activities must take place in EU Member States or third countries associated to the Programme.
Eligible Applicants:
Any participating organisation established in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme can be the applicant. This organisation applies on behalf of all participating organisations involved in the project.
Total Budget: The maximum EU grant per project is €1,500,000. Total funding is €25,500,000.
Deadline: 26/03/2025
More information and official documents:
Programme: European Commission (EC) - JUST
The call for proposals’ objectives are to facilitate and support judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters, and promote the rule of law, independence and impartiality of the judiciary, including by supporting the efforts to improve the effectiveness of national justice systems, and the effective enforcement of decisions.
Eligible Activities:
There are three priorities for 2025:
· Judicial cooperation in civil matters
· Judicial cooperation in criminal matters
· Support to the Member States for the setting up and strengthening of national networks active in the area of judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters
Actions must take place in EU Member States, the EFTA/EEA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, EU candidate countries: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, Ukraine, Moldova and North Macedonia.
Eligible Applicants:
Applicants (the notion of applicants concerns applicants and partners) must be either public bodies or non-profit organisations with legal personality.
Total Budget: €5,900,000
Deadline: 23/04/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - Erasmus+
This action supports the gradual establishment and development of international collaborative networks of Centres of Vocational Excellence.
Eligible Activities:
The Centres of Vocational Excellence aim at achieving the following objectives:
· to ensure high quality skills through flexible and learner-centred VET provisions that lead to quality employment and career-long opportunities, swiftly responding to the needs of an innovative, inclusive and sustainable economy as well as to societal needs;
· to support and act as drivers for local and regional development, innovation and social inclusion in the context of the green and digital transitions;
· to contribute to upward convergence on VET excellence, to increase the quality of VET at system level in more and more countries;
· to ensure that outputs and results are taken into use and have impact beyond the project partner organisations and beyond the project period.
Activities must take place in EU Member States or third countries associated to the Programme.
Eligible Applicants:
Any participating organisation established in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme can be the applicant. This organisation applies on behalf of all participating organisations involved in the project.
Total Budget: The maximum EU grant per project is €4,000,000. Total funding is €60,000,000.
Deadline: 11/06/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - CERV
The scope of the call is promoting exchanges between citizens of different countries, in particular through networks of towns, to give them practical experience of the wealth and diversity of the common heritage of the Union and to make them aware that these constitute the foundation for a common future. In addition, developing sustainable networks of towns, deepening and intensifying their cooperation, while outlining their long-term vision for the future of European integration is another objective.
Eligible Activities:
In view of the overall objective stipulated above, the call may address the following topics (the list is not exhaustive):
· Bringing citizens together to discuss and share best practices, and thus helping to increase citizens’ engagement in society and ultimately to their active involvement in the democratic life of the Union;
· Promoting awareness and building knowledge of EU citizenship rights, free movement of people and associated European common values and common democratic standards, making them more tangible for EU citizens;
· Identifying ways to further strengthen the European dimension and democratic legitimacy of the EU decision-making process and fostering free, open and healthy democratic governance in an era of low turnout in elections, populism, disinformation and challenges facing civil society, including by supporting the active participation of citizens, including children, and civil society organisations in policy-making at local, national as well as European levels;
· Promoting awareness, building knowledge and sharing best practice on the benefits of diversity as well as effective measures on how to tackle discrimination and racism at local level;
· Promoting awareness and building knowledge of the role of minorities, such as people with a minority racial or ethnic background (for instance Roma and migrants), in European society and their contribution to Europe’s cultural development;
· Promoting prevention measures and awareness raising efforts, sharing best practices policies aiming to curb violence against women, domestic violence and violence against children at the local level, as well as bullying.
Actions must take place in the Member States of the European Union plus associated countries.
Eligible Applicants:
Applicants must be legal entities (public or private bodies). Applicants must be established in the eligible countries.
Total Budget: €10,000,000
Deadline: 27/03/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - AMIF
The general objective of this call for proposals is to enhance the prevention of irregular migration in countries of origin and transit and to undermine the business models of migrant smugglers by reducing the demand for their services. This should be achieved by raising awareness about the risks of irregular migration and migrant smuggling in key countries of origin and transit, informing potential migrants about available legal pathways to Europe, and highlighting alternative economic opportunities in their home countries.
Eligible Activities:
The aim is to provide reliable information to counter the false narrative promoted by criminal networks and to alter the perceptions and behaviour of third-country nationals considering irregular migration to the EU, as well as key influencers in their decisions, such as family members, religious or community leaders, teachers, returning migrants, and migration facilitators. This enables migrants and potential migrants to make better-informed decisions based on objective information rather than misinformation spread by smugglers.
Actions must take place in EU Member States and countries associated to the AMIF.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible organisations are legal entities (public or private bodies).
Total Budget: €10,000,000
Deadline: 01/04/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC) - CERV
The objective of the call is promoting citizens’ and representative associations’ participation in and contribution to the democratic and civic life of the Union by making known and publicly exchanging their views in all areas of Union action.
Eligible Activities:
This call aims to support projects promoted by transnational partnerships and networks directly involving citizens. These projects will gather a diverse range of people from different backgrounds and genders in activities directly linked to EU policies, giving them an opportunity to actively participate in the EU policymaking process and thus contribute to the democratic and civic life of the Union. The projects will encourage citizens’, including young persons, understanding of the policymaking process, showing in practice how to engage in the democratic life of the EU and enabling them to make known and publicly exchange their views in all areas of Union action.
· Priority 1. Promoting exchanges on future Union policy priorities and challenges
· Priority 2. Countering disinformation, information manipulation and interference in the democratic debate
· Priority 3. Promoting citizens’ active engagement and democratic participation
Actions must take place in the Member States of the European Union: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom. Eligible are also: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo and Ukraine.
Eligible Applicants:
Applicants must be either public bodies or non-profit organisations with legal personality. Applicants must be established in the eligible countries. The project must be transnational; the application must involve at least two applicants (lead applicant and at least one co-applicant not being affiliated entity or associated partner) from two different eligible countries
Total Budget: €33,000,000
Deadline: 29/04/2025
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Programme: Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
Launched in 2020, this program aims to support projects run jointly by African and French higher education institutions. The PeA is a program of academic partnerships between Africa and France, financed by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) via Agence Française de Développement (AFD). Its implementation is being supported by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR), the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) and Campus France.
Eligible Activities:
The Academia Partnerships Africa-France programme supports projects that:
· are led by French and African higher education and research institutions engaged in a strategic partnership to boost and implement sustainable higher education training programmes delivered in Africa;
· target a priority field for the socioeconomic development of the country or region, and where the training capacity is insufficient with respect to employment capacity;
· help build the African institution’s capacities and skills in managing this training programme;
Eligible countries are South Africa, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Rwanda, and Togo.
Eligible Applicants:
Each project applying for a partnership for the PeA programme is jointly coordinated by a higher education and research institution from an African country eligible for PeA3 (see §1.4) and by a French higher education and research institution, potentially joined by other partnering higher education and research institutions from France; the public and private institutions involved are non-profit and are not recognized as an enterprise in the sense of European regulations for state aid to research, development, and innovation.
Total Budget: €3,000,000 per project
Deadline: 06/05/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC)
The ERC Proof of Concept Grants aim to maximise the value of the excellent research that the ERC funds, by funding further work (i.e. activities which were not scheduled to be funded by the original ERC frontier research grant) to verify the innovation potential of ideas arising from ERC funded projects. The objective is to provide funds to enable ERC-funded ideas to be brought to a pre-demonstration stage where potential commercialisation or societal opportunities have been identified.
Eligible Activities:
The ERC Proof of Concept call aims at supporting ERC grant-holders to establish the innovation potential of their idea during the pre-demonstration phase. This would help among others: (1) establishing viability, technical issues and overall direction; (2) clarifying IPR position and strategy; (3) providing feedback for budgeting and other forms of commercial discussion; (4) providing connections to later stage funding; and (5) covering initial expenses for establishing a company.
Actions must take place in EU member states or Horizon Associated Country.
Eligible Applicants:
The ERC actions are open to researchers of any nationality who intend to conduct their research activity in any EU Member State or H2020 Associated Country. Principal Investigators may be of any age and nationality and may reside in any country in the world at the time of the application. ERC Principal Investigators do not have to be based full-time in Europe. The host institution must either be established in an EU Member State or Horizon Associated Country as a legal entity created under national law, or it may be an International European Interest Organisation (such as CERN, EMBL, etc.), the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) or any other entity created under EU law.
Total Budget: €30,000,000
Deadline: 18/09/2025
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Programme: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Sustainable and locally driven ideas come from a diversity of organizations around the world. To ensure that these ideas have the opportunity to be considered, the Unsolicited Solutions for Locally Led Development (US4LLD) Program provides funding to enable USAID Missions to support unsolicited applications that advance locally led development in any sector. All concepts must demonstrate how they advance locally led development.
Eligible Activities:
Concepts must show how they include:
Local input: Communities are involved in identifying the development challenge and designing a solution.
Local leadership: Local actors are empowered to own and implement the process.
Innovation: Activities go beyond and/or improve upon traditional development practices.
Sustainability: Activity outcomes will be sustained over the long-term.
Locally Informed Adaptation: There is a strategy for involving local communities in monitoring and learning, responding to potential challenges, and adapting as necessary.
Local Capacity Strengthening (as relevant): The needs, goals, and methods of any planned capacity strengthening activities are directly informed by potential activity participants and local partners.
Organizational Capacity Strengthening (optional, but encouraged): There are resources and a plan to strengthen the applicant organization’s own ability to better achieve its self-defined organizational goals.
Actions can take place worldwide except certain countries due to certain limits.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible applicants must: (1) have received less than $5 million from USAID directly over the previous five fiscal years and; (2) be a small local, international, or United States-based non-governmental organization, educational institution, or other small entity.
Total Budget: €2,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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The Chrysalis Trust was established in 2009. They are funding poverty reduction and disability projects as well as provision of access to shelter, education, healthcare and water. The Trust supports local projects in the North East of England only, national organisations providing benefit across the UK, as well as, international charities registered in the UK.
Eligible Activities:
The trust is able to provide support for both capital projects and core funding with ‘one off’ donations.
Less popular and harder to fund projects are prioritised. The Trust makes grants to registered charities and other organisations that demonstrate their ability to carry out charitable activities which provide public benefit as well.
They do not have any focus countries and so far have funded projects in Bangladesh, Ghana, Honduras, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Nepal, Romania, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Gambia, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Tanzania, Lebanon.
Eligible Applicants:
International charities registered in the UK are eligible to apply.
Total Budget: £1,500,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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The aim of is to promote quality journalism in Europe by giving journalists the chance to carry out journalistic research projects. will support professional journalists, who have good ideas for cross-border research and for research on European affairs. The stories must be relevant for European target groups.
Eligible Activities:
The project should be one that, in principle, could not be realised in this format within the remit of regular journalism – a project that can include cross-border research, networking between colleagues, established and innovative investigative methods and that is at the same time original, innovative and intensive. supports costs related to journalistic research for all media. This can include travel, translation, access to pay-databases or simply time to research. They do not support fixed costs such as office costs, investments such as cameras or computers or production costs.
Actions must take place in Europe.
Eligible Applicants:
Teams of journalists from at least two countries in geographical Europe are eligible to apply. When relevant for the story, team members from elsewhere can be accepted too.
Total Budget: €900,000
Deadline: 27/03/2025
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Programme: Yidan Prize Foundation
Applications are now open for the Yidan Prize to create a better world through education.
The prize aims to progress learning by building a global community committed to advancing ideas in education.
Eligible Activities:
They award the Yidan Prize to individuals and teams in two areas:
Education Research
The theory of learning — science, psychology, statistics — that can help educators gain a more methodical understanding of their approaches.
Education Development
The practice of learning — new methods, ways to make education more widespread — so they can champion techniques that work.
Prize Information
They award each year’s laureates a gold medal and a total sum of HK$30 million — half is a cash prize to recognize their contribution to the sector (shared equally for teams); the other half is a project fund distributed over three years to support the laureate’s work.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility Criteria
They welcome all nominations; the process is open to everyone. You don’t need to be invited to nominate a team or individual for either the Education Research or Education Development prize.
The prizes are open to teams of up to three. That could be a research group working on a project together.
Same nominee can be nominated more than once in the same category, or they can be nominated in both categories if their work spans both research and development.
Having more than one nomination in one category doesn’t increase the nominee’s chances. If you know others who are also interested in nominating the same person or team, consider choosing one nominator between you, and asking everyone else to be a supporter. It’ll probably make a stronger application overall.
Total Budget: €1,000,000
Deadline: 31/03/2025
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Programme: U.S. Mission to Albania
The U.S. Embassy Tirana Public Affairs Section (PAS) of the U.S. Department of State is pleased to announce that funding is available through its Public Diplomacy Annual Grants Program.
Eligible Activities:
Purpose of PAS Grants: PAS Tirana invites proposals for programs that strengthen cultural ties between the U.S. and Albania through cultural and exchange programming that highlights shared values and promotes bilateral cooperation. All programs must include an American cultural element or connection with American expert/s, organization/s, or institution/s in a specific field that will promote increased understanding of U.S. policy and perspectives.
Actions must take place in Albania.
Eligible Applicants:
The Public Affairs Section encourages applications from U.S. and Albania: Registered not-for-profit organizations, including think tanks and civil society/non-governmental organizations with programming experience; Individuals: an individual can apply for up to $150,000 in funding; Non-profit or governmental educational institutions (registered as non-profit); Albanian governmental institutions.
Total Budget: $100,000
Deadline: 21/09/2025
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Objective:’s flexible grants programmes enable journalists to produce relevant public interest stories with a European mind-set from international, national, and regional perspectives.
Eligible Activities:
This grant facility supports enabling activities and supporting services for environmental investigative journalism as a whole. It seeks to promote collective development and support services for environmental investigative journalism, by providing funding to project ideas from organisations and institutions for training and professional development programmes, i.e. skills-focused professional training or fellowship programmes targeted at enabling investigative journalists to upskill with regards to reporting on environment related issues.
Actions must take place in Europe.
Eligible Applicants:
Incorporated legal entities (organisations, companies, …) can apply with a project proposal for collective development and support services for environmental investigative journalism. Individuals (natural persons) cannot apply for this grant.
Total Budget: €84,000
Deadline: 09/10/2025
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Objective:’s flexible grants programmes enable journalists to produce relevant public interest stories with a European mind-set from international, national, and regional perspectives.
Eligible Activities:
This grant can be awarded to cross-border teams of professional journalists and/or news outlets to conduct investigations into environmental affairs related to Europe (all the countries, not only the EU). The resulting stories must be published in at least two outlets in two different countries, at least one must be a European media. While news media and newsrooms still predominantly operate nationally, most power structures and societal and environmental problems transcend national boundaries. This grant programme is therefore aimed at cross-border teams of investigative journalists and newsrooms to investigate and document illegal, unreported and unregulated abuse of nature that involves European affairs in and outside Europe.
Actions must take place in Europe.
Eligible Applicants:
Cross-border teams of at least two professional journalists and/or news outlets can submit a proposal for a journalistic investigation about an issue that concerns the environment and relates to the European continent (islands included).
Total Budget: €1,600,000
Deadline: 23/10/2025
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Programme: NZAID
The New Zealand Aid Programme is the New Zealand Government’s international aid and development agency (NZAID). Their mission is to support sustainable development in order to reduce poverty and contribute to a more secure, equitable and prosperous world. In order to eliminate global poverty, it works with NGOs, civil society, governments and other agencies by supporting them through grants, aid and scholarships.
Eligible Activities:
They focus on improving well-being and reducing poverty, hardship and vulnerability through access to economic opportunities and high-quality public services. Their priorities also support resilience to climate change, natural disasters and external economic events.
Thematic interest
Economic well-being
Education and health
Emergencies and disaster preparedness
Governance and peace
Their focus lies on Pacific and Asia (around 80%) but they also support Afghanistan, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.
Eligible Applicants:
The New Zealand Aid Programme has a range of funding and contracting opportunities to provide effective, sustainable aid in developing countries (i.e. New Zealand Partnerships for International Development Fund, Research Funds, New Zealand Disaster Response Partnership or Strategic Relationships) and each of those has different funding and application guidelines. Some schemes are open all year round and others are only accessible during open calls for proposals windows.
Total Budget: €550,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing (10 per year)
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The New Zealand’s Pacific Development and Conservation Trust makes grants for conservation, cultural heritage, development, and goodwill in the Pacific Islands. The priority is community projects, including conservation projects that involve representative, endangered, threatened, or unique habitats and species.
Eligible Activities:
Thematic Interest
Environment and natural resources
Community development
Cultural heritage
Eligible to receive grant funding are organisations from New Zealand and eligible Pacific countries and territories.
Eligible Applicants:
The Trust has about $250,000 to give as grants each year. The preferred way of receiving an application is via the Trust’s online application system (paper applications can also be downloaded from the Trust’s website). Applications may be submitted on a rolling basis throughout the year. There is no minimum or maximum grant amount and grants are usually in the range from $2,000 to $50,000. There are two full funding rounds per year. The opening cycle for the new rounds is February and August each year. Requests for funding must have a detailed budget, quotes and price lists, audited accounts or other financial information, and project lead CVs.
Total Budget: €250,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: European Commission - CREA
The InnovLab support shall support the design, development and/or spread of innovative tools, models or solutions applicable in the audiovisual and other cultural and creative sectors (CCSs) with a high potential of replicability in those sectors.
Eligible Activities:
The objectives of the scheme is to encourage cooperation between the audiovisual sector and other CCSs in order to accompany their environmental transition and/or to improve their competitiveness and/or the circulation, visibility, discoverability, availability, diversity and the audience of European content across borders. The support also aims to enable the European audiovisual sector and other CCSs to better adapt to the opportunities offered by the development of Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Worlds.
Actions must take place in EU member states plus Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Tunisia and Ukraine.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility is limited to legal entities (public or private bodies).
Total Budget: €5,001,863
Deadline: 14/04/2025
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Programme: German Embassy Zimbabwe
The German Embassy Harare has a fund which supports small scale anti-poverty projects by Zimbabwean Non-Governmental Organizations, associations, interest groups and communities. The Small Scale Project Scheme is part of Germany’s overall development co-operation that contributes to poverty alleviation and the improvement of living standards, especially in rural areas. Project examples are bore holes, street children shelters, training centres, orphanages, community halls, sewing machines, construction of a classroom, renovation of maternity ward, installation of solar power, etc.
Eligible Activities:
The German Embassy only supports projects that can be completed within one year and which do not cause any further costs after termination. A project cannot be funded if it has been supported by the German Embassy or by any other German development organisation before. The projects have to be initiated by local groups or communities at the grassroots’ level. They should be directed towards improving the living conditions of the community as a whole in the form of long term investments. The communities themselves have to make a substantial contribution towards the project.
Actions must take place in Zimbabwe.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible are Zimbabwean non-governmental organisations, associations, interest groups and communities.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: European AI & Society Fund
The AI Act Implementation Grants will support work that puts social justice at the heart of the AI Act’s implementation at EU and national levels. The Fund does not prescribe which approaches or tactics to use.
Eligible Activities:
Examples of work that may qualify for funding include:
Soliciting expert advice or commissioning research on a specific aspect of the AI Act implementation, for example the fundamental rights impact assessments
Ad-hoc convening costs to coordinate among stakeholders involved in the implementation, including travel costs and venues
Systematising coordination between organisations working in Brussels and at the national and regional level.
Convening costs to engage with authorities responsible for the enforcement of the AI act
Travel costs and compensation for experts and advocates that provide substantial input as part of the AI Act implementation process
Compensation for time spent on one of the sub-committees of the Code of Practice, or in similar processes
Actions must take place in EU, EEA, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Switzerland and the UK.
Eligible Applicants:
Organisations should be registered and carry out their work in one or several of the following countries: the EU, EEA, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Switzerland and the UK. Organisations must have non-profit status.
Total Budget: €400,000
Deadline: ONGOING
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Programme: European Commission - CREA
Expected results:
· Stimulate interest and increase knowledge of audiences in European films and audiovisual works including specific programmes on film heritage
· Strengthen pan-European cooperation for innovative audience development and film education projects especially using new digital tools
· Increase pan-European impact and audience outreach
· Develop film education projects across European and non-European territories
Eligible Activities:
Description of the activities: Projects ensuring pan-European cooperation and providing innovative projects, especially using new digital tools aiming at:
· Increasing interest and knowledge of audiences, in particular young audiences, in European films and audiovisual works including specific programmes on film heritage.
· Activities shall include audience-oriented events and innovative or cross-border film education initiatives. Cooperation between film institutions and online platforms is encouraged.
· Increasing pan-European impact and audience outreach.
· Promoting and increase the contribution that existing European films and audiovisual works, including curated catalogues of films, make towards audience development, film education and film literacy.
· Applications should present adequate strategies to ensure more sustainable and more environmentally-respectful industry and to ensure gender balance, inclusion, diversity and representativeness.
Actions must take place in EU member states plus Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Tunisia and Ukraine
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility is limited to legal entities (public or private bodies).
Total Budget: €6,000,000
Deadline: 27/03/2025
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Programme: European Commission - CREA
The objective of the Skills and Talent Development support is to enhance the capacity of audiovisual professionals to adapt to new creative processes, market developments and digital technologies that affect the whole value chain.
Particular focus will be put on supporting new creative processes (e.g. cross disciplinary creative collaboration, innovative storytelling blending creative and digital skills), harnessing digital innovation in audiovisual production (e.g. virtual production, post-production) and distribution (marketing, promotion, audience engagement); uptake of digital tools for videogames production and distribution; enhancing IP rights exploitation; green transition (aiming at promoting sustainable practices across the entire value chain).
Eligible Activities:
Expected results:
· To promote sustainable and more environmentally respectful solutions for the audiovisual industry
· Harness Europe’s creative talent by embracing new creative processes
· To accompany the digital transition of the audiovisual sector in support of content creation and dissemination
· To foster growth and investment through greater exploitation of IP across the EU and beyond
· Equip audiovisual and gaming professionals with a new combination of creative and digital skills, thereby increasing the competitiveness potential of the European industry
Actions must take place in EU member states plus Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Tunisia and Ukraine.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility is limited to legal entities (public or private bodies).
Total Budget: €7,500,000
Deadline: 24/04/2025
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Programme: European Commission - CREA
Scope: The objective of the support to TV and online content is to increase the capacity of audiovisual producers to develop and produce strong projects with significant potential to circulate throughout Europe and beyond, and to facilitate European and international co-productions within the television and online sector.
The action aims to strengthen the independence of producers in relation to broadcasters and digital platforms, to enhance collaboration between operators, including independent producers, broadcasters, digital platforms and sales agents, from different countries participating in the MEDIA Strand, in order to produce high quality programming aimed at wide international distribution and promoted to a wide audience including commercial exploitation in the multi-platform environment. Particular attention will be given to projects presenting innovative aspects in the content and in the financing that show a clear link with the envisaged distribution strategies.
Eligible Activities:
Expected results
· Increased production of high quality European works for linear and non-linear broadcasting including on digital platforms, as well as an increase in the number of co-productions.
· Enhanced cooperation between operators from different countries participating in the MEDIA Strand, including between broadcasters.
· Increased audience for European works through linear and non-linear broadcasting including on digital platforms.
· Description of the activities to be funded
· Applicants should present adequate strategies to ensure a more sustainable and more environmentally-respectful industry (in particular through the use of greening consultants allowing to reduce the environmental impact of productions and shootings) and to ensure gender balance, inclusion, diversity and representativeness.
Actions must take place in EU member states plus Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Tunisia and Ukraine.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility is limited to legal entities (public or private bodies).
Total Budget: €20,000,000
Deadline: 14/05/2025
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Programme: European Commission - CREA
Objective: The Films on the Move action shall encourage and support the wider distribution of recent non-national European films by encouraging sales agents and theatrical distributors in particular to invest in promotion and adequate distribution of non-national European films.
Eligible Activities:
Expected Results:
· Development of pan-European theatrical and/or online distribution strategies for non-national European films.
· Increased investment in theatrical and/or online promotion and distribution of non-national European films in view of expanding audience reach.
· Develop links between the production and distribution sector thus improving the competitive position of non-national European films on a global market
Description of the activities to be funded under the call for proposals:
· The activities to be funded are campaigns for the pan-European theatrical and/or online distribution of eligible European films, coordinated by the sales agent of the film. Applications should present adequate strategies to ensure more sustainable and more environmentally-respectful industry and to ensure gender balance, inclusion, diversity and representativeness.
Actions must take place in EU member states plus Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Tunisia and Ukraine.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility is limited to legal entities (public or private bodies).
Total Budget: €16,000,000
Deadline: 17/07/2025
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Programme: Cisco Foundation
he Cisco Foundation was established in 1997 by Cisco. Cisco and the Cisco Foundation partner with non-profits, non-governmental organisations, and community-based organisations to carry out many of its Corporate Social Responsibility programs. Cisco invests in scalable and self-sustaining programs that use technology to meet some of society’s biggest challenges. It deploys its expertise, technology, partnerships, and financial resources to help build thriving, prosperous communities that improve people’s lives and support our business. Through the Global Impact Cash Grants, it offers an innovative approach to a significant social problem. The social investment programs focus on four areas where Cisco CSR can add the most value and make a significant and lasting impact investing in local communities to solve global challenges.
Eligible Activities:
Cisco welcomes applications for Global Impact Cash Grants from community partners around the world who share their vision and offer an innovative approach to a critical social challenge. They identify, incubate, and develop innovative solutions with the most impact. Global Impact Cash Grants go to nonprofits and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that address a significant social problem. They are looking for programs that fit within our investment areas, serve the underserved, and leverage technology to improve the reach and efficiency of services. Cisco’s cash and product grant programs help nonprofits apply digital technology to have the broadest impact in some of the most economically underserved parts of the world.
They offer two funding streams:
climate impact investing: for climate impact and regeneration for-profit investing
nonprofit grant proposals: for climate, education, crisis response, and economic empowerment
Actions can take place in various countries worldwide.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible applicants are nonprofits and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that address a significant social problem.
Total Budget: $16,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: Cisco Foundation
Cisco donates their own technology to qualifying nonprofit organizations to help them realize significant gains in productivity, security, scalability, and cost efficiency. The program enables partners to make innovative use of networking and communications technology to create a measurable impact. The Cisco Technology Grant Program focuses on the same social investment areas as the cash grants: climate impact and regeneration; Cisco Crisis Response (which includes shelter, water, food, and disaster relief); economic empowerment; and education.
Eligible Activities:
Cisco offers two primary pathways for technology grants. For larger, more complex requests, use the customized process managed directly by Cisco. For smaller, more routine requests, use the simpler process managed by their partner TechSoup:
Application Path 1: TGP Donations Managed by Cisco – To inquire about a larger or more complex TGP grant request from Cisco, use the TGP contact form to send them a message.
Application Path 2: TGP Donations Managed by TechSoup – Since 2003, Cisco has partnered with TechSoup to provide smaller and more routine TGP donations in select countries (namely, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, UK, and US).
Actions can take place in various countries worldwide.
Eligible Applicants:
Only registered non-profit (NPO) or non-governmental (NGO) organisations can apply.
Total Budget: $100,000 per applicant
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
The Agency for International Development (USAID) encourages the submission of new and innovative ideas consistent with and contributing to the accomplishment of USAID’s objectives. Such opportunities are routinely announced through broad Agency announcements or specific Requests for Proposals (RFPs). When new or innovative ideas do not fall under topic areas publicized through those techniques, offerors may consider submitting them as unsolicited proposals. Note that the criteria for unsolicited proposals are quite stringent.
Eligible Activities:
An unsolicited proposal is a written proposal for a new or innovative idea that is submitted on the initiative of the offeror for the purpose of obtaining a contract with the Government, and that is not in response to a request for proposals or any other Government-initiated solicitation or program. A valid unsolicited proposal must (1) be innovative and unique; (2) be independently originated and developed by the offeror; (3) be prepared without Government supervision, endorsement, direction, or direct Government involvement; (4) include sufficient detail to permit a determination that USAID support could be worthwhile and the proposed work could benefit USAID’s research and development or other responsibilities; (5) not be an advance proposal for a known USAID requirement that can be acquired by competitive methods; and (6) unsolicited proposals in response to a publicized general statement of Agency needs are considered to be independently originated.
Actions can take place worldwide where USAID operates.
Eligible Applicants:
Non-profit organisations and businesses are eligible.
Total Budget: $1,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Through its Small Grants Program, the Swiss Cooperation Office in Moldova (SCO-M) supports local initiatives promoting democratic values, human rights, including gender equality, social inclusion, good governance, or propose innovative interventions that complement the SCO-M’s domains of interventions in Moldova. As well, the program supports art and culture projects promoting freedom of expression, diversity and social cohesion.
Eligible Activities:
Eligible are:
· Small actions that contribute towards fostering peace and security, promote democracy and human rights, as well as those addressing issues related to social inclusion, gender equality and good governance in the main areas of Switzerland’s support for Moldova — Health, Local Governance, and Economic Development & Employment.
· Culture projects that contribute towards building trust and social cohesion, a free and open society, and towards the development of the culture sector; initiatives that support partnerships between public, private and civic organizations, and strengthen civil society.
Actions must take place in Moldova.
Eligible Applicants:
The applicant shall be a legal entity registered in the Republic of Moldova: Non-governmental organizations, Professional associations and unions, Local offices of international organizations, Central and local governmental institutions, Public institutions, including educational, Media organizations, Commercial entities with non-profit projects.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: Embassy of Japan in Pakistan
As part of the Official Development Assistance (ODA) to developing countries, the Government of Japan offers a program to support non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and community based organisations (CBOs) that are working specifically in the social development sector. Known as the GGP (Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects), it provides flexible and timely support to small-scale development projects, which aim to improve the social well-being of the people at the grassroots level.
Eligible Activities:
Priority is given to the following sectors: (1) basic education (pre-school to class eight, and adult literacy); (2) primary health (includes population welfare/reproductive health); (3) vocational training/skill development; (4) special education (education/training for handicapped, orphanages, etc.); (5) agriculture (irrigation system.); (6) public welfare/basic infrastructure (drinking water supply, sanitation, road, bridges, electricity, etc.) and (7) environment.
Actions must take place in Pakistan.
Eligible Applicants:
All non-profit organisations implementing social development projects at grassroots level are eligible. It includes local/international NGOs, CBOs, village organisations, local institutions, schools, hospitals, etc.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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The embassy has been supporting micro-measures since 2004. They complement German development cooperation with the Republic of Moldova as part of major bilaterally agreed projects, which are usually handled by GIZ and KfW. The micro-projects, on the other hand, can be applied for and implemented much faster and with comparatively less effort. The following requirements must be met:
Eligible Activities:
Your project brings about a long-term improvement in the living conditions of the local population.
You cannot fully finance the project yourself. However, your own financial contribution increases your chances of receiving funding. This can also be a non-financial contribution such as work performance.
The project will remain in place for the long term, is not a pure training measure, but is associated with equipment assistance.
The financial support is one-time and does not result in any recurring obligations from the embassy.
The institution that is the project sponsor fulfils a general-benefit function (e.g. an NGO, a school). The project must improve the common good.
The overall financing of the project is secured.
Any follow-up costs can be borne by the project sponsor.
Actions must take place in Moldova.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible are local non-profit organisations (NGOs, self help groups, kindergartens, etc.).
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC)
The Swiss Embassy offers financial support to small-scale initiatives by organizations registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina that can contribute to achieving the results outlined in the Swiss Cooperation Programme 2021–24.
Eligible Activities:
The current Programme focuses primarily on the following priority areas:
· Local governance and municipal services
· Economic development and employment
· Health
· Migration
· Arts and culture
Projects must:
• directly and demonstrably contribute to at least one of the Swiss Portfolio outcomes under the Swiss Cooperation Programme 2021-2024 or the intervention areas of the Swiss Migration Strategic Framework for the Western Balkans.
• be developed in a participatory way and reflect a clear need among the selected target beneficiaries;
• provide quality information and describe the feasibility of proposed activities in the application (applicant’s understanding of the problem to be addressed by the project, general description of the activities and the results to be achieved);
• take into account the sustainability of results.
Actions must take place in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Eligible Applicants:
The partner organisation must: have an adequate organisational structure and a sound financial record; provide information about selected reference projects implemented over the past five years and indicate whether (and for what purpose) the organisations has received funds from the Swiss Government; demonstrate that they have the knowledge and capacities to conduct the proposed activities.
Total Budget: €1,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Cognizant Foundation was established to spearhead CSR initiatives in Cognizant and is based in Chennai, India. The vision of Cognizant Foundation is to be a model social organisation that enables and facilitates the under privileged sections of the society to access quality education, healthcare and livelihood opportunities. To this end, the Foundation provides financial and technical support to institutions for improving the quality of education (VET, scholarships), livelihood (youth, PWD, women) and healthcare (i.e. avoidable blindness, women and child health, capacity building).
Eligible Activities:
To achieve its vision, the Foundation partners with NGOs, educational and healthcare institutions, government and other corporates for achieving the vision. Grants are particularly provided to enhance infrastructure facilities including equipment, training aids, etc. in the areas of education, healthcare and livelihood. Its focus areas are:
Focus on promoting inclusion through interventions with a focus on children, women and persons with disabilities
Leverage digital technology as an enabler to amplify and scale the impact of interventions
Explore avenues to leverage Cognizant’s expertise in leveraging technology as well as learning from CF’s past partnerships
Create knowledge and assets that benefit the overall ecosystem and promote thought leadership to move the needle on impact
Grant funding is provided for projects in all states of India.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible for grant funding are local and international non-profit organisations with a track record of projects in India.
Total Budget: €1,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: Western Digital
Western Digital believes in their responsibility to be a good neighbor in the communities in which they operate, and a steward of our world’s resources. The quality of life and education, the well-being of their employees and their families, and the economic health of society are of vital interest to Western Digital.
Eligible Activities:
As a corporation, they support organizations that improve education, support hunger relief, as well as programs protecting the environment and our communities. It currently considers applications for grants to Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and public schools whose programs align with their philanthropic focus areas:
· STEM Education: Organizations providing opportunities for underrepresented and/or underserved K-12 youth
· Hunger Relief: Innovative programs focused on alleviating hunger in local communities
· Environment: Work in environmental preservation and conservation, and the public education of such issues
Actions must take place in: China, India, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand.
Eligible Applicants:
Priority consideration is given to those organizations that offer programs/services in proximity to Western Digital offices and facilities. Prior to completing an application, requestors should review our Global Giving Guidelines for complete details on their giving policies. In addition to the guidelines, applicants must be able to exhibit tax-exempt status equivalent to U.S. IRS 501c3 status.
Total Budget: $100,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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The Asia Foundation’s mission is to improve lives, expand on opportunities, and help societies flourish across a dynamic and developing Asia. Their programs address critical issues affecting Asia in the 21st century – governance and law, economic development, women’s empowerment, environment, and regional cooperation. In addition, their Books for Asia and professional exchange programs are among the ways they encourage Asia’s continued development as a peaceful, just, and thriving region of the world.
Eligible Activities:
Their program areas are:
· Climate Action: They work with businesses, governments, NGOs, and community leaders to develop participatory approaches to managing natural resources, reducing the risk of disasters, and protecting environments across Asia and the Pacific.
· Education and Leadership: They invest in people because tackling critical development challenges rests not only on sustainable frameworks and systems but also on the people who power them.
· Gender Equality: Their teams innovate new ways to open doors and disrupt the status quo of gender because gender should never hold anyone back.
· Governance: Across Asia and the Pacific, their programs catalyze inclusive decision-making by promoting collaborative, transparent, and participatory systems that represent the needs of their communities.
· Inclusive Growth: Amid rapid economic and industrial transition across Asia and the Pacific, they strive to ensure that all people have access to the future skills they need and that governments craft policies that foster inclusive growth, leaving no one behind.
· International Cooperation: Their work strengthens cooperation and collaboration between nations to foster peace, stability, and prosperity, and to catalyze regional solutions to regional challenges.
The foundation is operational in Asia and Pacific Islands.
Eligible Applicants:
The Foundation does not make grants to individuals nor to U.S-based organizations but provides grants to selected Asian non profit organisations.
Total Budget: $100,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: Safari Club International (SCI)
SCI Foundation is a non-profit IRS 501(c)(3) corporation. The mission of SCI Foundation is to fund and direct wildlife programs dedicated to wildlife conservation and outdoor education. More specifically, the conservation purpose of SCI Foundation is to conduct and support scientific and technical studies in the field of wildlife conservation, to assist in the design and development of scientifically sound wildlife programs for the management of wildlife and sustainable-use hunting, and to demonstrate the constructive role that hunting and hunters play in the conservation of wildlife and in preserving biodiversity worldwide.
Eligible Activities:
Eligible projects could include wildlife population surveys, implementation of wildlife management plans, purchase of equipment for state agencies to conduct conservation projects, reintroduction and translocation of species, and habitat restoration or improvement projects. Proposals should include a project description and estimated budget, as well as an explanation of how it will benefit sustainable use conservation.
Support has so far been provided to projects implemented in Africa, North America and Asia.
Eligible Applicants:
All grant applications must come from a SCI Chapter and any active chapter engaged in conservation projects is eligible.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: 30/03/2025
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Programme: European Commission (EC)
Task description
Demonstrate exceptional results as MERIT study program student, including, but not limiting to:
· research activities and their result publication;
· active participation in advanced digital skill application contents and hackathon type events, promoting the benefits of advanced digital skills, MERIT project and its study program values and possibilities;
· advanced digital skill upskilling, gaining new experiences, competences and sharing it with others;
· utilizing advanced digital skills by applying it for business and public sector growth.
Eligible Activities:
Further information
The call for the scholarship is announced on the VILNIUS TECH website, both in English and Lithuanian. The links are the following:
Regarding questions, related to the call and MERIT studies at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, the main contact is Simona Ramanauskaitė (e-mail.
Eligible Applicants:
Total Budget: €21,000
Deadline: 30/06/2026
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Programme: EIT Urban Mobility Business Plan 2023-2025
The Innovation’s Targeted Projects Programme addresses a) gaps in our innovation portfolio regarding the business plan, strategic agenda, and b) external changes and influences such as technological developments, policies/regulations, and (urgent) events.
This is a long-term call with different cut-off dates that will be announced at least 2 months before the set submission deadline.
Each cut-off date will be specific in terms of topics to be addressed and requirements.
Eligible Activities:
EIT Urban Mobility is looking for a project consortium to develop and commercialise hydrogen technology solutions capable of accelerating the hydrogen transition, by tackling at least one of the following challenges: (1) Improving Performance and Viability of Zero-Emission Hydrogen Vehicles, (2) Facilitating Early Diffusion of Hydrogen Infrastructures for Mobility, (3) Overcoming Regulatory Hurdles to Speed Up the Product Deployment, (4) Reducing the Cost of Hydrogen Technology Adoption.
EIT Urban Mobility is seeking a project consortium that can develop and commercialise a product that will support companies to report their scope 3 GHG emissions according to the new CSRD regulations by enabling cheaper and higher-quality data collection and analytics on employees’ commuting and business travel behaviours. The solution needs to be demonstrated with a relevant end-client, who is part of the project consortium.
EIT Urban Mobility is looking for a project consortium to develop and commercialise a comprehensive Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) for city buses. The solution needs to incorporate all mandatory features, aiding bus manufacturers—particularly smaller and mid-sized ones from RIS countries with limited internal resources—in complying with the new GSR2 regulations.
EIT Urban Mobility is seeking a project consortium to develop and commercialise Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) solutions in RIS countries, particularly in Eastern Europe. The solution needs to implement DRT to connect suburban areas and innovate DRT solutions for deep integration with wider public transport services.
EIT Urban Mobility is looking for a project consortium consisting of a government authority and SMEs to expedite market innovation among SMEs with targeted solutions for niche urban mobility challenges. The solutions must be scalable in the piloting city and replicable to other cities.
Eligible Applicants:
Applicants are invited to submit proposals using the PLAZA tool.
Proposals will be evaluated based on pre-defined evaluation criteria and following the evaluation process described in Chapter 5 “Evaluation and selection process” of the Call Manual.
Total Budget: €4,200,000
Deadline: 31/12/2026
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Programme: MISEREOR
MISEREOR supports the weakest members of society: the poor, the sick, the hungry and the disadvantaged. It is of no importance whether those in need of help are men or women, what religious beliefs they hold or where they come from. To love one’s neighbour is a basic attitude of Christian life, and MISEREOR’s vocation is to translate this attitude into concrete action; the poor are our sisters and brothers, who have a right to a life of dignity. MISEREOR supports them in realising it. The organisation does not pursue any ends other than the promotion of development. The mandate given to MISEREOR by the German Bishops rules out the promotion of pastoral or missionary measures.
Eligible Activities:
For MISEREOR, each individual project is part of a larger task. In dialogue with partners in Africa, Asia, Oceania and Latin America joint visions and goals are developed so that social processes can be effectively supported. MISEREOR underpins these processes by facilitating exchange of experiences and networking, and by providing professional advisory and consultancy inputs on themes such as urban and rural development, human rights, health, peace and many more. The partner organisations are closely accompanied by MISEREOR, and if required are also advised on management and organisational development issues.
Actions must take place in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Eligible Applicants:
The projects supported by MISEREOR are implemented by independent partner organisations. These are either local legal entities of the Catholic Church (dioceses, orders, bishops’ conferences etc.) or non-governmental organisations.
Total Budget: €1,000,000
Deadline: ONGOING
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Launched in 2012, the Fairtrade Access Fund is designed to meet the most important financing and technical assistance needs of Fairtrade smallholder farmer cooperatives and associations in Latin America and the Caribbean, and Africa. It offers a full range of loans and technical assistance. The Fund is a joint project of the Fairtrade International, Incofin Investment Management and the Grameen Foundation.
Eligible Activities:
The Fund offers three types of loans: (1) long-term loans (1-5 years; these loans allow an organisation to invest in building up its business and to plan for the long term like crop renewal, farm improvements, equipment, and processing facilities); (2) working capital (up to 1 year; these loans provide working capital for fertilisers, machinery and other inputs); and (3) trade finance (up to 1 year; these loans serve as bridge payments to purchase members’ produce during the harvest).
Loans and technical assistance are available for organisations based in Latin America and the Caribbean (Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Nicaragua, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras), and Africa (Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Togo, Benin, DR Congo, Uganda, Tanzania, Madagascar).
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible for loans are private companies and organisations (e.g. agricultural cooperatives or associations of small-holder farmers) that are legally registered and based in the country of operation (Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa). Candidates for the fund must be strong and responsible organizations that are certified by Fairtrade International (FLO), or another sustainable certificate (Such as Rainforest Alliance, Utz, World Fair Trade, Café Practices,) or in the process of being certified. The fund also provides financing services to plantations (farms), processors and traders that are certified, as well as microfinance institutions that focus on small farmers.
Total Budget: $2,000,000
Deadline: ONGOING
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Founded in 1997, the Eleanor Crook Foundation (ECF) is a grant-making foundation that works to scale improved solutions to child undernutrition by deploying the power of research, policy analysis, and advocacy, with the ultimate goal of saving children’s lives and enabling them to excel in school, work, and beyond.
Eligible Activities:
With its mission that no person should go hungry, the Foundation supports organisations that: (1) implement sustainable, community-based approaches to the root causes of hunger and extreme poverty; (2) carry out research and innovation to identify more impactful nutrition and food security interventions; and (3) raise hunger awareness and advocate for policy reform to end hunger.
The Foundation provides grant funding to projects in East Africa.
Eligible Applicants:
Non-profit organisations are eligible to apply.
Total Budget: $100,000,000
Deadline: ONGOING
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The Medical Credit Fund (MCF) is a non-profit health investment fund that was founded in 2009 by PharmAccess International. It supports private healthcare facilities in Africa obtaining capital to strengthen and upgrade their operations in order to enhance access to affordable quality healthcare. The Fund’s primary objective is to increase the delivery of affordable quality healthcare services by reducing the investment risk. To achieve this objective, the Fund provides performance-based financing in combination with technical support to eligible private primary healthcare providers.
Eligible Activities:
The selected health facilities participate in a medical and business quality improvement program which will strengthen their business case and debt servicing capacity, and reduce credit and medical risk. To achieve its objectives, the Fund’s investment strategy is via two programs: (1) the Finance Program and (2) the Technical Assistance (TA) Program. The TA Program contains quality improvement and business planning while the Finance Program provides access to loans.
Current focus countries are Tanzania, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda and Nigeria (aiming to expand further into Sub-Sahara Africa).
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible are: (1) Healthcare SMEs: hospitals, health centers, dispensaries, maternity homes and nurse-driven clinics; (2) Specialist care providers: diagnostic centers, laboratories, and pharmacies; and (3) Healthcare businesses catering to health facilities, distributors of drugs, training institutes and equipment providers.
Total Budget: $150,000,000
Deadline: ONGOING
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The Robert Bosch Foundation is one of the major German Foundations associated with a private company and has managed the philanthropic bequest of company founder Robert Bosch for over 50 years. Their international funding aims to support those projects that serve to facilitate conflict transformation in conflict (and post-conflict) societies in different regions. The Robert Bosch also pursues its aims in a nonpartisan and independent manner. Their projects and programs tackle social challenges in order to develop solutions and bring about change.
Eligible Activities:
Their international program areas of support are: (1) health (mainly focused on Germany and the Bosch health campus); (2) education (including social development, pre-school and day care); and (3) global issues (promoting peace and stability to alleviate human suffering including climate change, democracy, migration, inequality and peace building).
They fund projects in Africa, America, Asia, Europe (with a focus on Eastern and Southeastern Europe, Turkey, Russia, North Africa, United States, China, Japan, and India).
They have an annual grant budget of around €100,000,000: the main share goes to health (app. 60%) followed by global issues and education. Since its establishment in 1964, the Robert Bosch Stiftung has spent around €2,3 billion on its charitable work.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible to receive grant funding are non-profit organisations and institutions whose projects align with the Foundation’s aims.
Total Budget: $100,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: John Deer Foundation
The John Deer Foundation is the corporate Foundation of the U.S.-based John Deere company. Their vision is to aspire being a catalyst for positive global change by focusing our energy, intellect, and resources on solving world hunger, empowering others through education, and developing home communities. Within their philanthropic portfolio they have a grant-making program and a volunteer program.
Eligible Activities:
It focuses on unlocking economic, social, and environmental value for smallholder and resource-constrained farmers, marginalized families and youth in John Deere home communities, and the workforce.
Grant support is provided to projects in countries were John Deere is active: (1) Asia (China, India, Singapore, Israel); (2) Africa (South Africa); (3) Europe (Turkey, Poland, Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, France, Finland); (4) America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico) as well as USA.
Grant sizes range from a few hundred $ up to various million $.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible to receive grant funding are non-profit organisations and institutions whose projects align with the Foundation’s aims. Requesting organisations must have a current IRS IRS 501(C)(3) not-for-profit designation.
Total Budget: +$1,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: Gilead
Gilead Sciences, Inc. is a research-based biopharmaceutical company that discovers, develops and commercialises innovative medicines in areas of unmet medical need.
Eligible Activities:
They strive to transform and simplify care for people with life-threatening illnesses around the world. Gilead welcomes funding requests for innovative, high impact projects that relate to at least one of our core therapeutic areas:
P Liver disease: HCV, HBV, HDV
P Oncology: Haematology, Solid tumours
P Inflammatory and respiratory disease
P Abroad, they also fund projects that (1) improve access to healthcare; (2) reduce disparities for disadvantaged groups; (3) educate among patients and healthcare professionals; and (4) support local communities.
Actions can take place worldwide.
Eligible Applicants:
They work with patient advocates, nonprofits, and healthcare professionals across all our therapeutic areas of focus to improve care through partnerships and community engagement. Only tax exempt nonprofits are eligible.
Total Budget: €1,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: Netherlands Development Finance Company (FMO)
The Dutch Fund for Climate and Development allows for investments in projects aimed at climate adaptation and prevention in developing countries. It seeks to improve the wellbeing, economic prospects, and livelihoods of vulnerable groups – particularly women and youth – and enhance the health of critical ecosystems, from river basins to tropical rainforests, marshland, and mangroves. The consortium’s activities will also help protect communities and cities from the increasing frequency of extreme weather events and benefit weakening biodiversity in areas that provide people with water, food, medicine, and economic opportunity.
Eligible Activities:
The fund will be focusing on several high impact investment themes, including climate-resilient water systems and freshwater ecosystems, forestry, climate-smart agriculture, and restoration of ecosystems to protect the environment. The fund will be structured with three separate but operationally linked facilities, each with a specific sub-sector focus and role across the project lifecycle.
The Origination Facility is responsible for project identification and feasibility activities across a range of sectors; it is co-managed by WWF and SNV.
The Investment Facilities target projects which have “graduated” from the Origination Facility. Each has its own focus: Water projects are managed by CFM, while Land Use projects are managed by FMO.
They work with projects across Africa, Asia and Latin America, in communities and ecosystems that are some of the most vulnerable to climate change.
Eligible Applicants:
The consortium seeks to cooperate with a diverse stakeholder base, including; civil society; (local) government; NGOs and the private sector.
Total Budget: €1,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: Paul Hamlyn Foundation
Reflecting the values of their founder Paul Hamlyn, the Foundation aims to improve opportunities and life chances for young people. Besides their support programs in the UK (including support programs in arts, migration and integration as well as a special youth fund), the Foundation also supports Indian development NGOs who work in health, education, women’s rights, children’s rights and political representation.
Eligible Activities:
They fund organisations working with vulnerable communities. This includes but is not limited the following groups:
§ Communities with little or no access to education
§ Communities with little or no access to health services
§ Dalit communities, particularly those in dangerous or harmful work
§ Disabled people, particularly children
§ Families living in extreme poverty
§ Tribal communities fighting for or dispossessed of their land and resources
§ Women
Their geographic focus is mainly on the poorest Indian states and priority is given to particularly vulnerable groups within Indian society. This focuses on central parts of India which are among the poorest parts of the country, stretching between the eastern part of Gujarat in the west to West Bengal and Assam in the east.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible for funding are only local Indian NGOs with a Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) registration (no support for locally registered branches of non-Indian organisations). At the meso/macro level, we will fund organisations that operate on a slightly larger scale and can view changes from a broader perspective. Initiatives at this level will bring together experiences from multiple smaller micro-level initiatives, compiling and consolidating their learning to help us address factors likely to improve the ecosystem.
Total Budget: €100,000 - €300,000 per project
Deadline: Ongoing
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JRS invests in the technical and the institutional activities necessary to: (1) Enhance the value of biodiversity data; (2) Connect biodiversity data users to biodiversity data providers; (3) Create broad awareness of the value of biodiversity data and information services, and (4) Build the capacity to use and produce biodiversity data, including the partnerships and networks to sustain the work over the long-term.
Eligible Activities:
JRS’ strategy to advance the field of biodiversity informatics and improve conservation decision making is to connect data publication to knowledge use related to pollinators’ biodiversity and to freshwater biodiversity. By focusing our resources on two domains of conservation and within limited geographic areas, we aim to sustain our investments in technology, capacity, and projects. Our three programs of grantmaking are:
§ Freshwater Biodiversity and Resources
§ Pollinator Biodiversity and Services
§ Building Capacity and Partnerships for Biodiversity Informatics
They fund projects across Africa, America and occasionally in Europe with a focus sub-Saharan Africa.
Eligible Applicants:
JRS grants are open to institutions based in sub-Saharan Africa.
Total Budget: Average €175,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM)
The French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM) has been working to promote protection of the global environment in developing countries since it was established by the French government in 1994. It is mandated to cofinance development projects with high environmental component in the areas of biodiversity, the greenhouse effect, international waters, land degradation and desertification, persistent organic pollutants and the stratospheric ozone layer.
Eligible Activities:
To receive FFEM funding, a project must meet nine eligibility criteria::
§ contributes to global environmental protection;
§ contributes to local sustainable development in one or more developing countries;
§ is innovative;
§ has demonstrative value and replicability;
§ is economically and financially sustainable once funding ends;
§ is ecologically and environmentally viable;
§ is socially and culturally acceptable, with local ownership;
§ has an appropriate institutional framework;
§ has a monitoring and evaluation mechanism.
All developing countries eligible for official development assistance as defined by the OECD, with priority given to Africa and the Mediterranean. French overseas areas may draw on FFEM financing through regional projects, but the FFEM contribution is then limited to 25% of the total cost of the project.
Eligible Applicants:
Non-profit and for-profit organisations are eligible
Total Budget: €500,000 - €2,000,000 per project
Deadline: Ongoing
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Business Partnership Support is financial support for the planning, development and training phases of projects aiming at establishing commercial activity in developing countries, or starting importing from developing countries. The support can be granted to Finnish companies and other organisations for commercially viable, long-term activities aimed at economic cooperation in developing countries. All projects should contribute to positive developmental effects in the target country.
Eligible Activities:
The purpose of Business Partnership Support is to encourage commercial cooperation between Finnish companies and companies and organisations in developing countries. The aim is to achieve positive developmental effects in the target countries. Business Partnership Support is de minimis aid as of 1.1.2010. Under certain conditions, de minimis regulations can be considered not applicable to Business Partnership Support.
Eligible target countries are all developing countries listed as ODA recipients by the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible applicants for Business Partnership Support are: (1) companies registered in Finland or elsewhere that have a substantial link to Finland; (2) substantial link to Finland is a significant Finnish ownership in the applicant company, or a contractual relationship between a Finnish company and the company registered abroad; (3) public utilities or other institutions that are operating according to the principles of the public sector, and are registered in Finland; (4) research facilities, universities, cooperatives and chambers of commerce or similar organisations based in Finland and (5) non-governmental organisations/associations registered in Finland that practice or contribute to economic operations consortium of several companies or organisation.
Total Budget: > €400,000 per project
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: Open Technology Fund (OTF)
The Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) Sustainability Fund is Open Technology Fund’s newest mechanism to support the long-term maintenance of established FOSS projects and the communities that sustain them. The FOSS Sustainability Fund helps to ensure that free and open source software projects and the communities that sustain them have the resources and support needed for long-term maintenance, security, and community well-being. Ensuring a diverse, vibrant, and sustainable FOSS ecosystem is critical to OTF’s commitment to support the development and maintenance of anti-censorship technologies, and ensures that all users have better access to privacy and security tools.
Eligible Activities:
The Fund is available to all internet freedom FOSS tools, apps, open standards, protocols and libraries, that have come into shape from inception to development, and are seeking to work on the sustainability of the project beyond initial release.
Actions can take place worldwide.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible are: (1) individuals; (2) non-profit organisation/non-government organisation, including U.S.-based NGO, PIO, or foreign NGO; (3) non-profit university or research institution in any country; (4) for-profit organisation or business in any country; and (5) have demonstrated experience administering successful projects, preferably targeting the requested program area.
Total Budget: €400,000 per preoect
Deadline: Ongoing
More information and official documents:
Programme: HORIZON-JU-RIA HORIZON JU Research and Innovation Actions
The action under this topic must contribute to all of the following outcomes:
· A horizon scanning for potential sandbox candidates including how sandboxes provide an additional tool to existing frameworks and identified examples to model the process;
· Analysis of how regulatory sandboxes can drive science and health technology innovation in an evolving environment;
· Recommendations for end-to-end operations of regulatory sandboxes to inform healthcare innovation developers, regulators, and other decision makers.
Eligible Activities:
While there is no concrete definition, regulatory sandboxes generally refer to regulatory frameworks that provide a structure for healthcare innovation developers to test and experiment with new and innovative products, services, or approaches under the oversight of a regulator for a limited period of time. These adaptive tools are meant to address challenges arising from the acceleration of technological/scientific advances and the mechanisms intended to regulate them. It offers customisation in terms of how a regulatory framework can be applied, combined with appropriate safeguards.
Regulatory sandboxes, first tested in the fintech sector (2015), are starting to transform the traditional methods used by regulatory agencies in the health sector to accompany the development of safe, efficacious, and high-quality health technologies1, which, due to their level of novelty, challenge the current regulatory framework. The mechanism enables breakthrough developments and the testing of alternative regulatory approaches for disruptive innovations for medicinal products, related platforms and their combinations, including where appropriate medical and digital technologies. Regulatory sandboxes are mentioned as important future-proofing elements in the legislative proposal2 of the European Commission on the general pharmaceutical legislation. The European Commission’s communication to boost biotechnology and biomanufacturing in the EU further promotes the establishment of regulatory sandboxes that allow the testing of novel solutions in a controlled environment for a limited amount of time under the supervision of regulators as a way of quickly bringing more of them to the market3. Regulatory sandboxes are not featured in the medical devices and in vitro diagnostics regulations (MDR and IVDR)4, but the artificial intelligence (AI) Act5 creates an opportunity for regulatory sandboxes focused on case studies for AI-enabled medical devices. Regulatory sandboxes entail a shared learning objective for innovators (finding a pathway and getting regulatory predictability) and regulators (understanding the technology and defining how best to regulate it). The mechanism helps to inform future regulation through experimentation and evidence generation and minimises the risks of regulating ex-ante innovative and novel approaches prematurely or inappropriately. For the same reasons regulatory sandboxes also potentially facilitate the more efficient or rapid subsequent adaptation of the legislation either through translation into an adapted regulatory framework and/or through recommendations when the time comes for revising existing or developing new legislation.
Regulatory sandboxes should be able to experiment and draw on several relevant healthcare innovation related frameworks other than pharmaceutical products (i.e. medical devices, in-vitro diagnostics, AI, digital health technologies, and substances of human origin among others). Due to their anticipatory and adaptive nature, regulatory sandboxes are well placed to address gaps and complexity within and across regulatory frameworks. Indeed, as the number of drug and device combinations increases, and technology integration becomes the norm rather than an exception in healthcare innovation R&D, manufacturing and healthcare delivery, the current siloed technology-specific frameworks may not provide a clear path forward. To that end, when considering an innovation, it is important to consider all relevant legislative frameworks including MDR and IVDR, the Clinical Trials Regulation6, the General Product Safety Regulation7 and AI ACT among others.
Although still new to the healthcare and pharmaceutical sector, there are a few examples of regulatory sandboxes such as the Sante Canada sandbox for advanced therapeutic products or the Singapore sandbox to test telemedicine. More recently, the UK launched the MHRA AI-airlock to assist in the development and deployment of software and AI medical devices, safely providing patients with earlier access to cutting edge innovations that improve care.
The overall aim of this IHI topic is to contribute to the progression and successful implementation of regulatory sandboxes for healthcare innovations by developing a comprehensive and shared understanding of their value and process of implementation. The topic should also enable the development of a cross-sectoral community of stakeholders including pharma and medical device companies, regulators, and health technology assessment bodies (HTAs), among other stakeholders.
To fulfil this aim, the proposal should:
1. Scan the horizon for potential sandbox candidates including how sandboxes provide an additional tool to existing frameworks, and use the examples identified to model the process.
To this end, a key objective is to identify a number of healthcare innovation case studies to better understand how a regulatory sandbox could be used to solve further-defined challenges at an existing regulation level and inform recommendations for end-to-end operations. These cases could draw from the past, present and from horizon scanning activities (the EMA’s work in this area already provides a hint8) to anticipate future innovations, looking across their development value chain.
2. Analyse how regulatory sandboxes can drive science and health technology innovation in an evolving environment.
The proposal should do this by:
anticipating consequences for health technology development under a regulatory sandbox mechanism, acknowledging its time-limited scope and the consequences (considering the technical particularities of healthcare innovation) for other downstream activities e.g., standardisation, health technology assessment;
proactively identifying any guardrails and mitigation measures.
3. Develop recommendations for end-to-end operations of regulatory sandboxes to inform healthcare innovation developers, regulators and downstream decision makers.
The proposal should do this by:
· mapping out conceptual elements and operationalisation features of future sandbox mechanisms based on existing experiences in other fields such as governance, conditions fostering dialogue and collaboration, access to the right type of expertise, support, regulatory customisation, sharing/communicating lessons learned and their translation via the appropriate frameworks into new standards, among other elements to be further defined;
· modelling how to operationalise the sandbox(es) (including governance, operations, principles) and how they could be used in healthcare innovation development and evaluation in conjunction with existing regulatory mechanisms to advance innovation at European and national levels.
Part of the topic entails modelling a regulatory sandbox. The proposal should therefore consider good practices for designing and evaluating the necessary operating models to ensure the robustness and future applicability of the output of the project.
The project outcomes could also offer directions for the translation of the resulting recommendations into digital tools and systems deemed necessary for the functioning of regulatory sandboxes (e.g. ensuring collaboration between different health authorities’ triage mechanisms, horizon scanning, fitness check evaluations), as relevant.
When developing a comprehensive and shared understanding of the value of regulatory sandboxes, applicants will have to explore key aspects across the life-cycle of healthcare innovations with the objective of accompanying their ultimate adoption, which could include as appropriate R&D, regulatory authorities, HTA bodies, payers, governments, clinicians and patients. Ethical considerations would also have to be considered as some innovations could trigger questions in this field.A shared objective should include to develop a regulatory strategy and interaction plan for generating appropriate evidence, enabling engagement across all the different decision makers in a timely manner (e.g. national competent authorities, EMA and the respective Innovation Task Force, qualification advice) and identifying aspects that can be leveraged by existing regulatory tools, as well as the limiting aspects and the flexibilities that would be required under a regulatory sandbox to achieve the timely development and access of healthcare innovations.
Eligible Applicants:
Entities Eligible for Funding
To be eligible for funding, applicants must be established in one of the following countries:
the Member States of the European Union, including their outermost regions:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.
the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) linked to the Member States:
Aruba (NL), Bonaire (NL), Curação (NL), French Polynesia (FR), French Southern and Antarctic Territories (FR), Greenland (DK), New Caledonia (FR), Saba (NL), Saint Barthélemy (FR), Sint Eustatius (NL), Sint Maarten (NL), St. Pierre and Miquelon (FR), Wallis and Futuna Islands (FR).
countries associated to Horizon Europe;
Total Budget: €47,550,000
Deadline: Two Stage: 10 October 2024 17:00:00 Brussels time & 23 April 2025 17:00:00 Brussels time
More information and official documents:
Programme: HORIZON-RIA HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions
Project results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:
· Expand the portfolio of cost-effective advanced biofuel production concepts through energy-driven biorefineries.
· Reduce cost, improve efficiency, support de-risking, to accelerate the availability of competitive and zero-waste advanced biofuel production concepts.
· Contribute to the Mission Innovation 2.0 mission of Integrated Biorefineries.
· Optimize resource efficiency, energy output and total products value from biomass
· Reinforce the European scientific basis and European export potential for renewable fuel production solutions through international collaborations.
Specific Topic Conditions: Activities are expected to achieve TRL 5 by the end of the project
Eligible Activities:
Development of zero-waste and neutral or negative carbon emission energy-efficient biorefinery concepts for enabling the production of low-cost advanced biofuels through co-production of added value bio-based products and bioenergy. Conversion of biogenic wastes and residues as well as algae and aquatic biomass through chemical, biochemical, electrochemical, biological, thermochemical pathways or combinations of them in highly circular processes are in scope. The integration design is expected to include mass and energy flows, addressing the process heat and power needs by the use of co-produced bio-heat and bio-power, capturing and reusing biogenic effluent gases and sequestering biogenic emissions, for example in the form of biochar as soil amendment, such as to maximize overall material and energy efficiencies. An assessment of the feedstock cost supply at regional and local level and improvement of feedstock mobilisation patterns including via enabling technologies, such as digitalisation, should be included. Socioeconomic and environmental sustainability including circular economy, social, economic and environmental aspects are expected to be assessed on a life-cycle analysis basis. The advanced biofuels cost should aim to be reduced at parity with marketed biofuel equivalents or in the absence of these competitive to the fossil fuel equivalents. Technology validated in relevant environment is required. International cooperation with Mission Innovation countries is expected. Proposals should provide information and assessment about the economic feasibility and the potential of scaling-up the technology at commercial scale as appropriate.
Synergies are possible with topic HORIZON-CL6-2023-ZEROPOLLUTION: Innovative technologies for zero pollution, zero-waste biorefineries (RIA) and respective cooperation activities are encouraged.
Eligible Applicants:
Entities Eligible for Funding
To be eligible for funding, applicants must be established in one of the following countries:
the Member States of the European Union, including their outermost regions:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.
the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) linked to the Member States:
Aruba (NL), Bonaire (NL), Curação (NL), French Polynesia (FR), French Southern and Antarctic Territories (FR), Greenland (DK), New Caledonia (FR), Saba (NL), Saint Barthélemy (FR), Sint Eustatius (NL), Sint Maarten (NL), St. Pierre and Miquelon (FR), Wallis and Futuna Islands (FR).
countries associated to Horizon Europe;
Total Budget: €7,000,000
Deadline: 04/02/2025
More information and official documents:
Programme: Michael and Susan Dell Foundation
The Michael & Susan Dell Foundation was set up in 1999. Susan and Michael Dell have supported the foundation primarily through investing the proceeds of sales of shares of Dell Inc. They are helping children living in urban poverty. The international grant program aims to transform the lives of children living in urban poverty in India and South Africa.
Eligible Activities:
The strategies supported are: (1) high quality education for children; (2) health: creating a system that promotes wellness and prevents illness; and (3) family economic stability: micro-financing for stable family incomes including financial inclusion, job creation and livelihoods.
Apart from the US, they are funding projects in India and South Africa.
Eligible Applicants:
They fund social enterprises that directly serve or impact children or youth from urban low-income communities in the areas of education, health, and family economic stability (including livelihoods and financial inclusion). These social enterprises may be structured as for-profit or nonprofit entities.
Total Budget: $10,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
More information and official documents:
The grant program supports issues of global social and environmental concern, particularly those that have a major impact on the lives of the disadvantaged.
Eligible Activities:
The sector areas eligible for funding are:
(1) child abuse: they support initiatives that eliminate the sexual exploitation of children; engage men and boys in combating the sexual abuse of children; and promote the prevention of violence against children;
(2) environment: they fund climate change mitigation, wildlife conservation, and the conservation of marine resources;
(3) international human rights: they want to end impunity for the gross violations of human rights, uphold prohibitions on arbitrary detention and torture, protect human rights defenders at risk, and multiply and amplify influential voices on IHRP global priorities;
(4) women: to end patterns of violence and exploitation that disrupt women’s lives by ensuring that rights-based laws and policies guarantee an environment free from violence;
(5) learning differences: they support teacher development, student engagement and parental understanding;
(6) Joint India program as well as the
(7) Zimbabwe program.
They work in Bulgaria, Latvia, Moldova, Ethiopia, Uganda and Tanzania for the child abuse program; Balkans, Brazil, Central America, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mexico, Moldova, Bulgaria, the North Caucasus and India for the women programs; and international for the other programs.
Eligible Applicants:
Most of the grantees are non-profit organisations (incl. universities, UN-organisations, associations and networks).
Total Budget: $200,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
More information and official documents:
The Energy Foundation was launched in 1991 by three leading foundations who decided it was time for philanthropy to help the world meet its energy challenges. In 1999, with support from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, the Energy Foundation established the China Sustainable Energy Program now called Energy Foundation China.
Eligible Activities:
They support work in the sectors of clean power, environmental management, industry, low-carbon development, sustainable cities, and transportation, as well as strategic communications.
The foundation evaluates grant requests primarily on their ability to: (1) deliver real commitments to energy efficiency and renewable energy in China; and (2) build capacity in organizations within China and thereby further sustainable energy policy progress.
They focus on China.
Eligible Applicants:
Grants are provided to charitable organizations (commonly referred to as non-profit, non-governmental, or civil society organizations). This includes many Universities and research organizations. Eligible organizations include U.S. 501(c)(3) public charities as well as organizations in China and other countries outside of the U.S. whose projects are assessed and deemed to be charitable.
Total Budget: €30,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
More information and official documents:
MetLife Foundation was founded in 1976 to continue MetLife’s long tradition of corporate contributions and community involvement. While financial inclusion is their global focus, the Foundation also sponsors initiatives in other philanthropic areas. These programmatic areas include medical research, arts and cultural institutions, disaster relief, and civic initiatives. Since its creation, the Foundation has provided more than $700 million in grants to make a positive difference for the people, families and communities they serve. Its global focus is financial inclusion and it works in both developing and developed economies to expand and improve financial services.
Eligible Activities:
Their four core areas are: (1) Economic Inclusion: upskilling and reskilling talent to be competitive in a new economy, establish a career and earn family-sustaining wages to achieve intergenerational economic mobility; (2) Financial Health: efforts focused on building financial resiliency through the enablement of budget management, savings, access to credit and public/private benefits; (3) Resilient Communities: efforts that open up and expand access to physical and mental well-being resources, support for a more resilient planet through climate focused partnerships and promote resiliency through arts and culture; and (4) Impact Investing.
They fund intervention in the US, Africa, Latin America, Asia and Europe.
Eligible Applicants:
Their grant recipient partners need to be aligned with their strategy, be capable partners to deliver on their grants, and be willing to measure and share results with them and with the broader financial inclusion community about both their successful interventions, and their “lessons learned.” Most of their partners are likely to be not-for-profit or NGOs, but they may make grants to other organisations seeking to reach low- and moderate-income populations with appropriate financial services (i.e. banks, Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs), and, in some markets, telecom companies).
Total Budget: $50,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
More information and official documents:
Programme: HORIZON-JU-RIA HORIZON JU Research and Innovation Actions
Expected Outcome:
The action under this topic must contribute to all the outcomes listed below, by integrating existing data sets (clinical registries, prospective observational trials and real-world evidence data, for example from medical claims and biobanks as well as genotypic and epigenetic information), and data collections from historical and ongoing clinical trials (provided by industry partners).
Algorithms and models, including Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based models, that are adaptable to differences in data availability have been developed and validated in different datasets to allow for the identification of osteoarthritis (OA) patient subpopulations (phenotypes/endotypes) that will benefit from specific, targeted treatment approaches. The identification of subpopulations will be based on:
· the patient-specific burden of osteoarthritis with focus on underlying drivers (e.g. metabolic disease) and multi-morbidity/holistic patient profiles;
· the evaluation of underlying pathways driving local vs. centralised pain in joint disease and the correlation of symptoms to joint tissue pathology;
· the identification of key risk factors for pain in joint disease that can be linked to structural disease progression providing insights into the symptom–structure discordance in OA;
· the detection of joint areas at risk of progression and quantification of structural progression to a more advanced stage;
· the measures from existing innovative tools such as functional assessments with mobility and activity assessing devices (including algorithms) to reflect independence, gait measures, and assessments of muscular strength and function, as well as balance and coordination to subtly measure functional changes;
· evaluating the differences and commonalities of osteoarthritis (OA) and inflammation-driven joint diseases such as psoriatic arthritis (PsA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), erosive hand osteoarthritis (eHOA).
A validation strategy is provided for a selected set of novel endpoints to measure and predict OA disease progression that enables planning of regulatory implementation pathways. This validation strategy supports innovative outcome-based and patient-centred development approaches for medicines and other therapeutic options to be discussed by regulatory authorities, health technology assessment (HTA) bodies, healthcare providers, patients, scientists and industry, shaping new approaches to the development of efficient treatments in OA and respective regulatory frameworks;
A decision tool is developed – based on the predictive models – that supports shared decision-making for patients, their caregivers and healthcare providers according to the predicted disease progression, the most likely associated OA disease drivers and the current disease burden;
A robust, trustworthy, and interpretable AI framework is established, that enables the development of guidelines or determines any boundaries for predictive modelling at various stages of value generation e.g. biological discovery, patient subgrouping, and clinical trials enrichment. Measures to mitigate the risk of bias and discrimination are implemented including, but not limited, to:
· careful consideration of data sets to ensure diversity and inclusion (or account for the lack thereof);
· the running of bias-unaware AI models and provision of fairness metrics;
· applying AI models within frameworks mitigating bias and promoting fairness during the pre-processing, in-processing and post-processing phases.
Data platform(s) are designed and implemented to allow a workable and efficient collaboration across the participating organisations in their respective geographies, respecting each data contributor’s access, privacy and consent approaches, which can be facilitated by federated data sharing. This outcome may serve as a blueprint for other data collaborations under the umbrella of the EU’s newly implemented AI act and data policies 1, 2.
It is expected that certain existing assets like clinical data, algorithms, and data storage infrastructure will be used as background in this action. Therefore, beneficiaries intending to participate in this data-driven action need to be comfortable with the principle that ownership of specific deliverables / project results which would be considered direct improvements to a beneficiary’s background asset, will need to be transferred back to the beneficiary who contributed the background asset to the project. Provision for, and conditions relating to such transfers should be specified in the project’s consortium agreement.
1 Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence Act) and amending certain Union legislative acts (2021/0106(COD), 26 Jan. 2024, pdf (, last accessed 04.04.2024
2 Proposal for a regulation - The European Health Data Space Proposal for a regulation - The European Health Data Space - European Commission (, last accessed 04.04.2024
Eligible Activities:
Osteoarthritis (OA) has no cure and affects the lives of more than 500 million people worldwide with widespread individual, societal and economic consequences. Economic consequences pertain on one hand to health care utilisation and health care spending, OA is however also associated with relevant economic impact on the individual due to missed days at work, early retirement, and substantial out-of-pocket expenditures. Since OA primarily affects the elderly, females, patients with lower levels of education and socio-economic status and certain ethnicities, the associated economic risk hits already vulnerable populations. OA has long been underestimated in its impact; the disease negatively affects social functioning and ranks 7th for years lived with disability in people over 70 years. With its impact on activities of daily living, OA is a major risk factor for loss of independence. Additionally, OA is associated with increased mortality.
Despite major research efforts and increasing insights into the mechanism, epidemiology, risk factors and natural history of OA, various development efforts over the years have failed to provide a disease-modifying treatment. The epidemiology as well as clinical and biological insights strongly suggest the existence of several pheno- and endotypes of osteoarthritis; failure to account for those differences critically hampers progress in the field. The implementation of innovative approaches to stratify the patient population, predict the course of disease and define patient-relevant endpoints is specifically relevant in an ageing society with a high prevalence of obesity, metabolic syndrome, and multi-morbidity. Furthermore, there is an increasing prevalence of post-traumatic secondary OA in relatively young individuals affected at the prime of their lives. First studies towards the clustering of patient groups and development of predictive models have been published suggesting the feasibility of these approaches. Bringing all those insights together requires the collaboration of experts from various fields and can only be achieved in the concerted action of a public-private partnership, including existing initiatives.
The overall aim of this topic is to build a public-private partnership that is able to integrate and leverage the plethora of existing and currently collected data on OA, as well as the increasing insights and expertise gathered over decades of research. Further, the goal is to use a data driven approach to significantly progress the field by leveraging the novel opportunities that have emerged thanks to increased computing power and innovative methodologies in big data analysis, in order to:
· integrate different perspectives to improve the understanding of osteoarthritis as a complex disease;
· foster progress towards regulatory validation of patient-relevant endpoints to measure and predict OA disease progression as well as alternative endpoints to measure response to treatment;
· allow predictive modelling while actively seeking feedback to incorporate the perception of patients, care givers, primary care physicians and regulators.
The action generated by this topic should pave the way towards transforming the current isolated research efforts and static late-stage development approaches into a more patient-centred and simplified (more inclusive/enriched patient population, shorter study duration, potential enablement of the evaluation of preventive or early therapeutic strategies based on predicted outcomes, cost-effectiveness etc.) as well as sustainable part of clinical research and development. This aim is supported by increasing the insights into OA as an heterogenous disease with various underlying patient risk profiles, patho-mechanistic pathways and underlying genotypic/epigenetic/ metabolomic/transcriptomic phenomena based on big data. Such insights will allow for the creation of integrated risk profiles combining clinical and multi-omic approaches (e.g. clinical characteristics, transcriptomics, proteomics, genetic markers, and in-depth multimodal imaging data).
These advances are needed to support the development of patient-relevant and cost-efficient integrated health care solutions including focused, individualised treatments for specific patient segments. The use of AI-based approaches is crucial for the integration of the totality of existing patient datasets and mechanistic disease insights to better understand disease drivers in various tissues of joints thereby upscaling, broadening and/or sharpening current methodology.
The proposed action must:
· gather and provide access to high quality data – including clinical data from trials (mainly data from placebo arms from studies run outside the project) provided by the pre-identified industry consortium and by applicants as well as prospective observational data, registry data and cohort data including genetic, imaging, soluble biomarker, and data from wearables among others;
· provide a flexible federated data lake house with appropriate tools for access, management and governance, data curation, integration, and augmentation for consequent high-performance analytics using for example new or contributed AI (foundation) models and modelling workflows. This infrastructure will deploy existing or newly developed approaches or implementations to host and analyse disparate data assets ranging from public, commercial, and not-for-profit observational and trial clinical data to -omics, images, or data from wearables. In their proposal applicants should address key challenges around federated data collection, data privacy, data transfer, data storage, data processing, curation, and harmonisation of data, etc. to achieve a comprehensive understanding of OA by upscaled, big data analytics from:
· genetic analyses (GWAS);
· AI-driven big data analyses for identification of clinical patterns in phenotypes and endotypes;
· algorithm-based imaging analyses of whole joints and peri-articular tissues;
· the evaluation of performance assessments using novel technologies and devices.
· generate and provide a validation strategy for a risk model of disease progression by evaluating whether and to which extent risk factors and predictive models identified in the literature and the above-mentioned data sets are reliably predictive for the progression of structural joint changes as evidenced by imaging, pain and functional decline documented by patients and ultimately leading to joint replacement surgery. The combination of surrogate markers such as imaging [1] with medical history and medication, as well as with predictive markers (plasma-based multi-omics, polygenic risk scores) [2][3], patient reported outcome data and data from wearables or performance tests [4], will generate a more refined predictive engine in analogy to, for example, established fracture risk prediction algorithms in osteoporosis;
· work towards a broad consensus between all stakeholders especially linking patients, caregivers and healthcare providers’ perspectives to regulatory and health technology assessment (HTA) bodies. This will enable the elaboration of a set of endpoints relevant to these groups depending on the phase of development of treatments (i.e. early phase trials for medication or device efficacy, while late-stage development needs to prove effectiveness, which may necessitate different sets of outcomes), incorporating the various domains of assessments, and taking into account the predominant effect (structural or symptomatic) of the evaluated treatment. This will help to shape new regulatory frameworks for accelerated targeted OA treatment development based on big data analyses, in-silico trials, digital twin approaches and similar innovative trial designs;
· use data analysis and modelling to provide evidence and knowledge that could enable the evaluation of existing innovative tools (such as functional assessments, imaging approaches etc.) and innovative treatment solutions for OA, based on their scientific validity and feasibility as a prerequisite. Design a strategy to progress them towards regulatory validation and implementation. The action should provide an exploratory and interactive platform to evaluate the validity and user-preference of novel methods of evidence generation, such as the use of data from wearable devices, innovative imaging, and surrogate markers for joint replacement surgery;
· model short- and long-term economic and public health impact from OA including morbidity and mortality. These new risk models should support benefit/risk assessment as well as quality and efficacy assessments of therapeutic interventions in patients diagnosed with OA to prevent or delay the onset of disease progression, but also avoid overtreatment and thereby optimise the use of health care resources;
· develop a decision tool based on predictive models that can support shared decision-making between physicians, patients and their caregivers to select the intervention best suited to address the various stages and symptoms of OA in an individual patient, integrating also patient reported outcome and experience measure (PROMs and PREMs) data as well as patient preferences. The diversity of patients at risk or affected by the disease must be considered when discussing patient-relevant outcomes to enable the focused development of treatments and healthcare solutions specific to the needs of individual patients;
· leverage real-world evidence (RWE) data to address the diversity of patients including sex and gender, ethnicity, and race disparities to develop patient engagement strategies. This should enable engagement with specific groups for the design of OA outcome trials and better promotion of OA management.
The action should contribute to addressing the research needs outlined in the Regulatory Science Research Needs initiative1, launched by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), assessing the utility of real-world healthcare data to improve the quality of randomised controlled trial simulations and patient and public involvement and engagement.
Therefore, applicants are expected to consider the potential regulatory impact of the results and – as relevant – develop a regulatory strategy and interaction plan for generating appropriate evidence as well as engaging with regulators in a timely manner (e.g. national competent authorities, EMA Innovation Task Force, qualification advice).
Consideration should be specifically given to patient and public involvement and engagement in the implementation of all of the above activities. The applicants are expected to leverage prior learnings, for example, previous experiences that have demonstrated the importance of transparent and accessible structures to receive input from patients, caregivers and health care providers as key stakeholders and integrate expertise from various fields relevant in this context [5]. The continuous and active engagement of all groups is indispensable to meet patients’ and providers’ needs and leverage synergies between practitioners and scientists, especially to ensure the sustainability of potential outputs.
Applicants should provide in their proposal evidence that they have in place all permissions (legal, ethical) needed for accessing the data necessary to implement the action.
Note that the implementation of prospective clinical studies is not supported by this topic.
1, last accessed March 19th 2024
Expected Impact:
The project should contribute to all of the following impacts:
· the federated integration of big data from disparate data sources including the use of digital twin and similar methodological approaches will lay the foundation for advanced clinical trial designs that allow for more efficient and smaller trials, as well as the reduction of patients’ burden and exposure to placebo;
· the development of predictive models for disease progression and joint replacement, which are crucial to efficiently discuss treatment strategies, support assessments of quality in health care and equitably plan and allocate health care resources. In addition, such predictive models can revolutionise outcome trial designs, shortening the trial duration and patient burden as well as reducing development costs. The aspired modular flexibility to data availability allows for their sustained use in various settings and economic circumstances;
· the stratification of different patient groups and targeting of treatments to patients’ needs and preferences, which enables the development of successful therapies, informs development strategies, improves patient and caregiver engagement and optimises trial designs. This stratification also supports data-based shared decision making for health care solutions in clinical practice;
· availability of tools that enable specific functional measurements and reflect the real-life treatment benefit for patients. These tools have been positively evaluated for practicality and scientific validity and could be used for systematic assessments complementing clinical and patient reported information. All of the above will allow for better trial designs that can demonstrate the treatment benefits of medicines and health care solutions in early development programmes with limited numbers of patients.
Eligible Applicants:
Any type of organisation can apply for Horizon Europe funding as long as they have the operational and financial capacity to carry out the tasks that they propose.
For most calls for proposals, you must apply as a team of at least 3 partner organisations from 3 different EU or associated countries. At least one of the 3 partners must be from an EU country. In addition to these 3 partners, organisations from other countries might be able to join your consortium. Please consult the Horizon Europe programme guide. Further details or exceptions are listed on the pages of the call topics in the Funding & tenders portal.
Some calls for proposals require a so-called multi-actor approach: this means your proposed project must involve a diverse set of stakeholders, in particular end-users and users of the project’s results.
Total Budget: €47,550,000
Deadline: Two Stage: 10 October 2024 17:00:00 Brussels time 23 April 2025 17:00:00 Brussels time
More information and official documents:
Programme: HORIZON-JU-RIA HORIZON JU Research and Innovation Actions
Expected Outcome:
The action under this topic must contribute to all of the following outcomes:
· A horizon scanning for potential sandbox candidates including how sandboxes provide an additional tool to existing frameworks and identified examples to model the process;
· Analysis of how regulatory sandboxes can drive science and health technology innovation in an evolving environment;
· Recommendations for end-to-end operations of regulatory sandboxes to inform healthcare innovation developers, regulators, and other decision makers.
Eligible Activities:
While there is no concrete definition, regulatory sandboxes generally refer to regulatory frameworks that provide a structure for healthcare innovation developers to test and experiment with new and innovative products, services, or approaches under the oversight of a regulator for a limited period of time. These adaptive tools are meant to address challenges arising from the acceleration of technological/scientific advances and the mechanisms intended to regulate them. It offers customisation in terms of how a regulatory framework can be applied, combined with appropriate safeguards.
Regulatory sandboxes, first tested in the fintech sector (2015), are starting to transform the traditional methods used by regulatory agencies in the health sector to accompany the development of safe, efficacious, and high-quality health technologies1, which, due to their level of novelty, challenge the current regulatory framework. The mechanism enables breakthrough developments and the testing of alternative regulatory approaches for disruptive innovations for medicinal products, related platforms and their combinations, including where appropriate medical and digital technologies. Regulatory sandboxes are mentioned as important future-proofing elements in the legislative proposal2 of the European Commission on the general pharmaceutical legislation. The European Commission’s communication to boost biotechnology and biomanufacturing in the EU further promotes the establishment of regulatory sandboxes that allow the testing of novel solutions in a controlled environment for a limited amount of time under the supervision of regulators as a way of quickly bringing more of them to the market3. Regulatory sandboxes are not featured in the medical devices and in vitro diagnostics regulations (MDR and IVDR)4, but the artificial intelligence (AI) Act5 creates an opportunity for regulatory sandboxes focused on case studies for AI-enabled medical devices. Regulatory sandboxes entail a shared learning objective for innovators (finding a pathway and getting regulatory predictability) and regulators (understanding the technology and defining how best to regulate it). The mechanism helps to inform future regulation through experimentation and evidence generation and minimises the risks of regulating ex-ante innovative and novel approaches prematurely or inappropriately. For the same reasons regulatory sandboxes also potentially facilitate the more efficient or rapid subsequent adaptation of the legislation either through translation into an adapted regulatory framework and/or through recommendations when the time comes for revising existing or developing new legislation.
Regulatory sandboxes should be able to experiment and draw on several relevant healthcare innovation related frameworks other than pharmaceutical products (i.e. medical devices, in-vitro diagnostics, AI, digital health technologies, and substances of human origin among others). Due to their anticipatory and adaptive nature, regulatory sandboxes are well placed to address gaps and complexity within and across regulatory frameworks. Indeed, as the number of drug and device combinations increases, and technology integration becomes the norm rather than an exception in healthcare innovation R&D, manufacturing and healthcare delivery, the current siloed technology-specific frameworks may not provide a clear path forward. To that end, when considering an innovation, it is important to consider all relevant legislative frameworks including MDR and IVDR, the Clinical Trials Regulation6, the General Product Safety Regulation7 and AI ACT among others.
Although still new to the healthcare and pharmaceutical sector, there are a few examples of regulatory sandboxes such as the Sante Canada sandbox for advanced therapeutic products or the Singapore sandbox to test telemedicine. More recently, the UK launched the MHRA AI-airlock to assist in the development and deployment of software and AI medical devices, safely providing patients with earlier access to cutting edge innovations that improve care.
The overall aim of this IHI topic is to contribute to the progression and successful implementation of regulatory sandboxes for healthcare innovations by developing a comprehensive and shared understanding of their value and process of implementation. The topic should also enable the development of a cross-sectoral community of stakeholders including pharma and medical device companies, regulators, and health technology assessment bodies (HTAs), among other stakeholders.
To fulfil this aim, the proposal should:
1. Scan the horizon for potential sandbox candidates including how sandboxes provide an additional tool to existing frameworks, and use the examples identified to model the process.
To this end, a key objective is to identify a number of healthcare innovation case studies to better understand how a regulatory sandbox could be used to solve further-defined challenges at an existing regulation level and inform recommendations for end-to-end operations. These cases could draw from the past, present and from horizon scanning activities (the EMA’s work in this area already provides a hint8) to anticipate future innovations, looking across their development value chain.
2. Analyse how regulatory sandboxes can drive science and health technology innovation in an evolving environment.
The proposal should do this by:
· anticipating consequences for health technology development under a regulatory sandbox mechanism, acknowledging its time-limited scope and the consequences (considering the technical particularities of healthcare innovation) for other downstream activities e.g., standardisation, health technology assessment;
· proactively identifying any guardrails and mitigation measures.
3. Develop recommendations for end-to-end operations of regulatory sandboxes to inform healthcare innovation developers, regulators and downstream decision makers.
The proposal should do this by:
· mapping out conceptual elements and operationalisation features of future sandbox mechanisms based on existing experiences in other fields such as governance, conditions fostering dialogue and collaboration, access to the right type of expertise, support, regulatory customisation, sharing/communicating lessons learned and their translation via the appropriate frameworks into new standards, among other elements to be further defined;
· modelling how to operationalise the sandbox(es) (including governance, operations, principles) and how they could be used in healthcare innovation development and evaluation in conjunction with existing regulatory mechanisms to advance innovation at European and national levels.
Part of the topic entails modelling a regulatory sandbox. The proposal should therefore consider good practices for designing and evaluating the necessary operating models to ensure the robustness and future applicability of the output of the project.
The project outcomes could also offer directions for the translation of the resulting recommendations into digital tools and systems deemed necessary for the functioning of regulatory sandboxes (e.g. ensuring collaboration between different health authorities’ triage mechanisms, horizon scanning, fitness check evaluations), as relevant.
When developing a comprehensive and shared understanding of the value of regulatory sandboxes, applicants will have to explore key aspects across the life-cycle of healthcare innovations with the objective of accompanying their ultimate adoption, which could include as appropriate R&D, regulatory authorities, HTA bodies, payers, governments, clinicians and patients. Ethical considerations would also have to be considered as some innovations could trigger questions in this field.A shared objective should include to develop a regulatory strategy and interaction plan for generating appropriate evidence, enabling engagement across all the different decision makers in a timely manner (e.g. national competent authorities, EMA and the respective Innovation Task Force, qualification advice) and identifying aspects that can be leveraged by existing regulatory tools, as well as the limiting aspects and the flexibilities that would be required under a regulatory sandbox to achieve the timely development and access of healthcare innovations.
Eligible Applicants:
Any type of organisation can apply for Horizon Europe funding as long as they have the operational and financial capacity to carry out the tasks that they propose.
For most calls for proposals, you must apply as a team of at least 3 partner organisations from 3 different EU or associated countries. At least one of the 3 partners must be from an EU country. In addition to these 3 partners, organisations from other countries might be able to join your consortium. Please consult the Horizon Europe programme guide. Further details or exceptions are listed on the pages of the call topics in the Funding & tenders portal.
Some calls for proposals require a so-called multi-actor approach: this means your proposed project must involve a diverse set of stakeholders, in particular end-users and users of the project’s results.
Total Budget: €47,550,000
Deadline: Two Stage: 10 October 2024 17:00:00 Brussels time 23 April 2025 17:00:00 Brussels time
More information and official documents:
Programme: HORIZON-JU-RIA HORIZON JU Research and Innovation Actions
Expected Outcome:
The action under this topic must contribute to all of the following outcomes:
· organisations and institutions involved in the development of therapies for the treatment and management of chronic disease have access to a unifying framework and consensus-based recommendations for:
· using a combination of patient preference information (PPI), clinical outcome assessments (COAs), and digital health technology (DHT)-derived measures to demonstrate the importance to patients of what is being measured by DHT-derived clinical-study endpoints;
· determining, from the patient perspective, what constitutes a minimal clinically important difference (MCID) in a patient-centred, DHT-derived clinical-study endpoint.
· new methods for analysing PPI and COA data collected using DHT and for combining data from PPI, COA, and DHT-derived measures are available to researchers;
· a consistent framework for engagement regarding the development and use of patient-centred, DHT-derived clinical-study endpoints is available to industry and stakeholders;
· acceptance of the use of PPI, COAs, and patient-centred DHT-derived measures in addition to or in combination with traditional clinical-study endpoints to provide a robust view of the benefits of a therapy to patients;
· acceptance of the use of patient-centred DHT-derived measures for clinical-study endpoints as reliable evidence for the evaluation of the clinical and economic benefit of therapeutic medicinal products and medical technologies among stakeholders including, but not limited to, patient groups, regulatory bodies, and health technology assessment (HTA) bodies (including the EU Member State Coordination Group on HTA), indicated by a qualification opinion, endorsement, adoption or other approval by each relevant stakeholder group;
· patient-centred, DHT-derived endpoints are implemented along with traditional clinical-study endpoints in clinical studies of therapies to treat chronic diseases, and data from DHT-derived clinical-study endpoints are used in regulatory and reimbursement decision-making.
Eligible Activities:
Three types of patient-centred information related to how a patient feels and functions contribute to the evaluation of outcomes of a therapy:
patient preference information (PPI);
clinical outcome assessments (COAs) (including patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures);
digital health technology-derived (DHT-derived) measures.
Each of these types of measures can be used to understand patient-centred benefits of therapies (i.e., meaningful improvements in how a patient feels or functions).
DHT-derived measures can capture patient-centred information about disease symptoms, physical, cognitive, and emotional functions, and experience with therapy. They can measure the status of a patient’s health in ways that may be related to, but often differ from, COAs. For example, DHTs may measure activity intensity but not specific activities. Likewise, DHT-derived measures may detect changes in patient-centred outcomes - such as function - earlier than a patient may notice such a change. For patient-centred DHT-derived measures (i.e., DHT-derived measures that capture how a patient feels and functions) to be useful as endpoints in clinical studies, they must not only be technically validated, but also demonstrate that they measure functions, activities, symptoms, and other impacts of disease and treatment that are important to patients and measure changes in these outcomes that are meaningful to patients.
PPI, COAs, and DHT-derived measures are different, but complementary, types of patient-centred data. Because these measures are complementary, using these measures in combination will provide a more robust view of the benefits of therapies measured using DHT-derived endpoints from the patient perspective. Combining these complementary measures is necessary to demonstrate the utility of using DHT-derived measures as clinical study endpoints that reflect the value of treatment benefits to patients. Specifically, using these measures in combination may contribute to determining what constitutes a minimal clinically important difference (MCID) in patient-centred DHT-derived endpoints from the patient perspective in clinical studies of therapies to treat chronic diseases. For the purpose of this project, a chronic disease is defined as a long-term health condition that may not have a cure.
However, despite recent increases in the use of PPI, COAs, and patient-centred DHT-derived measures, there is no unifying framework for understanding the relationships among these measures, nor how they can be used in combination to demonstrate meaningful, patient-centred benefits of therapies for chronic diseases in clinical studies.
Therefore, uncertainties exist regarding the utility of these measures either alone or in tandem, and the meaningfulness to patients of patient-centred DHT-derived measures when used as clinical study endpoints in the development of therapeutic products (including, but not limited to, pharmaceutical products, combination products, and therapeutic devices) for the treatment of chronic diseases.
The topic aims to develop a unified framework and consensus-based recommendations for using multiple types of patient-centred information to support the use of DHT-derived endpoints to demonstrate therapeutic benefit. This will ensure that therapies addressing patients’ needs are approved for use and reimbursed at levels that reflect the value of the therapies to patients.
To fulfil this aim, the action funded under this topic must:
1. Develop a framework for using PPI, COAs, and DHT-derived measures in combination for the development, acceptance and implementation of patient-centred DHT-derived clinical-study endpoints in clinical studies of potential treatments for chronic diseases.
The framework will be designed to ensure that PPI, COAs, and patient-centred DHT-derived measures used in combination will be accepted as reliable evidence to support the use of DHT-derived clinical study endpoints in the evaluation of the clinical and economic benefit of therapeutic drugs and technologies.
The framework must:
· include recommendations for using the three types of patient-centred data in addition to or in combination with traditional clinical-study endpoints to provide evidence of the patient-centred benefits of therapeutic drugs and technologies;
· describe the potential relationships among COAs, patient-centred DHT-derived endpoints and other common types of clinical study endpoints;
· identify and address issues related to how and under which circumstances data from PPI and COAs can be used to determine what constitutes a MCID in a patient-centred DHT-derived clinical-study endpoint from the patient perspective;
· identify and address issues related to whether and how data from PPI, COAs, and patient-centred DHT-derived measures can be pooled, including the need for new techniques (including, but not limited to, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and large language models) to jointly analyse pooled data from the different types of measures;
· address issues related to diversity in patient populations (e.g., disease type, disease stage, health literacy, cultural factors, etc.) on the use and results of PPI, COAs, and DHT-derived measures and the ethical and equity implications of patient diversity on the interpretation and utility of patient-centred measures of therapeutic benefit.
2. Develop recommendations for:
· using quantitative PPI to better understand COA data by demonstrating the relative importance of domains, items, and scores (and changes therein) within a COA instrument and relative to other commonly used endpoints (including endpoints included in relevant core outcomes sets) in clinical studies within the same therapeutic area;
· understanding the relationships between COA data and patient-centred DHT-derived endpoints in diverse therapeutic areas;
· using DHTs (e.g., apps, smart personal devices, smart drug-delivery devices, therapeutic medical technologies, etc.) to collect PPI and COA data;
· using quantitative PPI, COAs, and patient-centred DHT-derived measures in combination to demonstrate the importance to patients of what is being measured by DHTs and determining what constitutes a MCID in a patient-centred, DHT-derived clinical-study endpoint.
3. Conduct at least four use cases to provide evidence to support the framework and recommendations.
Each use case should address one or more recommendations and all recommendations should be supported by one or more case studies. Applicants should specify the methodology to be applied in each use case and identify how each use case will inform the framework and recommendations. The set of use cases should:
· include a range of digital measurement domains (e.g., physical activity, sleep, cognition, fatigue, or others) and address differences between passive and interactive DHTs;
· include a range of patient ages (e.g., paediatric, adolescent, younger adults, and older adults);
· address issues related to diversity in patient populations (e.g., disease type, disease stage, health literacy, cultural factors, underserved patient populations);
· address issues related to combining and/or jointly analysing PPI, COA, and/or DHT-derived data using new techniques (including, but not limited to, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and large language models);
· be conducted in partnership with academic medical centres and focus on all of the following areas:
· paediatric radiation oncology;
· lung cancer;
· non-motor and motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease;
· obesity.
All use cases must be conducted in a way that is consistent with generally accepted international treatment guidelines in the relevant disease area.
The precise scope of the use cases will be developed by the full consortium during the preparation of the full proposal at the second stage. Case studies should not involve the de novo development of novel COAs, DHTs, or DHT-derived measures.
4. Include robust input from relevant stakeholders. Applicants are expected to specify how relevant stakeholders will be engaged and identify the type of stakeholder required and their expected role in the project. Accordingly, applicants are expected to:
· engage patients, parents or carers of juvenile patients, and patient organisations as active partners in all aspects of the project to ensure that interaction between patients and research is active, meaningful, and collaborative across all stages of the research process. In this way, research decision making is guided by patients' contributions as partners, recognising their specific experiences, values, and expertise;
· develop the framework and recommendations in consultation with stakeholders, including patient organisations, regulators, health technology assessment (HTA) bodies, and medical organisations to ensure consensus about what is required to demonstrate the patient-centred benefits of a therapy;
· develop a regulatory strategy and interaction plan for evidence generation to support the regulatory qualification of the framework and recommendations and engage with regulators in a timely manner (e.g., national competent authorities, EMA Innovation Task Force, qualification advice).
5. Complement and coordinate with other initiatives including:
· ongoing and completed European projects (and their successor organisations), and initiatives related to patient engagement and use of digital measurement technologies. Such projects may include, but are not limited to, IMI/IHI projects PRO-active, H2O, PREFER and the PREFER Expert Network, SISAQOL-IMI, IDEA-FAST, MOBILISE-D, IMPROVE, PaLaDin as well as EUnetHTA 21;
· existing frameworks and guidance documents related to patient-focused drug development such as those from FDA and EMA;
· existing frameworks and guidance documents related to the development and deployment of digital clinical measures such as those from the Digital Medicine Society.
Expected Impact:
The action under this topic is expected to achieve the following impacts:
· greater benefit to patients from improved health care by ensuring that DHT-derived measures of how a patient feels and functions are accepted as patient-centred clinical-study endpoints;
· patients having improved access to innovations that meet their needs through the development of new and improved evidence-based methodologies for a more comprehensive assessment of the added value of innovative therapeutic drugs and technologies;
· better informed decision-making at all levels of the health care system (authorities, organisations) to facilitate cost-effective allocation of health resources, continuing innovation, and better health outcomes;
· greater understanding of the relationship between multiple patient-centred measurements including PPI, COAs, and DHT-derived measures and how these measures, when considered together, can provide greater insight into the patient perspective;
· reduced uncertainty regarding the PPI and COA data required to demonstrate the patient-relevance of DHT-derived clinical-study endpoints, and that needed to determine what constitutes a MCID in a patient-centred DHT-derived clinical-study endpoint for use in the development of pharmaceutical products, diagnostics, combination products, and therapeutic devices;
· improved and more efficient engagement between industry and stakeholders in the evaluation of technologies developed using patient-centred DHT-derived endpoints in clinical studies;
· increased speed and efficiency in the development and evaluation of innovative therapeutic technologies.
Eligible Applicants:
Any type of organisation can apply for Horizon Europe funding as long as they have the operational and financial capacity to carry out the tasks that they propose.
For most calls for proposals, you must apply as a team of at least 3 partner organisations from 3 different EU or associated countries. At least one of the 3 partners must be from an EU country. In addition to these 3 partners, organisations from other countries might be able to join your consortium. Please consult the Horizon Europe programme guide. Further details or exceptions are listed on the pages of the call topics in the Funding & tenders portal.
Some calls for proposals require a so-called multi-actor approach: this means your proposed project must involve a diverse set of stakeholders, in particular end-users and users of the project’s results
Total Budget: €47,550,000
Deadline: Two Stage: 10 October 2024 17:00:00 Brussels time 23 April 2025 17:00:00 Brussels time
More information and official documents:
Programme: HORIZON-JU-RIA HORIZON JU Research and Innovation Actions
Expected Outcome:
The action under this topic must contribute to all the following outcomes:
· patients and citizens will benefit from better preventive measures, earlier detection and diagnosis, better outcomes for disease management, and access to innovative and effective treatments for cardiovascular disease (CVD), as needed;
· healthcare providers will benefit from updated, evidence-based guidelines on CVD management and more efficient clinical pathways. They will also gain clarity on best practice examples in health management and CVD prevention means in European cities;
· healthcare system decision-makers will have better evidence and tools to implement appropriate CVD prevention strategies, including digital therapies, allowing for their introduction into clinical practice and adoption by all segments of society;
· health technology assessment bodies, payers and regulators will benefit from better information on the real-life use of cardiovascular medicinal products, the benefit-risk profile of medical devices and the value of CVD prevention in cities / urban areas (note: a city / urban area is expected to have a population of at least 50 000 in its urban centre, in line with the OECD-EC (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development – European Commission) definition of a city1, 2;
· researchers, including industry stakeholders, and clinical investigators will benefit from models and findings that will help future programme implementation in other cities in Europe and beyond.
1 OECD-EC, “Cities in Europe: The new OECD-EC definition” January 2012.
2 European Commission, “Urbanisation in Europe” last updated July 2020.
Eligible Activities:
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD), the world's leading cause of mortality, are responsible for over 18 million deaths annually with a staggering cost of EUR 282 billion in 2021 [1]. The CVD risk has been acknowledged by WHO’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3.4 which aims to reduce heart disease rates by one-third by 20301. Trends in the EU27 and the UK from 1961 to 2018 show a decline in the share of the total population living in rural areas, while towns and cities experienced a smooth and constant population increase. Europe's level of urbanisation was 75% in 20222and is expected to increase to approximately 83.7% in 20503. In cities, CVD risks are amplified by factors like pollution, scarcity of green spaces and stressful lifestyles. The trend towards urbanisation often leads to significant healthcare disparities and worsening of CVD outcomes especially among underserved and disadvantaged communities. Thus, an improvement of the management of CVD in cities would be of significant benefit for the great majority of the European citizens living in an urban context.
The focus of this topic is on identifying and creating scalable models, interventions, and practices to enhance the overall efficiency and effectiveness of CVD management based on existing (e.g. Cardio4Cities) [2] or new pilots in up to 5 cities, to build evidence for replication across Europe in different socio-economic conditions. These pilots should propose a good coverage of different locations and contexts in Europe and deliver scalable solutions that can be applied to other cities.
The action funded under this topic will consider primary and secondary prevention strategies, early detection, timely diagnosis and treatment (healthcare delivery), lifestyle changes (personal responsibility), and living environment (community responsibility).
Against this objective, the future action is expected to deliver:
predictive models (developed and validated) that integrate various data sources – including electronic health records, environmental data, and lifestyle factors – to forecast cardiovascular risk at the individual and population levels in urban settings;
models and/or good practices (including governance structure, funding/financing models, etc.) and roadmaps on cost-effective approaches to improve cardiovascular (CV) health management that can be replicated across Europe;
recommendations for updating European guidelines and standards on CVD management (including primary and secondary prevention, and treatment);
a stronger definition and improved selection of performance indicators on CV mortality, patient outcomes and economic impact of interventions;
harmonised data standards for measurement of performance and impact (including PROMs4, PREMs5, patient preference, clinical outcome assessments etc.).
an easy-to-use digital platform (ideally based on existing solutions to ensure interoperability) and high-quality data that enable a data-driven approach to CVD risk management, using standardised data reporting to facilitate comparison across cities;
new solutions: digital and telehealth for early detection and monitoring of CVD patients, leveraging technologies for monitoring by incorporating wearables and apps to continuously monitor the population's adherence to cardiovascular medications and the occurrence of potential side effects. Moreover, this will enhance predictive models with more granular data leading to more precise risk assessments;
recommendations on enhancing patient use of and access to technology and digital interventions (telemedicine, wearables, clinical mobile apps…); targeted prevention strategies, urban planning recommendations, and public health policies to mitigate these risks;
a platform, network, or another support mechanism for exchange of good practice, learnings, and experience, to support further deployment of successful approaches across Europe and beyond;
recommendations on improving living conditions to support the goal of decreasing impact of cardiovascular diseases.
To address this challenge, the action funded under this topic should:
select up to five cities to serve as pilot use cases. These cities should be representative of the European context (in particular in relation to size and population) to allow broader implementation across regions/countries, different cultural and/or economic distributions, considering different health care structures (private/public) in different countries. Indicatively, each pilot city (or another urban administrative entity) is expected to have a population of at least 50 000 in its urban centre, in line with the OECD-EC definition of a city;
conduct a gap analysis of existing cardiovascular disease screening and diagnostics, clinical pathways and public health policies to guide the development of scalable models and best practices to fill these gaps, also considering broader European application (for example, set targets, define actions, strengthen enablers). In this analysis, due attention should be given to high-stress lifestyles (nutrition, physical activity) and socio-economic disparities. The identified solutions for improvement should be based on data-driven insights to identify multi-sectorial interventions that improve the management of CVD risk factors (such as hypertension, diabetes, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol) and prevent these risks from developing. They should also consider the entire continuum of care (detect, treat, control). The work on performance indicators including harmonisation is key to set a baseline from which improvements can be made. Applicants are expected to consider all applicable legislative and regulatory constraints (national, regional, local) and their possible impact on the implementation and results of the project. End-users (including citizens, patients, healthcare professionals and providers, health technology developers among others) should be included from the start in the co-creation process to ensure future buy-in and implementation.
collaborate with patients and citizens to develop strategies and guidance for effective CV health awareness campaigns;
collaborate with healthcare professionals to review and adapt guidance on CVD prevention and management, identifying opportunities to maintain and optimise healthcare workforce resources and engagement;
set up sustainable platforms and other support mechanisms for deployment of the models (sharing best practice between pilot cities and across regions);
pilot novel and/or improved early detection and diagnostic solutions, patient management strategies, (including improved patient support, remote patient management, patient flows), and initiatives to maintain workforce engagement;
explore potential funding tools to complement healthcare systems funding for managing cardiovascular health (including bonds, insurance, crowdsourcing, etc.) which could be used to implement the models;
leverage existing and newly created sources of multimodal data (contemplating opportunities provided by EHDS) for decision making and management of CVD (collecting, connecting, standardising, processing and analysing);
design and deploy communication and awareness-raising campaigns, including training and capacity-building for health workers to effectively address various population groups affected by CVD.
Applicants should consider synergies with relevant initiatives at national level and with other European health initiatives such as the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing6, Reference Site Collaboration Network7, Urban Health Cluster8, the Cities and Cancer Missions9 and the Joint Action on Cardiovascular Diseases and Diabetes (JACARDI) funded by the EU4Health programme, to maximise the potential for creating models that can be applied in various urban settings to improve cardiovascular health. This collaborative approach underscores the potential for cross-applicability of health solutions in addressing chronic diseases.
The action should also consider learnings and synergies with other IMI and IHI initiatives such as H2O, EHDEN, BigData@Heart, iCARE4CVD, among others.
Applicants are expected to consider the potential regulatory impact of the results and – as relevant – develop a regulatory strategy and interaction plan for generating appropriate evidence as well as engaging with regulators in a timely manner (e.g. national competent authorities, EMA Innovation Task Force, qualification advice).
1 WHO, “Noncommunicable diseases (” September 2023.
3 European Commission, “Urbanisation in Europe” last updated July 2020.
4 PROM: Patient Reported Outcome Measurements
5 PREM: Patient Reported Experience Measurements
6 European Commission, “The European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA)” Accessed March 2024.
7 Reference Site Collaboration Network, “Home - RSCN” Accessed March 2024.
8 Urban Health Cluster, “Urban Health Cluster | The first European Cluster to improve and safeguard health and well-being of citizens, leaving none behind” Accessed March 2024.
9 European Commission, “EU Missions in Horizon Europe” Accessed May 2024.
Expected Impact:
The action under this topic is expected to achieve all the following impacts and contribute to the following EU policies/initiatives:
decrease the CVD burden in European cities by the reduction of CV events, disability, and mortality;
enable future clinical pathways leading to improved patient outcomes;
reduce the pressure of patient flow in the healthcare system via innovative diagnostic/detection solutions;
strengthen the definition, standardisation and selection of performance indicators on CVD mortality, patient outcomes and economic impact of interventions, and thus improve future clinical pathways and intervention implementation studies;
optimise healthcare expenditure to tackle the financial strain of CVD, amounting to €282 billion annually in the EU [1]. The emphasis is on prioritising spending for maximum efficiency and value, balancing the costs of advanced interventions with their long-term benefits;
strengthen public awareness initiatives and incorporate improved diagnostic methods to enhance early detection and treatment of CVD, to reduce premature CVD deaths and support preventive healthcare measures;
strengthen patient and citizen input to treatment pathways, disease monitoring and scientific guideline enhancement;
contribute to the European policy on Active and Healthy Aging , and to the implementation of the European Commission’s proposal for the European Health Data Space (EHDS) by providing FAIR data that are aligned with the EHDS requirements;
start building a system for continual impact assessment and provide early evidence on the impact and effectiveness of the applied recommendations.
These impacts are in alignment with specific objectives 3 and 2 of IHI JU1.
Eligible Applicants:
Any type of organisation can apply for Horizon Europe funding as long as they have the operational and financial capacity to carry out the tasks that they propose.
For most calls for proposals, you must apply as a team of at least 3 partner organisations from 3 different EU or associated countries. At least one of the 3 partners must be from an EU country. In addition to these 3 partners, organisations from other countries might be able to join your consortium. Please consult the Horizon Europe programme guide. Further details or exceptions are listed on the pages of the call topics in the Funding & tenders portal.
Some calls for proposals require a so-called multi-actor approach: this means your proposed project must involve a diverse set of stakeholders, in particular end-users and users of the project’s results.
Total Budget: €47,550,000
Deadline: Two Stage: 10 October 2024 17:00:00 Brussels time 23 April 2025 17:00:00 Brussels time
More information and official documents:
Programme: European Commission
The current EOI is a first step, focusing on matchmaking activities, to facilitate access to funding that will be available in the CIRCULOOS Open Calls #2 and #3.
Note: Participation in activities enabled by this Expression of Interest is optional and your participation in them does not constitute any guarantee of any benefit in your submission or selection to the CIRCULOOS open call #2.
CIRCULOOS Open Call #2 will only accept consortiums of 2-4 entities and will provide funds up to €60K per partner (applicable funding rate: 60% of the eligible costs for profit making entities and 100% for non-profit or academic organisations). Its main objective is to match about 32 MSMEs with 16 suppliers towards the design and implementation of at least 16 demonstrators.
Therefore, the open call will provide up to €240,000 (total lump sum) to up 16 consortia. Funds will be disbursed based upon the successful delivery of technical and business reports along the 12-month implementation program, scheduled to launch in February 2025.
Eligible Activities:
The CIRCULOOS Open Call #3 will enable the extension of pilots and/or newly established value chains, by inviting new MSMEs to benefit/contribute to the established value-chain, extending and scaling it up to improve sustainability performance, and thus, opening a second round of funding: €60,000 per new
entity. A limited number of applications by new MSMEs will be invited together with Open Call 2, up to 16, to build on the existing pilots, and more will be invited later to build on the value chains resulting from the Open Call 2 (this will be launched tentatively in 2026).
Eligible Applicants:
Any type of organisation can apply for Horizon Europe funding as long as they have the operational and financial capacity to carry out the tasks that they propose.
For most calls for proposals, you must apply as a team of at least 3 partner organisations from 3 different EU or associated countries. At least one of the 3 partners must be from an EU country. In addition to these 3 partners, organisations from other countries might be able to join your consortium. Please consult the Horizon Europe programme guide. Further details or exceptions are listed on the pages of the call topics in the Funding & tenders portal.
Some calls for proposals require a so-called multi-actor approach: this means your proposed project must involve a diverse set of stakeholders, in particular end-users and users of the project’s results.
Total Budget: €240,000
Deadline: 31/03/2025
More information and official documents:
Programme: European Commission
This project funds mobilities for education and training in the nuclear field. Only individuals can be funded. Group applications from educational event(s) organizers are accepted but the funds will reach the attendees.
Eligible Activities:
The submission is continuous. Evaluation takes place every two months, according to detailed rules that can be found here: ENEN2plus Project – European Nuclear Education Network
Eligible Applicants:
Any type of organisation can apply for Horizon Europe funding as long as they have the operational and financial capacity to carry out the tasks that they propose.
For most calls for proposals, you must apply as a team of at least 3 partner organisations from 3 different EU or associated countries. At least one of the 3 partners must be from an EU country. In addition to these 3 partners, organisations from other countries might be able to join your consortium. Please consult the Horizon Europe programme guide. Further details or exceptions are listed on the pages of the call topics in the Funding & tenders portal.
Some calls for proposals require a so-called multi-actor approach: this means your proposed project must involve a diverse set of stakeholders, in particular end-users and users of the project’s results.
Total Budget: €2,500,000
Deadline: 31/03/2025
More information and official documents:
Programme: HORIZON-CSA HORIZON Coordination and Support Actions
Expected Outcome:
Disparities in R&I performance are due to, among other reasons, the insufficient critical mass of science and lack of centres of excellence having sufficient competence to engage countries and regions strategically in a path of innovative growth. Teaming is responding to this challenge establishing new centres of excellence or modernising existing ones with the help of leading EU or AC partnering institutions. This will help countries to increase their R&I intensity and to attain a competitive position in the European R&I system and globally, especially by becoming drivers of change.
Project results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:
· Increased scientific capabilities of the coordinating institution and the host country enabling the coordinator and other potential entities from that country to successfully apply for competitive funding in the European Union and globally;
· Improved the R&I culture of the country hosting the co-ordinator (indicators such as research intensity, innovation performance, values towards R&I) through centres of excellence as lighthouses and role models;
· Stimulus for institutional and systemic reforms and R&I investments at national level taking into account the enabling conditions on governance of smart specialisation introduced under cohesion policy programmes as far as applicable;
· Strengthened and mutually benefitting collaboration with partners from leading scientific institutions from abroad;
· Development and promotion of new research strands in relevant domains;
· Developed and enhanced research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies;
· Contribution to the achievement of the specific objectives of the supporting national/regional/EU programme as complementary funding;
· Enhanced innovation and integration of planned processes, services and products of the centre;
· Enhanced co-operation and synergies with other European projects.
Eligible Activities:
Teaming is one of the actions that stimulates the European Union to exploit its potential by maximising and spreading the benefits of research and innovation. It is vital for its competitiveness and its ability to address societal challenges.
The Teaming action is designed to support the creation of new centres of excellence or modernising the existing ones in low R&I performing countries (except those centres of excellence that have already benefitted from previous Teaming calls). It is building on partnerships between leading scientific institutions in the European landscape and the main beneficiary institutions in low R&I performing countries that display the willingness to engage together for this purpose. This can help countries that are lagging behind in terms of research and innovation performance attaining a competitive position in the global value chains. Leading scientific institutions are established strategic partners that have developed an outstanding reputation in research and innovation excellence in the chosen scientific domain. Institutions that are still in the process of development or modernisation, e.g., those that are still receiving support as coordinators from widening actions under Horizon 2020 or Horizon Europe, are normally not considered leading institutions, unless a proper justification is provided in the proposal.
In order to maximise impact of research and innovation on society, environment and economy at large and to contribute in particular to the achievement of the European Union’s objectives, funding must be coherent and work in synergy. This notion is highly relevant for the Teaming action, where a complementary source of funding from a national (or regional or European or private source) is required. The implementation of Teaming action is expected to become an influential and meaningful bridge particularly between smart specialisation strategies and excellence in R&I with the aim of strengthening the European Research Area and contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals.
Whatever the source of the required complementary source of funding, a Teaming project, as a notable flagship in its host country, exemplifies not only the achievements in R&I, capacity building or competitiveness, but also sets and facilitates synergies in practice.
The evaluation of the complementary source of funding part may use additional criteria required by, where relevant, the Cohesion Policy programmes and/or legislation. The managers of the complementary funding should apply to the operations the categories, maximum amounts and methods of calculation of eligible costs established under Horizon Europe. In addition, they should be able to apply Art.25 (d) of the revised General Block Exemption Regulation.
Proposals may be evaluated by an additional panel of experts with specific knowledge on complementary funding sources.
In the first stage of evaluation the R&I excellence and the conceptual approach for the centres of excellence will be evaluated. Applicants should present a strategic vision on how to develop R&I excellence beyond the state of the art in the chosen domain and on how the co-ordinator will benefit from the partnership with a leading institution from abroad. In case of modernisation of an existing centre, the proposal should clearly indicate the development path from the initial baseline situation until the end of the project and its justification. In addition, the conceptual approach should outline how the access to complementary funding from other sources will be ensured, in the respect of national, regional and/or European strategies or policy priorities (e.g., notably smart specialisation strategies, Green Deal, Digital transformation). Proposals also should sketch out briefly how the autonomy of the envisaged centre will be ensured and the necessary human resources recruited and retained.
Proposals invited to the second stage must include an investment plan for the full project including a binding commitment for the necessary complementary funding.
At a detailed level the full proposal should:
· Present a strategy for how the centre will develop excellence in the chosen relevant R&I domain that will put it at the competitive edge beyond the state of the art enabling future success in competitive calls;
· Demonstrate the growth potential and expected socio-economic outreach of the Centre of Excellence for the benefit of the host country or region;
· Demonstrate how the project will contribute to encouraging and supporting reforms of the R&I system at regional and or/national level;
· Elaborate on the structure of the consortium and how this will create a win-win situation;
· Demonstrate how the newly established/modernised centre will have full autonomy in decision-making. In particular, the centre of excellence should have the maximum degree of autonomy in terms of taking its own decisions, being in legal, administrative, operational, personnel and academic matters. The Centre should be able to fix and pay competitive salaries for its personnel;
· Elaborate on the steps that will be taken to ensure long-term self-sustainability after the end of the Horizon Europe grant;
· In case of modernisation of an existing centre, convincingly elaborate on the development path from the initial baseline situation until the end of the project;
· Propose a robust human resource strategy that addresses gender equality (in line with the research institutions respective gender equality plans) and international component, ensuring appropriate management capacities for the effective and efficient running of the centre of excellence;
· In order to assure the autonomy of the centre of excellence, if relevant, the project might benefit of having the centre of excellence coordinating the project within the duration of the Grant;
· Present an investment plan including the letter(s) of commitment for complementary funding from the competent national/regional authorities or private sources to commit financial resources (e.g., resources coming from programmes co-financed by the ERDF (European regional development fund), IPA (Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance) or other sources) for implementing the future centre, in particular regarding investment in infrastructure and equipment. The letter(s) of commitment for complementary funding of the project will be an integral part of the evaluation of the proposal;
· The grant awarded from the Horizon Europe budget should provide substantial support for the start-up and implementation phase of the future centre of excellence including the recruitment of the managerial, technical and scientific personnel. It should also cover expenses related to team members of the future centre of excellence (e.g., their salaries, recruitment costs[1], management costs, travel and subsistence costs);
· All recruitments have to follow a transparent, merit based and open recruitment procedures;
· A minor research component can be accepted not exceeding 10% of the total Horizon Europe grant that may include a preparatory research project. Such small research project embedded in the Teaming action should be aligned with the objectives of the project and e.g., serve the purpose of developing and testing new methodologies and instruments and/or the integration of new scientific personnel. If preparatory research activity is planned to be carried out, the outline of a respective work plan with an appropriate level of detail should be presented;
The duration of the project should be up to six years.
Proposals should illustrate quantitatively and qualitatively the expected potential impact of the project and its expected results in terms of new local and international research and innovation partnerships, institutional and/or R&I system changes (various levels), increased research intensity (i.e. new scientific publications directly linked to the project’s area, protected IPR). Proposals are encouraged to choose any additional relevant indicators that will be used for measuring the impacts achieved.
The JRC, as non-funded member of the consortium selected for funding or as an associated partner, can contribute to the action with specific expertise, where relevant, for the development of R&I strategies depending on the R&I domain chosen by the project, technology transfer and IPR management as well as linking up to regional smart specialisation strategy.
Specific attention should be paid to gender equality objectives, in line with the organisations’ commitments through their adopted gender equality plans, and in line with the European Research Area objectives.
Eligible Applicants:
Any type of organisation can apply for Horizon Europe funding as long as they have the operational and financial capacity to carry out the tasks that they propose.
For most calls for proposals, you must apply as a team of at least 3 partner organisations from 3 different EU or associated countries. At least one of the 3 partners must be from an EU country. In addition to these 3 partners, organisations from other countries might be able to join your consortium. Please consult the Horizon Europe programme guide. Further details or exceptions are listed on the pages of the call topics in the Funding & tenders portal.
Some calls for proposals require a so-called multi-actor approach: this means your proposed project must involve a diverse set of stakeholders, in particular end-users and users of the project’s results.
Total Budget: €270,000,000
Deadline: Two Stage: 10 April 2025 17:00:00 Brussels time 20 January 2026 17:00:00 Brussels time
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Programme: HORIZON-TMA-MSCA-Cofund-D HORIZON TMA MSCA Cofund Doctoral programme; HORIZON-TMA-MSCA-Cofund-P HORIZON TMA MSCA Cofund Postdoctoral programme
Expected Outcome:
Projects results are expected to contribute to the following outcomes:
For supported doctoral candidates or postdoctoral researchers
· Deeper and more diverse set of research-related and transferable skills and competences;
· Improved employability and career prospects both within academia and beyond;
· New mind-sets and approaches to R&I work forged through international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary experience;
· Enhanced networking and communication capacities with scientific peers, as well as with the general public that will increase and broaden the research and innovation impact.
For participating organisations
· Enhanced quality and sustainability of research training;
· Increased global attractiveness, visibility and reputation of the participating organisation(s);
· Stronger R&I capacity and output among participating organisations;
· Increased contribution of the participating organisations to the local, regional and/or national socio-economic ecosystems;
· Regular feedback of research results into teaching and education at participating organisations.
Eligible Activities:
Applicants submit proposals for new or existing doctoral or postdoctoral programmes with an impact on the enhancement of human resources in R&I at regional, national or international level. These programmes will be co-funded by MSCA COFUND.
Proposed programmes can cover any research disciplines ("bottom-up"), but exceptionally can also focus on specific disciplines, notably when they are based on national or regional Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3 strategies). In this case, the range of covered disciplines should allow reasonable flexibility for the researchers to define their topic.
Funding synergies with Cohesion policy funds and the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) are strongly encouraged[1],[2].
A Career Development Plan must be jointly established by the supervisor and each recruited researcher upon recruitment. In addition to research objectives, this Plan comprises the researcher's training and career needs, including training on transferable skills, teaching, planning for publications and participation in conferences and events aimed at opening science and research to citizens. The Plan must be established at the beginning of the recruitment and should be revised (and updated where needed) within 18 months.
COFUND takes the form of:
A) Doctoral programmes
Doctoral programmes offer research training activities to allow doctoral candidates to develop and broaden their skills and competences. They will lead to the award of a doctoral degree in at least one EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country. The training activities should be based on the EU Principles on Innovative Doctoral Training.
Substantial training modules, including digital ones, addressing key transferable skills and competences common to all fields, fostering good scientific conduct such as research integrity, and fostering the culture of Open Science, innovation and entrepreneurship will be supported. They will include, inter alia, training on the use of collaborative tools and approaches, opening access to publications and to other research outputs including data, FAIR data management, societal engagement and citizen science.
On top of compulsory international mobility, applicants are encouraged to include elements of cross-sectoral mobility and interdisciplinarity into their programmes. Collaboration with a wider set of associated partners, including from the non-academic sector, will be positively taken into account during the evaluation. These organisations may provide hosting or secondment opportunities or training modules in research or transferable skills.
Particular attention is paid to the quality of supervision and mentoring arrangements as well as career guidance. The selection procedure for doctoral candidates must be open, transparent and merit-based, in line with the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The vacancy notice (to be widely advertised internationally, including on the EURAXESS[3] website) must mention if the published rates include all employer and employee's taxes and contributions. If possible, the gross salary (net salary + employee’s taxes and contributions) should be published.
B) Postdoctoral Programmes
Postdoctoral Programmes fund individual advanced research training and career development fellowships for postdoctoral researchers. The programmes should offer training to develop key transferable skills and competences common to all fields, foster good scientific conduct such as research integrity, foster innovation and entrepreneurship and promote and (where appropriate) reward Open Science practices (open access to publications and to other research outputs including data, FAIR data management, societal engagement and citizen science, etc.).
Postdoctoral Programmes should have regular selection rounds following fixed deadlines or regular cut-off dates, allowing fair competition between researchers. The selection procedure for postdoctoral candidates must be open, competitive, merit-based and with a transparent international peer review, in line with the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The vacancy notice (to be widely advertised internationally, including on the EURAXESS website) must mention if the published rates include all employer and employee's taxes and contributions. If possible, the gross salary (net salary + employee’s taxes and contributions) should be published.
On top of compulsory international mobility, applicants are encouraged to include elements of cross-sectoral mobility and interdisciplinarity into their programmes. Researchers will be able to freely choose a research topic and the appropriate organisation to host them, fitting their individual needs.
Eligible Applicants:
Any type of organisation can apply for Horizon Europe funding as long as they have the operational and financial capacity to carry out the tasks that they propose.
For most calls for proposals, you must apply as a team of at least 3 partner organisations from 3 different EU or associated countries. At least one of the 3 partners must be from an EU country. In addition to these 3 partners, organisations from other countries might be able to join your consortium. Please consult the Horizon Europe programme guide. Further details or exceptions are listed on the pages of the call topics in the Funding & tenders portal.
Some calls for proposals require a so-called multi-actor approach: this means your proposed project must involve a diverse set of stakeholders, in particular end-users and users of the project’s results.
Total Budget: €101,820,280
Deadline: 24/06/2025
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The CS Fund and Warsh-Mott Legacy (CSF/WML) aims to promote progressive social change and has three programmatic areas for grant-making.
Eligible Activities:
These are
1) rights and governance (incl. support for initiatives to improve the social, environmental, and governance aspects of international trade agreements);
2) emerging technologies (addressing the potential risks of nanotechnology, synthetic biology, genetic engineering, and related technologies);
3) food sovereignty (incl. support of grassroots activities in seed saving, soil building, protection of pollinating insects and animals, and traditional agriculture); and
4) just transitions. Grants are for activities in the USA and internationally, including for issues important in developing countries.
Outside the United States the Foundation has no defined focus countries and provides grants for projects worldwide.
Eligible Applicants:
Applicant organisations must be classified as a 501(c)(3) by the US Internal Revenue Service. Foreign applicants should note that CSF and WML make a very limited number of direct grants abroad (i.e., without fiscal sponsorship by a US-based organization). The foundations do not provide support to individuals, endowments, or direct lobbying activities.
Total Budget: $3,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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The World Childhood Foundation was founded in 1999 by Her Majesty Queen Silvia of Sweden. The mission of the Foundation is to prevent abuse and exploitation of children. They support and implement over 100 projects around the world, assisting children who are at risk of or are victims of abuse, children who are in alternative care, street children, and families at risk. Childhood supports projects financially, but also through strategic capacity building and networking opportunities.
Eligible Activities:
The Foundation promotes cooperation, knowledge transfer, and help improve and promote efforts in a cost-effective and qualitatively efficient way to support children in need. Childhood’s project managers work closely with the organizations, offering support and development assistance, both at an organizational level and with frequent visits.
Childhood’s focus currently lies in the following thematic areas:
· Child online safety
· Child supportive environments and relationships
· Child focused response to abuse
They work in Brazil, Cambodia, Moldova, Sweden, South Africa, Thailand, Ukraine.
Eligible Applicants:
All funded projects have to be implemented by a local NGO registered in the country of implementation.
Total Budget: €7,500,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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The Lemelson Foundation uses the power of invention to improve lives, by inspiring and enabling the next generation of inventors and invention based enterprises in the US and developing countries. The Foundation works with partners and supports projects that inspire youth to become inventors, stimulate and provide invention and entrepreneurship education, and support the launch, earliest incubation and mentoring of invention-based enterprises.
Eligible Activities:
Their focus areas are:
· Education: Developing STEM-based, invention education
· Entrepreneurship: Supporting ecosystems for invention-based businesses from incubation to market
· Ecosystems: Fostering regional invention ecosystems for stronger economies
· Climate: Leveraging the tools of invention and innovation to improve our climate
Outside the United States, they fund initiatives in developing countries across the globe (i.e., India and West Africa – focus on technology, climate change is funded globally).
Eligible Applicants:
Non-profit organisations are eligible to apply.
Total Budget: $5,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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The DEAR Foundation Switzerland helps people in need, particularly with a particular emphasis on women and children. They do this by supporting humanitarian projects, focused on education and empowerment. It provides grants to projects in support of children and women.
Eligible Activities:
For this, the Foundation works in the following programmatic areas:
· Education: Enabling self-determination by improving access to education and vocational training for women and children, especially those from marginalized populations.
· Health: Pomoting breast cancer awareness through the worldwide DearMamma Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign and the free DearMamma App; Financing medical equipment and facilitating access to health services for impoverished communities; Providing training for nurses and carers; Supporting access to psycho-social service; Fighting female genital mutilation (FGM); Promoting family planning programs
· Child protection: Fight against the exploitation of children by working closely with education and training providers to ensure pathways out of poverty; Fight against child labour; Protection of children from sexual exploitation and early marriage; Psycho-social support for children
· Promoting women’s rights: Providing safe spaces for women; Empowering women of all cultural and religious backgrounds through education
· Economic Empowerment: Breaking cycles of poverty through education and training; Creating employment opportunities
· Providing leadership training; Supporting women to establish and grow small businesses through microloan programs; Promoting women’s networks to support their individual independence
· Encouraging peaceful coexistence between religions: Supporting institutions actively engaged in creating peaceful coexistence between communities of diverse religious backgrounds; Working towards a world where religion, tolerance, and respect for the ‘others’ go hand-in-hand; High morals and a strong sense of humanity guide us to make ethical decisions and act with compassion and integrity
They are currently supporting projects worldwide, with a particular focus in Africa and Israel/Palestine. Past funded projects are based in Africa (e.g. Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Liberia, Ghana, Tanzania, and South Africa), Asia (e.g. India, Russia and China) and Latin America (e.g. Haiti, Honduras).
Eligible Applicants:
The DEAR Foundation allocates funds for: (1) organizations that offer evidence of their sustainability, including their projects’ measurable outcomes and intended impact on the resolution of the problem at hand; (2) applying organizations must be non-governmental and submit documentation regarding their lawful registration in their country (countries) of operation; (3) at least three years must have passed since the applying organizations’ inception; (4) applying organizations must submit copies of their last two audited financial reports; (5) organizations that can provide upfront an overall business plan of their activities for the next 3 coming years; (6) giving is limited to one of the following areas: education, health, child protection, promotion of women’s rights, economic empowerment, and encouraging peaceful coexistence between religions without exclusion of other religions.
Total Budget: €8,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Established in 1997, the atDta Foundation supports individuals and development organisations promotes integral personal development in Switzerland and abroad, based on the idea “helping others to help themselves”. As far as their project support is concerned, the Foundation promotes above all small, privately set up development organisations which mainly work in an honorary capacity and carry out development and social projects that aim to help others to help themselves.
Eligible Activities:
They see training and education as one of the most effective ways of self-help:
(Vocational) training and further education for disadvantaged people
Capacity Building in agriculture and nutrition
Effective observation of fundamental human rights
Priority is given to the following countries: Switzerland, Ethiopia, Guatemala, India, Kenya, Mexico, Myanmar, Namibia, Peru, South Africa and Tanzania.
Eligible Applicants:
They support small to medium-size semi-professional organisations with their main office in Switzerland or with a very close personal connection to Switzerland and which are run with a great deal of personal commitment.
Total Budget: €1,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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The aim of the Southern Africa Trust is to support processes to deepen and widen engagement in policy dialogue with a regional impact, so that the poor have an effective voice in shaping policies that overcome poverty. It was established in 2005 to support civil society organisations in Southern Africa to participate effectively and with credibility in policy dialogue so that the voices of the poor can have a better impact in the development of public policies. The Trust supports processes that deepen and widen participation in policy dialogues with a regional impact on poverty.
Eligible Activities:
The Trust has four programme areas:
· Climate Justice & Natural Resource Management: The work on the Trust responds to challenges emerging from the climate crisis and weak natural resource governance in Southern Africa.
· Economic Recovery & Social Protection: This programme supports civil society organisations and community foundations impacted by the long-term effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.
· Gender Justice: In this programme, they undertake activities that establish and strengthen civil society alliances and groups for gender justice at regional and national levels.
· Youth Empowerment: They advocate for youth’s participation and empowerment in the development agenda for southern Africa.
Actions must take place in Southern Africa.
Eligible Applicants:
Most grantees are national network associations that implement projects with a regional footprint. We also give grants to regional networks, regional apex organisations, social movements, civil society organisations, and media houses.
Total Budget: $2,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Established in 2008, the MariaMarina Foundation supports disadvantaged people and people with special needs enhancing their access to education, social care and the arts:
Eligible Activities:
· Education: Education, training and employment opportunities for people from less privileged backgrounds with physical and/or learning disabilities.
· Social Care: A route out of homelessness, substance abuse and gang culture; Care and support for people with life-limiting illnesses, special needs and mental health issues & who experience violence and/or discrimination because of their race or ethnic group, their sex, their sexual orientation or other reasons.
· The Arts: Access to the arts for those whose socio-economic circumstances present a barrier and for those with special needs.
· Cross cutting issues are (1) Empowerment of girls and women; (2) Diversity and inclusion; and (3) Environment.
Outside Europe they also fund projects in South Africa (Western Cape and Greater Johannesburg), Bolivia (Cochabamba, La Paz/El Alto) and Peru (Lima and Cusco).
Eligible Applicants:
MariaMarina Foundation: (1) does not support individuals; (2) works with both established and newly registered NGOs who act in accordance with the principles of accountability, transparency, efficiency and quality; (3) supports innovative projects with the potential of having an impact that is transformational and far-reaching, beyond the project itself; and (4) aims to support organisations directly and does not usually work with intermediary organisations.
Total Budget: €1,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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The W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF), founded in 1930 as an independent, private foundation by breakfast cereal pioneer Will Keith Kellogg, is among the largest philanthropic foundations in the United States.
Eligible Activities:
Guided by the belief that all children should have an equal opportunity to thrive, WKKF works with communities to create conditions for vulnerable children so they can realize their full potential in school, work and life. It supports children, families and communities as they strengthen and create conditions that propel vulnerable children to achieve success as individuals and as contributors to the larger community and society. WKKF wants all children to live a full life with high-quality, early childhood experiences, to grow up in homes with families that have stable, high-quality jobs, and to live in a community where they are nurtured. Their grant making supports thriving children, working families and equitable communities.
In Haiti they are supporting: education and employment of socially disadvantaged groups (especially children), income-generating opportunities for smallholder farming families to increase productivity and food security. In Mexico they are supporting: improving quality of education, advance families’ economic security by supporting the integration of financial habits through training and savings groups development, improve families’ health, strengthen the leadership capacity of youth etc.
Actions must take place in the U.S., Haiti, and Mexico. In Mexico, their place-based programming focuses on the Highlands of Chiapas and the Yucatán Peninsula. In Haiti, they concentrate their programming in the Central and Southern corridors.
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible are: (1) non-profit organisations; (2) public or governmental entities; and (3) for-profit corporations doing charitable work.
Total Budget: $350,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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The projects supported by the Schmitz Foundations are directed to people who live in poverty and are regarded as particularly disadvantaged by the local population. In their work the Schmitz Foundations focus their support mainly on three major sectors of development work.
Eligible Activities:
They focus their support mainly on the following three major sectors of development work:
1) basic education and training (principally in manual trades and job training)
2) securing basic living standards promoting small-scale commercial activity (i.e. micro-credits schemes, including agriculture and food security)
3) social and charitable projects (i.e. work with the handicapped, care for the elderly, rehabilitation of street children or support for disadvantaged minorities)
They give priority to target groups who have already taken the initiative before the project starts and who show through their own efforts and input their genuine commitment to ‚their‘ project. The proposed project should involve the local population in its planning and implementation and have a clearly defined goal which reflects the true needs of those it is to help.
Their focus regions are South America (Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru) and Asia (Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Sri Lanka, Philippines and Vietnam).
Eligible Applicants:
The Schmitz Foundations funds NGOs that support small-scale projects, which are planned and developed locally and bring direct benefits to the local population.
Total Budget: €2,500,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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The Ulverscroft Foundation was formed to (1) relieve and assist, and to provide treatment and education for sick or handicapped persons and in particular persons suffering from defective eyesight; and (2) support medical research and to provide and assist in the provision of facilities for the treatment or alleviation of sick or visually handicapped persons. To that end the Foundation provides financial help to Universities which carry out research into the causes of eye diseases; funds eye clinics, hospitals, schools, libraries and other organisations which help visually impaired people. They also provide awards to assist the development of library services for print disabled people worldwide and to foster cooperation between library services serving these persons.
Eligible Activities:
An application should include at least the following: (1) details of your current service to visually-impaired people, if any, and how it will be improved or enhanced by the proposed project. They do not need to see lengthy, generalised descriptions of the challenges faced by blind and visually-impaired people; (2) an estimate if possible of how many blind and visually-impaired people currently use your service, and how many will use it in the future; (3) any funding received or pledged to date for the project in question, and the names of other organisations to which you have applied; (4) a copy of your latest annual report and accounts; (5) confirmation that your organisation has a safeguarding policy for vulnerable children and/or adults, as appropriate; and (6) confirmation that your organisation has an equal opportunities policy.
Actions can take place overseas.
Eligible Applicants:
Applications for funding can be considered from any source, UK or overseas. Applicants need not necessarily be a charity: they can be a CIC or social group.
Total Budget: £800,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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The Britford Bridge Trust is a charity supporting the prevention or relief of poverty; the advancement of education; the advancement of health or the saving of lives; and the advancement of the arts, culture, heritage, or science.
Eligible Activities:
The trustees have already fully committed to supporting the fields of medicine and related professions connected to the causes, diagnosis, treatment and care of cancer and other malignant disease and will not be accepting applications for funding in that regard. Similarly the family donates to African causes through established NGOs. As a result the Trustees regret that they will not consider applications from these areas of need.
In addition the Trustees will give due consideration to the amount of any donation that reaches the intended beneficiary and to the existing reserves and resources of the applicant.
Applicants must have national or international reach with regional consideration being given to projects in the UK (the Wolverhampton, Dorset and Cambridge areas only).
Eligible Applicants:
Currently they mainly fund through UK-based organisations. Whilst they primarily fund through UK-based organisations, they welcome collaboration with multiple partners which can be based in the targeted geography.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: Roddenberry Foundation
Objective: Gene Roddenberry, creator of the Star Trek series, brought to his audiences meaningful and thought-provoking science fiction to “think, question, and challenge the status quo” with the intention of creating “a brighter future”. His work has touched countless lives and continues to entertain and inspire audiences worldwide. In 2010, Gene’s son Rod established the Roddenberry Foundation to build on his father’s legacy and philosophy of inclusion, diversity, and respect for life to drive social change and meaningfully improve the lives of people around the world.
Eligible Activities: The Catalyst Fund is a small grants program focused on early-stage, unconventional ideas that have the potential for disruptive change. The Catalyst Fund awards small grants for early-stage, innovative, and unconventional ideas that address urgent challenges. The Fund is interested in innovative ideas that make a difference. A cutting-edge product, an experimental program, a new service, an invention, or an original game are all in their wheelhouse. The idea has to improve on what’s already out there and it has to have the potential for tangible, measurable impact. Ideas that can be replicated, taken to scale, or leverage existing infrastructure are a good fit. They also favor ideas that inspire others, build on partnerships (public and private), and that are inclusive of those they are intended to benefit.
The Catalyst Fund has been created to source ideas from all corners of the globe. Anyone from any country can apply.
Eligible Applicants: Individuals and organisations from around the world are eligible to apply for support.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: No Deadline
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Programme: Embassy of Japan to Kosovo
Objective: The Grant Assistance for Grass Roots and Human Security Projects (GGP) was first introduced by the Government of Japan in 1989 in order to meet various socio-economic needs in developing countries. The GGP provides nonrefundable financial assistance to NGOs, hospitals, primary schools, and other nonprofit association to help implement their development projects. The availability of GGP funding in each eligible country provides Japanese ODA with a new means of cooperation that has a direct impact on the well-being of grass-roots communities.
Eligible Activities: Its focus areas in Kosovo include: (1) refurbishment and supply of equipment for primary schools; (2) refurbishment and supply of medical equipment for hospitals (projects for the benefit of women, children or prevention of infectious disease such as AIDS are given priority); (3) supply of equipment for basic skills training courses (e.g. brick making, sewing, candle making machines, etc); (4) agricultural training equipment (e.g. tractors, pumps, sprinklers); (5) public welfare (refurbishment and supply of equipment for facilities for the handicapped, orphans, family planning education, or the construction of community centers); and (6) water supply (facilities and equipment for drilling well pumps etc.).
Actions must take place in Kosovo.
Eligible Applicants: The following lists are examples of potential recipients: (1) international or local NGOs; (2) community-based organisations (CBOs); (3) local authorities; (4) health institutions; (5) primary schools and vocational (training) schools and (6) other non-profit associations.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: ongoing
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Programme: Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC)
Objective: The Swiss Cooperation Strategy focuses on large, long-term programmes, which are implemented with professional partners. In order to support grassroots initiatives, the embassy of Switzerland and the Swiss Cooperation Office can additionally (co-)finance projects by local organisations quickly and with a minimum of bureaucracy through small action grants.
Eligible Activities: These small action grants aim to contribute to social inclusion and improved livelihoods, especially for the most, disadvantaged and vulnerable within Kosovar society. Previous grants ranged from cultural projects, sports activities, environmental activities and human rights initiatives to small-scale development projects.
Actions must take place in Kosovo.
Eligible Applicants: To be eligible, projects should: (1) directly benefit at least one vulnerable group – including, but not limited to, minority communities, women, children, war victims, LGBTQI or people with disabilities – and address their (re)integration, empowerment or the fulfilment of their human rights; (2) take place mainly in Kosovo (regional initiatives can only be considered as long as at least half of the activities take place in Kosovo); (3) be submitted by an organisation with adequate structures, which is registered in Kosovo; (4) present a budget where administrative costs do not exceed 15 percent of total cost and where the implementing organisation contributes part of the total cost (in cash or in kind); (5) respect the law and follow sound managerial and financial practices; and (6) projects of nation-wide scope and those covering minority areas should work in both of Kosovo’s national languages, i.e. Albanian and Serbian.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: ongoing
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Programme: USAID/Egypt
Objective: The USAID/Egypt Private Sector Collaboration Pathway (PSCP) Annual Program Statement (APS) seeks to foster private sector partnerships that align with USAID/Egypt’s Development Objectives (DOs) as outlined in the Egypt Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) for 2020-2025. This initiative provides a structured mechanism for USAID/Egypt to solicit and review concept papers from private sector entities interested in collaboration.
Eligible Activities: The APS emphasizes a phased co-creation process, allowing for initial interest exploration, concept submission, and subsequent detailed co-creation towards a potential funded award. This approach aims to leverage private sector resources and expertise to achieve sustainable development outcomes in various sectors such as agriculture, business, community development, education, health, and more.
Actions must take place in Egypt.
Eligible Applicants: Eligible applicants include a range of private sector entities: for-profit commercial entities (businesses, corporations, SMEs), private foundations affiliated with commercial entities, financial institutions (banks, investment firms, mutual funds, private equity funds, pension funds, insurance companies), business or industry associations (chambers of commerce), and cooperatives. Non-profit organizations, with the exception of business and industry associations and cooperatives, are not eligible to meet the private sector partnering requirement. Government-owned companies and individuals are also ineligible.
Total Budget: $1,000,000
Deadline: 30/04/2025
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Objective: The GoodPlanet Foundation aims to support projects that address significant environmental challenges while simultaneously reducing socio-economic inequalities. Through its funding initiatives, the Foundation focuses on three key areas: promoting agroecology and agroforestry, providing access to essential goods and services such as water and sustainable energy, and conserving marine and coastal ecosystems. Projects funded by the Foundation must align with these thematic priorities and demonstrate a clear impact on both the environment and society. With a focus on sustainability and social equity, the Foundation seeks to empower communities and foster positive change on a global scale.
Eligible Activities: Some of their carbon finance projects are coming to an end. They would like to renew our project portfolio to support and assist new projects for access to renewable and sustainable energy and energy efficiency supported by carbon finance.
• Case n°1: Projects of up to 19,999 tonnes of CO2 equivalent avoided per year, which integrate the GoodPlanet project portfolio, supported by annual carbon finance from several financiers.
• Case n°2: Projects exceeding 20,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent avoided per year, subject to pre-financing from a single donor, with multi-year funding acquired.
Actions can take place in various countries worldwide.
Eligible Applicants: Project selection is open to non-governmental organisations, companies from the social and solidarity economy, associations, foundations, etc. The GoodPlanet Foundation does not support for-profit projects with no socio-economic benefits for disadvantaged populations. Project leaders must have proven experienced in project management and in the environmental sector. The GoodPlanet Foundation accepts applications from French and foreign organisations.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: Embassy of Japan to Georgia
Objective: Objective
The GGP is one of the grant schemes of the Embassy of Japan in Georgia, oriented towards providing support to the grassroots actors, for the promotion of Basic Human Needs and Human Security in Georgia. This involves, but is not limited to the actions, which aim to mitigate threats to human survival, human life, human dignity, as well as the actions aimed to build up the capacities of individuals and communities.
Eligible Activities: Within 22 years of its work in Georgia – from 1998 to 2022, the Grassroots Human Security Program (GGP) of the Government of Japan funded more than 200 projects, in total amounting to more than 20 million USD. Through this funding, agriculture infrastructure was developed, alleviating poverty in some of the poorest villages; thousands of hectares of land were cleared from hazardous landmines, saving lives of local population; dozens of schools, kindergartens, hospitals were rehabilitated and re-equipped, providing essential services to the most vulnerable population. Those are only a few of the examples and the range of sectors funded has been very broad.
Representing the goodwill of the ordinary Japanese people, the Embassy of Japan strives to provide support in the sectors, considered most essential by the population of Georgia itself. Vast majority of the reputable local and international research reflects that the population of Georgia considers socio-economic problems as the most acute national issues, along with the occupation of its territories. Thus, in its GGP program, the Embassy strives to emphasize the projects, which aim to resolve those problems most effectively and efficiently.
Actions must take place in Georgia.
Eligible Applicants: The following lists are examples of potential recipients: NGOs and INGOs; Local public authorities (mayor’s office).
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: ongoing
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Programme: Japanese Embassy Rwanda
Objective: Objective
In 1989, the Government of Japan introduced Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP/kusanone) in order to respond to the diverse development needs in developing countries. The aim of GGP is to provide financial assistance to non- profit development organizations for implementation of projects at community level. In Rwanda, 2 projects are selected per year.
Eligible Activities: The following areas are considered as deserving priority:
1) Public Welfare: Facilities and equipment for disabled people, orphans, the field of women in development (WID), etc.
2) Primary Education: Classroom preparation; desks, chairs, and bookshelves, etc.
3) Vocational Training: Vocational training facilities and equipment, etc.
4) Primary Health Care: Basic medical equipment, etc.
Actions must be implemented in Rwanda.
Eligible Applicants: Support is provided to Community-Based Organizations; Local or International Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs); Local authority (Ex. City Council, District); Educational Institutions (Ex. School Management Committee, schools); Medical or Health Institutions (Ex. Hospital Management Committee); Research Institutions.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: ongoing
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Programme: Waterloo Foundation
Objective: Objective
The Waterloo Foundation (TWF) is an independent grant-making foundation created in 2007, and based in Cardiff, Wales. The Foundation gives grants to organisations both in the UK and worldwide. They are most interested in projects that help globally particularly in the areas of the disparity of opportunities and wealth and the unsustainable use of the world’s natural resources.
Eligible Activities: The Small Grants focus on:
1) Nutrition: promoting good nutritional practices, with a particular focus on mothers and children during the ‘1000-day window’; providing micronutrients for young children and their mothers and de-worming drugs for young children; and providing micronutrients through food fortification for all;
2) Sexual and Reproductive Health: improving access to a range of modern contraceptive methods and wider sexual health and reproductive services, and increasing understanding and awareness of, and driving demand for, family planning services;
3) Education: improving the quality of secondary, primary and early childhood education and increasing the enrolment and retention of pupils at both primary and secondary level, especially girls and young women; and
4) Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: access to safe drinking water and improved hygiene.
Actions can take place worldwide in developing countries with a focus on Sub-Saharan Africa and occasionally South Asia.
Eligible Applicants: They will consider applications from organisations with an annual income of less than £20,000 or that are newly established within the last 2 years; but in these cases we can only consider applications below £5,000. Applicants’ requests should always be in keeping with their organisation’s annual income; we do not usually provide grants which total more than 25% of an organisation’s annual income. Small grants are usually provided as a one-off donation. In exceptional circumstances some organisations may be invited to reapply. Grants will be prioritised for small UK charities led by committed individuals, especially those based in Wales, which are working to deliver projects in developing countries.
Total Budget: £100,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: Helmut Horten Foundation
Objective: Objective
Established in the 1970s by Helmut Horten, the Foundation aims at supporting the health care system through financial contributions to medical research facilities, hospitals, and other health care institutions, as well as to individuals who are in need of medical care. Eligible for funding are measures intended to protect and maintain people’s health. Today, the Foundation provides funding to the following two main programs: (1) the Horten Centre for Patient-Oriented Research and Knowledge Transfer: this service enables general practitioners to apply the latest medical knowledge in their practices as well as work on patient-oriented research with a focus on the quality of diagnostics; and (2) the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB): the institute’s work is upon advancing biomedical research with scientists focusing on the mechanisms of host defence against bacteria, viruses, tumours and neuro-degenerative diseases.
Eligible Activities: They offer two grant types:
• Young Investor Grants: accelerate the careers of talented young group leaders to develop their independent research within the medical sciences
• Consortium Projects for Clinical Translation: Create the desired impact of sustainably improving quality of life and life expectancy for patients by investing in multidisciplinary teams who can best generate scientific innovation and translate this into clinical, practice-changing outcomes.
Actions must take place in Switzerland and other countries provided they meet the Foundation’s requirements.
Eligible Applicants: Eligible are: (1) medical research centres; (2) hospitals; (3) health care institutions; and (4) individual researchers.
Total Budget: €1,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Objective: Objective
The Weeden Foundation’s primary mission is to protect biodiversity. The Foundation is working to protect old-growth forests, expand habitats for endangered species on public and private lands, and link key wildlife corridors. Their goal in Global Biodiversity is to support campaigns and/or groups in biodiversity hotspots. Specific objectives are to (1) protect global temperate rainforests, (2) support creation of wildlife corridors, (3) land acquisition and protection of endangered species and, (4) support projects that involve indigenous peoples in the process and stewardship of conservation projects.
Eligible Activities: The Foundation’s Environment Education program area focuses on supporting grantees that will provide future leaders with the tools to effect environmental policies. These policies complement the other grantees of the Foundation including biodiversity and habitat protection. Sustainable environmental policies must include both immediate actions as well as education to anticipate and to prevent future environmental impact.
The Foundation’s International Population program is focused on reducing population growth rates in countries recognized for their rich biodiverse landscapes and that have a total fertility rate exceeding replacement levels. To achieve this goal, the Foundation funds groups that facilitate initiatives related to family planning, women’s education and women’s empowerment in countries with such rich and recognized biodiversity.
They work in Latin America and Africa as well as globally.
Eligible Applicants: Non-governmental organisations are eligible. Applicants need a IRS tax exemption 501(c)(3) certification letter or an equivalency document for non-U.S. based organisations (obtained in-country).
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Objective: Objective
The Ishibashi Foundation is dedicated to upholding the tradition of cultural initiatives established by its founder, and is committed to supporting artistic, cultural, and educational initiatives aimed at the development of a more caring and humane world. It keeps a watchful eye on regions that tend to be overlooked by society, putting effort in recent years in particular into grant programs with an international focus.
Eligible Activities: They fund the following activities: (1) art: publication of the official journal of a scientific society, having art exhibition; (2) education: raising the standard of educational system, expanding the educational facilities, having commemorative event and symposium; and (3) culture: publication of the official journal of a scientific society, having commemorative event and symposium.
Actions must take place in Japan and across the globe.
Eligible Applicants: Eligible applicants are non-profit organisations (including no profit-making enterprises or private businesses) with a track record in implementing projects that align with the Foundation’s mission: institutes, associations, schools, research institutes etc.
Total Budget: $1,800,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: Lyford Cay Foundation
Objective: Objective
The Lyford Cay Foundations are dedicated to enhancing community development in The Bahamas through transformative learning opportunities. As a key grant-making organization in the country, their focus is on investing in initiatives that support education and skill development across various sectors including the arts, sports, environmental awareness, health, and economic and human resource development. Their programs are tailored to empower Bahamian children, young adults, families, and communities, especially those who are most in need.
Eligible Activities: The Foundations provide financial assistance to Bahamian non-profits, promoting both traditional and diverse educational experiences. A significant contribution of the Foundations includes a $4 million donation to the University of The Bahamas’ Harry C. Moore Library. Their approach extends beyond mere financial support, aiming for a lasting and sustainable impact in the community.
Actions must take place in Bahamas.
Eligible Applicants: Eligibility for the grants is restricted to non-profit organizations registered in The Bahamas. The projects seeking grants must take place within The Bahamas and align with the mission of the Lyford Cay Foundations. Additionally, organizations receiving grants are required to provide a report detailing the use and impact of the funds.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: Fritz Thyssen Foundation
Objective: Objective
Support of projects by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation focuses on scholars in the humanities, social sciences and biomedicine fields. The planned project should be limited in terms of the subject and time.
Eligible Activities: An application can be filed in the following areas of support:
• History, Language & Culture
• State, Economy and Society
• Medicine and the Natural Sciences
• Interdisciplinary projects are also welcomed by the foundation.
Funding is basically reserved for projects that are related to the promotion areas of the Foundation and have a clear connection to the German research system. This connection can be established either at a personal level through German scientists working on the project, at an institutional level through non-German scientists being affiliated to German research institutes or through studies on topics related thematically to German research interests.
They work in Germany and globally.
Eligible Applicants: Applications can generally only be accepted if they come from universities or non-profit research institutions. In the case of applications from non-governmental institutions within the EU/EEA, the application must be accompanied by a copy of the currently valid tax exemption notice for corporations.
Total Budget: €1,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: European Media and Information Fund (EMIF) / Gulbenkian
Objective: Objective
The Call Boosting Fact-checking Activities in Europe aims at supporting projects from independent fact-checking organisations, which play a key role in limiting the negative effects of disinformation on the public discourse and democratic processes. In the context of the ongoing Russia – Ukraine war, and in light of its repercussions across Europe, this Call for Proposals is currently accepting applications that contemplate collaborations with Ukrainian fact-checking and media organisation and/or journalists. Though Ukrainian organisations are not eligible as funded partners, costs pertaining to such collaborations, namely subcontracting costs, will be considered as eligible.
Eligible Activities:
a. Urgent actions: projects designed to increase coverage, depth, and speed of fact-checking activities by organisations that commit to producing regular flows of fact-checks. These actions may have a duration up to 6 months and receive a grant up to €55,000.
b. Scale-up projects: free-lance collaborations within newsrooms and/or the integration of state-of-the-art technologies for content verification and media and social media monitoring. These actions may have a duration up to 12 months and receive a grant up to €80,000.
Actions must take place in Europe.
Eligible Applicants: Only individual entities or organisations in a consortium located in the EU, EFTA and UK are eligible.
Total Budget: €4,350,000
Deadline: 30/06/2025
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Programme: Foundation
Objective: The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative was founded in 2015 to help solve some of society’s toughest challenges — from eradicating disease and improving education, to addressing the needs of local communities. Priscilla Chan is co-founder and co-CEO of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. The Foundation’s mission is to build a more inclusive, just, and healthy future for everyone. In addition to traditional grant-making to support people and organisations working toward our missions in (1) science; (2) education, and (3) community, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative makes venture investments in impact-focused companies, builds tools and products that we can scale and give away for free, and supports movement and capacity building to achieve progress across their work. Since their launch in 2015, the Foundation has awarded approximately $5 billion in grants. Grants are awarded via three funding entities: the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Foundation, a 501(c)(3) private foundation; the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) at the Silicon Valley Community Foundation; and Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Advocacy, a 501(c)(4) organization.
Eligible Activities: Thematic Interest
• Education and training
• Science, innovation and technology
• Children and youth
• Diversity, equity and inclusion
• Social inclusion of marginalised youth
Their pillar “local community” only support organisations/projects in San Mateo County. As for the other program pillars grants are given to projects and initiatives across the globe.
Eligible Applicants: They support science through targeted grant-making and open competitions for research funds in specific issue areas with Requests for Applications, or RFAs. For education, at times they also issue calls for proposals. For ‘community’, grants are only disbursed for projects and initiatives in San Mateo County.
Total Budget: $20,000,000
Deadline: No Deadline
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Programme: Foundation
Objective: Danone Ecosystem catalyzes and develops projects that advance the public interest in ecosystems where Danone operates. Since 2009, they have co-created disruptive business models that strengthen inclusion and environmental sustainability, providing organisational know-how, technical expertise and financing support. Projects developed by Danone Ecosystem respond to local challenges linked to sustainable sourcing and regenerative agriculture; micro-distribution; circular economy; and the promotion of healthy drinking and eating habits. The projects are organised into four areas, corresponding to key activities in Danone’s value chain: (1) Sourcing & Watershed, for the sustainability of water resources and the sustainable sourcing of key raw materials; (2) Distribution to create new product distribution channels; (3) Caring Services to strengthen knowledge and access to nutrition and health services; and (4) Recycling to reinforce the circular economy and sourcing of rPET.
Eligible Activities: Thematic Interest
• Agricultural and rural/community development/sustainable farming
• Circular economy
• Sustainable waste management
• Community health
• Healthy drinking and eating habits
• Women’s empowerment and business development
Focus Countries
They give grants to projects across the globe (currently in more than 40 countries worldwide).
Eligible Applicants: They have no formalised application procedures displayed on their website.
Total Budget: €20,000,000
Deadline: No Deadline
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Programme: Foundation
Objective: Endeavor is leading the high-impact entrepreneurship movement around the world. Endeavor is the leading global community of, by, and for High-Impact Entrepreneurs — those who dream bigger, scale faster, and pay it forward. Driven by our belief that High-Impact Entrepreneurs transform economies, Endeavor is on a mission to build thriving entrepreneurial ecosystems in emerging and underserved markets around the world. Endeavor creates a Multiplier Effect by inspiring high-growth founders to dream bigger, supporting and investing in them to scale faster, and providing a platform to pay it forward — thereby compounding their individual impact. To sustain Endeavor’s long-term operations in a mission-aligned way, Endeavor created Endeavor Catalyst, a co-investment fund, set up to invest in the same High-Impact Entrepreneurs that Endeavor supports.
Eligible Activities: Thematic Interest
• Economic development
• Social entrepreneurship
Focus Countries
Endeavor operates across Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, Latin America, and the Middle East.
Eligible Applicants: Endeavor launches mentorship programs for entrepreneurs and also invests in the form of equity in some selected companies. First, they launch a call for proposal to new cities, regions and countries, their pull model is led by local private sector leaders who pledge their time and money to open a new office. Then they select and support a group of innovative individuals. Through a rigorous, multi-step selection process, Endeavor annually screens thousands of entrepreneurs from around the world to identify those with the best talent and potential for impact and funding.
Total Budget: €5,000,000
Deadline: No Deadline
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Programme: Network for Social Change Charitable Trust
Objective: Objective
The Network for Social Change Charitable Trust is a group of individuals providing funding for progressive social change projects, particularly in the areas of justice, peace and the environment. The Trust supports projects which are innovative, highly leveraged, and/or difficult to fund, addressing the root causes of a problem.
Eligible Activities: The Trust provides 3 types of grants:
1) Pools – sponsoring projects for grants with a thematic focus on one of the 6 Pools (green planet, human rights, economic justice, health and wholeness, peace, arts and education)
2) Major Projects – focusing on a neglected area of social change (a sustainable economy, income inequality, asylum injustice, remote control warfare), providing funding for 3-6 years
3) Fast Track – providing grants to projects that are identified, assessed and sponsored by a single member of the Trust, who then invites fellow members to join them in funding it.
They support projects in the area of health, HIVA/AIDS, children and alike.
Actions can take place worldwide.
Eligible Applicants: Non-profit organisations whose focus areas are: (1) justice; (2) peace and (3) environment are eligible to apply.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: Daiwa Foundation
Objective: Objective
The Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation is a UK charity established in 1988 with a generous benefaction from Daiwa Securities Co Ltd. The Foundation’s purpose is to support closer links between Britain and Japan. It does this by: (1) making grants available to individuals, institutions and organisations to promote links between the UK and Japan across all fields of activity; (2) awarding scholarships to young British graduates to study Japan and its language and; (3) organising a year-round program of events to increase intercultural understanding between Japan and the UK.
Eligible Activities: Daiwa Foundation Small Grants can cover all fields of activity, including educational and grassroots exchanges, research travel, the organisation of conferences, exhibitions, and other projects and events that fulfill this broad objective. New initiatives are especially encouraged. Grants are available to individuals, societies, associations or other bodies in the UK or Japan to promote and support interaction between the two countries.
Actions must take place in UK and Japan.
Eligible Applicants: Eligible applicants are: individuals, societies, associations or other bodies in the UK or Japan.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Objective: Objective
The Eranda Rothschild Foundation is a UK registered charitable trust and makes donations to registered charities working in the fields of medical research, education and the arts. While for their medical research and arts program the Foundation usually supports work well known to the Trustees, for their education program they invite applications from universities and other non-profit organisations to support young professionals in fields including medicine, science and business. They support disadvantaged young people and apprenticeships. Since its founding fifty years ago, the Foundation has made donations totalling more than £74 million to a wide range of charities in the UK and across the globe.
Eligible Activities: Thematic areas are: (1) Education: they consider applications from universities and other charities to support young professionals in fields including medicine, science and business. They support disadvantaged young people and apprenticeships; (2) Medical Research: they support original research and the continuation of existing research. Welfare is also considered under the medical theme and here the priority is to support work well known to the Trustees; and (3) The Arts: they support the education and outreach work of arts charities and prioritise work which is well known to the Foundation.
Actions can take place in various countries worldwide.
Eligible Applicants: Eligible applicants are non-profit organisations registered in the UK and abroad. They support registered charities, including Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIOs) and those correctly registered as charities in their own countries.
Total Budget: €2,500,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Objective: Objective
The CISV International Peace Fund Trust (PFT) was created in 1988 with the objectives (1) to advance education in the understanding, internationally, of children throughout the world, without distinction of race, religion or politics, so that they may grow to maturity, conscious of their responsibilities as human beings; (2) to develop the individual child’s potential for cooperation with others; and (3) to further research contributing to this work. They have a grants program for which they launch four calls for applications throughout the year.
Eligible Activities: Trustees may approve grants for projects which are in line with PFT objectives and the purpose of the sub-fund, provided accumulated interest is available. Some examples of projects that have been funded in the past include: (1) first time programmes hosted by promotional associations; (2) participation by promotional associations at CISV workshops/activities; and (3) international or regional workshops co-hosted by CISV and like-minded organizations.
Actions can take place in various countries worldwide.
Eligible Applicants: Eligible applicants are: (1) CISV charities (officials of the International Association (e.g. International Office, Governing Board), a National Association (NA itself or one of its Chapters), Promotional Association); (2) Official delegates to regional or international CISV activities/ conferences with endorsement of relevant CISV entity; and (3) PFT trustees for projects consistent with PFT’s objectives.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: Patagonia Inc
Objective: Objective
Patagonia Inc. is an American clothing company founded in 1973 that sells and showcases mainly sustainable outdoor clothing. The Patagonia Environmental Grants Programme surges from the company’s commitment to use 1% of their total sales or 10% of their profit, whichever is more, to environmental concerns. Patagonia supports environmental organizations with bold, direct-action agendas and a commitment to long-term change.
Eligible Activities: They support innovative work that addresses the root causes of the environmental crisis and seeks to protect both the environment and affected communities. They focus on places where we’ve built connections through outdoor recreation and through our network of retail stores, nationally and internationally. They encourage work that brings underrepresented communities to the forefront of the environmental movement and defend communities whose health and livelihoods are threatened by environmental exploitation. They support multipronged campaigns that push for greater environmental protections and force the government to abide by its own laws.
They fund projects in Europe (Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom).
Eligible Applicants: Their funding focuses on organizations that have or can create a strong base of support.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Objective: Objective
The WWF Nedbank Green Trust was established by the Trustees in 1990 in order to promote the conservation of nature and ecological processes. Nedbank was the first, and subsequently only, funder for the Trust and WWF appointed as the management agency for the Trust and subsequently the environmental outcomes strategist for the Trust. The Trust has planned to achieve its mission through “…the preservation of genetic, species and ecosystem diversity; by ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable, and by promoting actions aimed at reducing, to the absolute minimum, pollution and the wasteful exploitation and consumption of resources and energy”.
Eligible Activities: Since 1990, the WWF Nedbank Green Trust has invested more R300 million in various catalytic conservation projects which have grown to a scale that has had a significant impact for environ- mental health and wealth of South Africa.
Actions must take place in South Africa.
Eligible Applicants: The WWF Nedbank Green Trust welcomes all organizations, aligned to its strategy, to partner with the Trust to achieve its vision of igniting new ways for people and nature to thrive.
Total Budget: €1,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: European Youth Foundation (EYF)
Objective: Objective
The European Youth Foundation (EYF) is a fund established in 1972 by the Council of Europe to provide financial and educational support for European youth activities. An international activity is an international meeting of young people or youth leaders in Europe which contribute to the work of the youth sector of the Council of Europe in topic, methodology and with a clear European dimension. Until now, four working days were considered as a minimum duration for an international activity based on the principles of non-formal education/learning. However, in order to adapt to NGOs’ needs, the EYF will no longer consider this duration as a hard criterion.
Eligible Activities: The EYF will continue to assess grant applications on the basis of their merit and the quality of the programme provided. NGOs applying for activities lasting less than four days will have to convince the EYF that the activity is based on a non-formal education approach.
Special attention will be given to applications integrating a gender perspective. This should be clearly explained in the grant application. Gender perspective does not mean having an equal number of female and male participants. You should try to develop your project looking through different gender glasses, taking into account the needs of young women and men.
Action must take place in Europe.
Eligible Applicants: The following hard criteria are a requirement for an international activity: (1) participants must represent at least 7 Council of Europe member states; (2) it has to be run by an international team (4 nationalities represented in the project team); (3) 75 % of participants under 30 years old; (4) a gender and geographical balance must be ensured; and (5) a gender perspective is taken into account throughout the whole process.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Objective: Objective
Since 1996, Stiftung RTL – We help children eV has been helping children in need of care in Germany and around the world. In the awareness of the social responsibility of a successful media company, the management at that time decided to put the transmitter’s existing charitable commitment on a stable footing. The goal is to provide sustained support for the most vulnerable in society, the children – both in Germany and abroad.
Eligible Activities: In the past they have funded projects like: health projects (eye health) for children and adults, construction of therapy rooms for disabled children, support for abused children and their families, education projects for children in Africa, etc.
Actions can take place across the globe.
Eligible Applicants: Eligible applicants are NGOs.
Total Budget:€100,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Objective: Objective
Founded in 1955, the Richard S. Reynolds Foundation is devoted to building strong communities and creating a positive and enduring impact on the world around us.
Eligible Activities: To that end, the Foundation provides assistance to community and worldwide organisations in the United States and across the globe in the areas of (1) science; (2) education; (3) healthcare; (4) environment; and (5) arts.
The Foundation offers grant funding to initiatives across the globe.
Eligible Applicants: Eligible for grant funding are non-profit organisations that are tax-exempt under IRS Section 501(c)(3).
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Objective: Objective
The Marthe van Rijswijck Foundation (MvRF) financially supports charitable, scientific or non-profit organisations and its main goal is to contribute to the development of ideas and/or support projects of social importance with idealistic and social intent. The main focus of this support are projects that support people or groups of people who, because of social circumstances or disabilities of mental or physical nature, are limited in their development and help them create a place in society where their skills are developed, optimized and brought to good use.
Eligible Activities: A special focus is granted for the benefit of deprived and underprivileged children around the world. All projects must be managed by a Dutch organisation or individuals who do not have any commercial interest in the proposed project. The Foundation also prefers to see a certain degree of fundraising done on the NGO’s own initiative.
Projects from all over the world may be considered for financial support. Most funding of past projects has gone to initiatives in Africa and Asia. So far they have supported projects in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Morocco, Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Romania, Rwanda, Senegal, Somalia, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Eligible Applicants: Charitable, scientific or non-profit organisations are eligible to apply. The MvRF prefers to support NGO’s with an existing organizational infrastructure of which the sustainability has been proven and whose the goal is to set up projects which, in the long run, will be more or less self-supporting. The project must be initiated by a Dutch organisation or individual who does not have any commercial interest in the project.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Objective: Objective
Through the programme, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) provides companies investing in developing and emerging countries with financial and, if required, also professional support. Submitted projects have to meet the development-policy criteria of the German government, like for example promoting sustainable economic development, strengthening human rights, social and environmental standards, education, food security.
Eligible Activities: In concrete terms, this can mean:
• Improving environmental and social standards in supply chains
• Creating decent jobs and improved working conditions
• Supporting women and marginalised groups, in particular, with careers and entrepreneurship
• Implementing measures that contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation
• Taking measures to protect the natural environment, for example through sustainable cultivation methods, saving water in production processes, and avoiding and recycling waste
• Creating access to health care services
Selected countries as listed in the OECD-DAC list are eligible (Africa, Asia, America, Europe).
Eligible Applicants: Applications are open to German companies and companies registered in the EU, as well as companies in developing and emerging countries (as listed on the OECD-DAC list) in which EU-registered companies or European nationals own at least a 25% share. Any company that applies must meet the following minimum requirements: annual turnover of at least €800,000, 8 employees and three years of business operations. Although associations, foundations, non-governmental organisations, foreign chambers of commerce or registered associations are not themselves eligible to apply, they are entitled to participate in projects as project partners of the applicant company.
Total Budget: €100,000 - €2,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: Open Technology Fund (OTF)
Objective: Objective
The Technology at Scale Fund is the primary means through which OTF directly supports the technology needs of USAGM broadcast networks, journalists, and their audiences. Many of these networks serve audiences in countries that attempt to block access to USAGM content and impede journalists’ efforts to report objective news. The Technology at Scale Fund solicits mature technology solutions to ensure that USAGM audiences can access content safely through firewalls and other government attempts to censor objective news and allow journalists to safely do their work and communicate with sources.
Eligible Activities: This fund seeks solutions to help USAGM safely create and deliver content to its online audiences in censored environments. Understanding that there may be multiple approaches to helping USAGM audience members circumvent censorship at scale and facilitate secure reporting, content sharing and communications, this fund is not limited to predetermined technologies or methodologies. Solutions must be able to securely deliver unblocked content to millions of members of the USAGM audience in multiple countries with high reliability and/or provide secure communications or content sharing capabilities to USAGM journalists.
Actions can take place worldwide.
Eligible Applicants: Eligible are: (1) individuals; (2) non-profit organisation/non-government organisation, including U.S.-based NGO, PIO, or foreign NGO; (3) non-profit university or research institution in any country; (4) for-profit organisation or business in any country; and (5) have demonstrated experience administering successful projects, preferably targeting the requested program area.
Total Budget: €1,000,000
Deadline: No deadline
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Programme: Embassy of Japan to Georgia
Objective: The GGP is one of the grant schemes of the Embassy of Japan in Georgia, oriented towards providing support to the grassroots actors, for the promotion of Basic Human Needs and Human Security in Georgia. This involves, but is not limited to the actions, which aim to mitigate threats to human survival, human life, human dignity, as well as the actions aimed to build up the capacities of individuals and communities.
Eligible Activities: Within 22 years of its work in Georgia – from 1998 to 2022, the Grassroots Human Security Program (GGP) of the Government of Japan funded more than 200 projects, in total amounting to more than 20 million USD. Through this funding, agriculture infrastructure was developed, alleviating poverty in some of the poorest villages; thousands of hectares of land were cleared from hazardous landmines, saving lives of local population; dozens of schools, kindergartens, hospitals were rehabilitated and re-equipped, providing essential services to the most vulnerable population. Those are only a few of the examples and the range of sectors funded has been very broad.
Representing the goodwill of the ordinary Japanese people, the Embassy of Japan strives to provide support in the sectors, considered most essential by the population of Georgia itself. Vast majority of the reputable local and international research reflects that the population of Georgia considers socio-economic problems as the most acute national issues, along with the occupation of its territories. Thus, in its GGP program, the Embassy strives to emphasize the projects, which aim to resolve those problems most effectively and efficiently.
Actions must take place in Georgia.
Eligible Applicants: The following lists are examples of potential recipients: NGOs and INGOs; Local public authorities (mayor’s office).
Total Budget: $100,000
Deadline: No Deadline
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Programme: Global Innovation Fund
Objective: The Global Innovation Fund (GIF) has launched its Innovating for Climate Resilience fund in partnership with the Adaptation Research Alliance and the Global Resilience Partnership, with seed funding from the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office.
The Innovating for Climate Resilience fund invests, through grant, equity, and debt instruments, in innovations with the potential to scale and support the world’s poorest to build resilience and adaptation.
Eligible Activities: GIF has a staged funding approach, whereby the amount of funding available is tiered according to the level of maturity of your innovation and the activities proposed. The three tiers are:
Pilot – the innovation is at an early stage but you have a credible plan for how it can be developed and tested in a real-world setting. Funding of up to USD 230,000 is available to test core assumptions around operational, social, and financial viability.
Test and transition – the innovation has already shown promise of success at a small scale, and you have some information on your operational, social, and financial viability which you want to solidify before you scale. Funding of up to USD 2.3 million is available to support further growth and generate additional evidence on whether the innovation can achieve social impact and market viability, for commercial innovations.
Scale – the innovation has a strong evidence base and logistically credible plan for scaling to reach millions of people. Funding of up to USD 15 million is available to expand the reach of innovations with a view to reaching millions of people in the long term if successful.
What they fund
GIF seeks out innovations GIF believes have the greatest potential to improve the lives of millions of people living in poverty and only select those innovations which:
• Are focused on the poor.
• Are novel approaches which are not commonplace.
• Can improve upon alternatives solutions.
• Are backed by evidence of potential impact.
• Can be widely applied in many different settings.
• Have the potential to scale to reach millions of people.
• Are led by strong and dynamic teams.
• Are ready for investment.
• Will generate new knowledge on what works.
• Have a clear role for GIF.
Eligible Applicants: Any type of organisation may apply. This includes social enterprises, for-profit companies, non-profit organisations, government agencies, international organisations, and research institutions in any country. It is recommended that individual innovators, entrepreneurs, or researchers apply through an affiliated organisation.
Total Budget: €1,000,000
Deadline: No deadline
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Programme: USAID
Objective: USAID Development Innovation Ventures (DIV) is an open innovation fund that sources, tests, and accelerates breakthrough ideas that address global development challenges around the world. DIV seeks to bring in new ideas for solving problems facing millions around the world – delivering more impact, for less money, with greater potential for sustainable scale. Inspired by the venture capital experience, DIV uses a tiered, evidence-based funding model to test ideas, gather evidence of what works, find failures quickly and cheaply, without long-term commitments, and continue to support only proven solutions.
Eligible Activities: Funding ranges across all sectors: global health 36%, economic growth and trade 30%, energy 30%, agriculture and food security 26%, water/sanitation and hygiene 17%, education and training 12%, democracy and governance 7%, disaster relief and humanitarian assistance 3% and environment 2%.
The funding is open to countries in Asia, Middle East, Africa, North America, Latin America and the Caribbean, where USAID provides funds to development efforts.
Eligible Applicants: DIV accepts applications from U.S. and non US organisations, individuals, non-profit and for profit entities, provided their work is in a country where USAID provides funds to development efforts.
Total Budget: $5,000,000
Deadline: No deadline
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Programme: Inter-American Foundation (IAF)
Objective: The Inter-American Foundation (IAF) invites proposals for its grant program. The IAF funds the self-help efforts of grassroots groups in Latin America and the Caribbean to improve living conditions of the disadvantaged and the excluded, enhance their capacity for decision-making and self-governance, and develop partnerships with the public sector, business and civil society. The IAF does not identify problems or suggest projects; instead it responds to initiatives presented. Projects are selected for funding on their merits rather than by sector.
Eligible Activities: The IAF looks for the following in a project it funds:
1) innovative solutions to development problems;
2) diverse array of community voices in project development and execution;
3) substantial beneficiary engagement in: the identification of the problem addressed, the approach chosen to solve it, the design of the project, and management and evaluation of activities;
4) partnerships with local government, the business community and other civil society organizations; and
5) evidence of beneficiaries’ enhanced capacity for self-governance.
The IAF only supports projects in independent countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (excl. Cuba, Venezuela).
Eligible Applicants: Non-profit organisations (civil society groups) are eligible to apply. They only support projects submitted by community-led groups that are based in independent countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Total Budget: $400,00
Deadline: No deadline
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Programme: Pulitzer Centre
Objective: The Pulitzer Center has announced the Machine Learning Reporting Grants to use advanced data mining techniques, such as machine learning and natural language processing, to solve a data or reporting problem related to a journalistic investigation.
Eligible Activities: Pulitzer Center seeking compelling data-driven storytelling—based on original and transparent data collection and analysis—that has the potential to shape public discourse and hold the powerful accountable.
These projects harnessed machine learning to augment the reporters’ capacity to tackle big data and systemic issues. The reporters combined the use of machine learning with geospatial analysis, satellite imagery, and traditional shoe-leather reporting, among other approaches.
Eligible Applicants: Eligibility Criteria
This opportunity is open to U.S. residents and journalists around the world. They are open to proposals from freelance data journalists, staff journalists, or groups of newsrooms working in collaboration on a data project idea. They want to make sure that people from many backgrounds and perspectives are empowered to produce data journalism. They strongly encourage proposals from journalists and newsrooms who represent a broad array of social, racial, ethnic, underrepresented groups, and economic backgrounds.
Total Budget: $100,000
Deadline: No deadline
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Programme: NORAD
Objective: There is a need for increased focus on and attention to adaptation to future impacts of climate change. Quality weather and climate information are important tools that can be used for preparing for and reducing the negative consequences of serious climate-related events. Climate and weather services may improve stakeholders’ capacity to monitor, forecast, plan for, and cope with the impacts of climate and weather-related events. Early warning can prevent loss of life and livelihood. The weather and climate information needs to enable decision-makers, as well as end users to understand the information and to act.
Eligible Activities: The collection and analysis of data require sufficient infrastructure, technology, and capacity at local and national level. Additionally, the information needs to be communicated in a way that the end-users understand it and act on it. This entails tailoring communication to the various groups of end users. According to the end users’ needs, the weather and climate services may be linked to non-meteorological data, such as road and infrastructure maps, demographic data and census information, food and agricultural production, health sector information, and socio-economic variables.
The target group for the scheme is the population in ODA-approved developing countries.
Eligible Applicants: Potential grant recipients under this scheme are: Public actors/bodies in Norway and in recipient country; Norwegian and international civil society organisations/non-governmental organisations; Norwegian and international analysis and research institutes; Private sector actors in Norway and in recipient country.
Total Budget: €1,000,000
Deadline: No Deadline
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Programme: Rapid Response Facility (RRF)
Objective: The Rapid Response Facility (RRF) provides emergency support to natural World Heritage sites in times of crisis. The RRF is a partnership between the UNESCO World Heritage Center and Fauna & Flora International (FFI). RRF grants are available for UNESCO natural World Heritage sites. The RRF only funds actions at a site facing an ‘emergency’ threat to its biodiversity. They do not fund on-going issues even if they require urgent action.
Eligible Activities: The RRF’s definition of emergency is based on the following criteria, all of which will be considered during the decision process:
(1) Suddenness: How recently has the threat emerged or worsened? RRF only consider a situation an emergency if it has arisen in the last few months or weeks, or if the intensity of an existing threat has got suddenly worse. RRF advise applicants to provide evidence of any recent increases in the threat profile where possible;
(2) Predictability: Based on past experience, how predictable was the situation? The RRF prioritises funding for situations where the threat was unpredictable and thus difficult to prepare for in advance;
(3) Time sensitivity: Will there be a measurable conservation benefit if work starts immediately (within days / 1-2 weeks), rather than in months or years? The RRF prioritises projects that require immediate assistance;
and (4) Duration and reversibility of impact: Does the threat have the potential to cause long-lasting negative impact to the biodiversity value of the site? The RRF prioritises actions that avert irreversible damage or reduce long-term negative impacts.
RRF grants are restricted to countries that are eligible for ‘official development assistance’ according to the OECD.
Eligible Applicants: Eligible are: (1) government bodies responsible for site management (for example national wildlife agencies, park managers, government ministries etc.); (2) registered local, national or international non-governmental organisations (NGOs); (3) private sector organisations (including local and multinational corporations). Applicant organisations must be able to accept funds into an organisational bank account, directly from the UK in US Dollars (USD).
Applications are accepted year round, there are no deadlines. Requests for funding are only accepted through submission of the official RRF application form to the RRF email address (rrf(a) Applications from NGOs or private sector organisations must include a letter of support from the relevant site management authority as part of their application. The templates can be downloaded from their website. Proposals shall not exceed 6 pages.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: No deadline
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Programme: European Youth Foundation (EYF)
Objective: The European Youth Foundation (EYF) is a fund established in 1972 by the Council of Europe to provide financial and educational support for European youth activities.
Eligible Activities: An international activity is an international meeting of young people or youth leaders in Europe which contribute to the work of the youth sector of the Council of Europe in topic, methodology and with a clear European dimension. Until now, four working days were considered as a minimum duration for an international activity based on the principles of non-formal education/learning. However, in order to adapt to NGOs’ needs, the EYF will no longer consider this duration as a hard criterion. Nevertheless, the EYF will continue to assess grant applications on the basis of their merit and the quality of the programme provided. NGOs applying for activities lasting less than four days will have to convince the EYF that the activity is based on a non-formal education approach.
Special attention will be given to applications integrating a gender perspective. This should be clearly explained in the grant application. Gender perspective does not mean having an equal number of female and male participants. You should try to develop your project looking through different gender glasses, taking into account the needs of young women and men.
Action must take place in Europe.
Eligible Applicants: The following hard criteria are a requirement for an international activity: (1) participants must represent at least 7 Council of Europe member states; (2) it has to be run by an international team (4 nationalities represented in the project team); (3) 75 % of participants under 30 years old; (4) a gender and geographical balance must be ensured; and (5) a gender perspective is taken into account throughout the whole process.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: No Deadline
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Programme: Democracy and Media Foundation (DMF)
Objective: Do you want to contribute to independent media and a strong, just democratic state? Do you have an initiative that stimulates independent and critical media, or one that sustains or promotes a strong, and just democratic state? Does your initiative match their pillars of truth-seeking, innovation in media, fundamental rights and liberties, vigorous democracy or commemoration and remembrance? Then you are welcome to submit a project proposal.
Eligible Activities: Types of projects that the Democracy and Media Foundation supports include (but are not limited to):
1) Media productions (long-form) journalistic articles, books, documentaries, podcasts and web or TV series);
2) Digital journalistic platforms;
3) Strategic awareness campaigns;
4) Policy advocacy;
5) Strategic juridical litigation;
6) Cultural and art projects (installations, expositions, theatre, etc.). These only qualify for funding by the Democracy and Media Foundation if they further the objectives of the foundation;
7) Lectures and debates (as long as they are rooted in a broader adaptation strategy); and
8) Training/capacity building.
The foundation prioritizes projects and organizations with clear added value in the Netherlands. Within the Netherlands, preference goes out to projects with an international or national outlook, as well as local initiatives that are part of a broader strategy for change. Projects taking place outside the Netherlands are granted support only rarely. The foundation limits its support to organizations located in the 47 member states of the Council of Europe. Priority is granted to projects in countries were freedom of press and/or the democratic state based on the rule of law is under pressure.
Eligible Applicants: The Democracy and Media Foundation provides financial support to organizations, projects and other initiatives that promote this mission.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: No deadline
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Programme: Samruk-Kazyna Trust
Objective: The Fund for development of social projects “Samruk-Kazyna Trust” implements charitable projects and programs aimed at solving socially important issues for the population from the whole group of companies of JSC “Samruk-Kazyna”. The Fund’s activities are carried out with the assistance of state bodies, the Government of Kazakhstan and experts in the field of public and social policy.
Eligible Activities: The priorities are:
• helping people, communities in the social and health sector;
• development of media, cultural community, development of human potential, strengthening of labor relations and investments in sustainable development of society;
• the implementation of the regional program of social investments in the regions of presence of group of the Fund;
• strengthening the reputation and promoting the image of the Fund and/or the Fund group.
Actions must take place in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Eligible Applicants: They partner with non-profit organisations. Most of their partner are local NGOs.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: No Deadline
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Programme: Charles Hayward Foundation
Objective: Charles Hayward Foundation is a grant-making charitable trust making awards to charities that are registered in the U.K. The organisation is governed by a board of voluntary trustees, chaired by Mrs. Sue Heath. Organisations can apply for funding for clean water and sanitation projects, basic health programmes and self sustainability projects through training in farming skills and income generation activities.
Eligible Activities: Funding priorities include:
• Projects that adopt a holistic approach throughout all project stages and have a well defined ‘exit strategy’
• Projects being delivered at the grass-roots level through an established and proven delivery partner who is fully engaged with the local community
• Projects that clearly demonstrate the local communities involvement and that necessary training and education is in place to sustain the project beyond the delivery partner’s departure
The applicant must be able to demonstrate that robust governance and monitoring procedures are in place
They focus on Commonwealth Countries of Africa.
Eligible Applicants: Eligible organisations must be UK registered charities delivering projects in Commonwealth Countries of Africa with an annual income of between £150,000 and £5,000,000. The applicant must be able to demonstrate that robust governance and monitoring procedures are in place.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: No deadline
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Programme: A.J. Muste Memorial Institute
Objective: The A.J. Muste Memorial Institute funds projects which promote the principles and practice of nonviolent social change through grant-making programs including the International Nonviolence Training Fund (INTF). The INTF was created in 1994 by a group of concerned donors with the aim of specifically supporting nonviolence trainings which prepare participants for specific nonviolent actions or campaigns.
Eligible Activities: Nonviolence trainings seek to help people develop and improve the skills they need to confront systemic injustice through organized, principled, nonviolent action. Trainings promote the exchange of ideas, information, and strategies, through which activists can become more effective at using nonviolent action in their struggles. Projects eligible for support include:
• those which prepare participants for specific nonviolent actions or campaigns;
• those which build capacity and leadership among people engaged in nonviolent struggles;
• those geared to “training the trainers,” in order to expand and multiply nonviolence training throughout a targeted community.
Projects must be located outside the United States, or within its Native nations.
Eligible Applicants: Preference is given to: projects which involve trainers from the local area or region, where such trainers are available and groups which are small, community-based and have less access to funding from other sources. The Muste Institute can and does directly fund organizations which do not have their own 501(c)3 non- profit tax-exempt status, and/or which are not incorporated. The only time we require a fiscal sponsor is if the organization does not have its own bank account
Total Budget: $100,000
Deadline: No deadline
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Programme: Embassy of Japan to Macedonia
Objective: The Grant Assistance for Grass Roots and Human Security Projects (GGP) was first introduced by the Government of Japan in 1989 in order to meet various socio-economic needs in developing countries. The GGP provides non-refundable financial assistance to NGOs, hospitals, primary schools, and other non-profit associations to help implement their development projects. The availability of GGP funding in each eligible country provides Japanese ODA with a new means of cooperation that has a direct impact on the well-being of grass-roots communities.
Eligible Activities: Its focus areas in Macedonia include: (1) refurbishment and supply of equipment for primary schools; (2) refurbishment and supply of medical equipment for hospitals (projects for the benefit of women, children or prevention of infectious disease such as AIDS are given priority); (3) supply of equipment for basic skills training courses (e.g. brick making, sewing, candle making machines, etc); (4) agricultural training equipment (e.g. tractors, pumps, sprinklers); (5) women empowerment; (6) public welfare (refurbishment and supply of equipment for facilities for the handicapped, orphans, family planning education, or the construction of community centers); and (7) water supply (facilities and equipment for drilling well pumps etc.).
Actions must take place in North Macedonia.
Eligible Applicants: Any type of non-profit organisation is eligible to be a GGP recipient.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: No deadline
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Programme: Horizon Europe Guarantee
Objective: The UK government has announced a new scheme that guarantees funding for successful applicants to the third wave of Horizon Europe grant awards regardless of the outcome of the UK’s efforts to associate to Horizon Europe.
The guarantee is a short term measure intended to address the delays in formalising the UK’s association to Horizon Europe. To provide reassurance, the government has guaranteed funding for the first three waves of eligible, successful applicants to Horizon Europe with call deadlines up to 31 December 2022, if they are unable to sign their grant agreements with the EU.
This funding route is for collaborative research and innovation calls under Pillars 1, 2 and EIC calls under Pillar 3 with final application submission deadlines from 1 May up to 31 December 2022. ERC and MSCA calls are being routed through the Joint Electronic Submissions (Je-S) system. N.B. KICs 2022 activities are being routed through a separate IFS competition template.
Eligible Applicants: You will be eligible to register with UKRI for the Horizon Europe guarantee through this route if you are a UK-based organisation which has been successful through a Horizon Europe call in scope of the guarantee. For the consortium-style grants, you must remain a partner on the project and be listed on the Horizon Europe grant agreement as an Associated Partner.
This funding route is for collaborative research and innovation calls under Pillars 1, 2 and EIC calls under Pillar 3 with final application submission deadlines from 1 May up to 31 December 2022.
Total Budget: N/A
Deadline: N/A
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Programme: Global Fund
Objective: The Global Fund is a 21st-century partnership organization designed to accelerate the end of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria as epidemics. It is a partnership between governments, civil society, the private sector and people affected by the diseases. Most of their funding is earmarked for HIV/AIDS, followed by Malaria and finally TB.
Eligible Activities: The 2023-2028 Global Fund Strategy recognizes that ending HIV and TB as epidemics and eliminating malaria will require comprehensive approaches to strengthening: the financing of health systems (including raising additional resources as well as ensuring the efficient, effective and equitable use of existing resources); sustainable national responses to the three diseases; and resilient systems for health. Countries are strongly encouraged to focus on sustainability in their national planning and program design, with support from the Global Fund and partners as necessary. A sustainable approach to program planning and implementation should consider how to maximize impact while balancing short- and long-term results – not only taking into account the financing available today, but also which elements will require domestic financing in the future
The Global Fund operates worldwide (currently in over 100 countries).
Eligible Applicants: In most cases, Principal Recipients disburse funds to other smaller organizations who serve as sub-recipients or even sub-sub-recipients. A purpose of this is for financing to effectively cascade to smaller organizations, and for programs to be carried out to reach those populations or groups which may not be otherwise easily reached by a government.
Total Budget: $4 billion for an average of 450-470 grants (average grant size is $8,5 million).
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: WE4F (Water and Energy for Food)
Objective: Objective
Water & Energy for Food (WE4F): A Grand Challenge for Development is a joint international initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the European Union (EU), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of the Netherlands, The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), Sweden through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
Eligible Activities: WE4F aims to:
• Increase food production along the value chain through a more sustainable and efficient usage of water and/or energy
• Increase income for base of the pyramid (BoP) women and men in both rural and urban areas working in farming and/or consuming food products
• Sustainably scale the Organizations’ solutions to meet the challenges in the WE4F nexus.
• Promote climate and environmental resilience and biodiversity through the sustainable, holistic management of natural resources and ecosystems
This Open Call for Innovation (O-CFI) is designed to address barriers to enable the production of more food with efficient and sustainable usage of water and energy along the value chain from farming to end-users, and to impact food security, gender, and poverty reduction in an environmentally sustainable way.
The S/CA RIH supports innovators from Angola, Botswana, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
Eligible Applicants: WE4F is looking for mid- to late-stage enterprises, nonprofits with a for-profit program, and other organizations based in the Middle East and North Africa, who have innovative water-food, energy-food, and water-energy-food solutions. Applicants must meet the minimum requirements outlined below to participate in this call for innovation. WE4F is open to legally incorporated/registered for-profit businesses and nonprofit organizations or academic institutions with a proven business model, recurring sales, an existing customer base, and the ability to generate revenue and maintain a self-sustaining operational budget.
Total Budget: $250,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM)
Objective: Objective
The latest suspensions of the right to asylum in multiple Member States in the framework of Covid-19 protection measures show once more that European asylum politics and practice move fast, especially in times of emergency. The design of EU asylum policies as well as their implementation and translation (or lack thereof) into national, bilateral, regional and local policies and practices have direct impact on the lives of people who seek international protection.
Eligible Activities: Through this Call for Proposals, EPIM aims to support (transnational) partnerships of civil society organisations active at EU, national, bilateral, regional and/or local levels. The support is for their efforts to seize (urgent) opportunities to advise European asylum policies and practices. In light of existing and future EU asylum law, policies, frameworks and human rights standards, projects should aim to:
• promote feasible (evidence-based) alternatives; and/or
• put forward thought-provoking ideas, and/or
• react to policy proposals and practices to safeguard the right to asylum and prevent backtracking.
Projects should be implemented in the European Union. Additionally, projects implemented in non-EU countries (e.g. Turkey, UK) could also be considered eligible if of EU relevance.
Eligible Applicants: Applicants must be non-profit and non-governmental organisations registered in the European Union or in the United Kingdom. Non-profit organisations active at EU, national, bilateral, regional and/or local levels are eligible for this call for proposals. Non-EU based non-profit organisations can apply as partners.
Total Budget: €40,000
Deadline: No deadline
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Programme: Botswana Innovation Hub
Objective: Objective
The Botswana Innovation Hub is a business accelerator with the objective to support entrepreneurship and innovation through technology transfer in Botswana. It identifies, develops and nurtures viable technology-oriented start-up businesses with potential to grow locally and into international markets. Membership also offers access to their Innovation Fund.
Eligible Activities: Within these focus sectors and categories, BIH selects partners and members based on the following aspects:
• Product / Service / Method that creates new or unique value for Botswana Innovation Hub stakeholders and Botswana
• Stage / Level of Innovation (Idea, Research / Screening and Experimentation, Testing / Proof of Concept / Prototyping, Commercialization / Production, Diffusion and Implementation)
• Target Market / Social Need being Addressed
• Benefits to Botswana:
• Employment creation
• Knowledge Creation and Skills Transfer
• Advancement of Science and Technology within the Botswana
• Business / Partnership model and Funding Aspects
• Leadership (Visionary and qualified leadership to play the critical role in driving the business towards its goal)
• Capital investment in land, buildings, infrastructure, and equipment
Actions must take place in Botswana.
Eligible Applicants: Businesses in the sectors of solar energy, water technologies, sustainability, coal utilisation, and waste management are eligible
Total Budget: $1,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
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Programme: Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD)
Objective: Objective
As Canada’s lead agency for development assistance, Global Affairs Canada aims to manage Canada’s support and resources effectively and accountably to achieve meaningful, sustainable results.
Eligible Activities: They work across many sectors:
Agriculture and food security
Disability-inclusive development
Gender equality
Humanitarian preparedness and response
Private sector development
Social protection
Selected focus countries worldwide are eligible: Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia Pacific, Latin America.
Eligible Applicants: Organizations worldwide can apply for funding through the Global Affairs Canada website. International non-governmental organizations from any country can submit an unsolicited proposal for funding, so long as they meet the eligibility requirements as published in the Application Form. Applicants also have to demonstrate proof of their legal and financial standing as per their home country’s laws or per the laws of Canada.
Total Budget: $1,000,000
Deadline: Ongoing
More information and other documents:
Programme: Embassy of Japan to Philippines
Objective: Objective
The Japanese Government has various programs under its Official Development Assistance (ODA) that meets the diverse needs of developing countries. One of the ODA schemes, the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) support small-scale projects directly benefiting the grassroots level as well as contributing to the socio-economic development of developing countries. In the Philippines, GGP was launched in 1989 and as of March 2019, 543 small-scale grassroots projects have been implemented by non-government organizations (NGOs), local government units (LGUs), and other non-profit organizations. They support around 15-20 projects every year.
Eligible Activities: The following sectors and projects are examples that the GGP can assist:
· Education
· Health
· Water System (Levels I and II only)
· Agriculture
· Social Welfare
· Capacity Building
· Disaster Management
· Waste Management
· Others
Actions must take place in Philippines.
Eligible Applicants: The Embassy of Japan accepts applications from the following organisations: (1) non-government organisations (NGOs); (2) peoples’ Organisations (POs) and Cooperatives; (3) local government units (LGUs); (4) educational institutions (universities) and medical institutions.
Total Budget: €100,000
Deadline: Ongoing
More information and official documents:
Programme: US Mission to Ghana
Objective: Objective
The U.S. Embassy in Accra, Ghana, through this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), announces an open competition for organizations to submit applications to carry out virtual and in-person peacebuilding and conflict resolution education programs in Benin, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, and Togo. This program is in support of the U.S. Strategy to Prevent Conflict and Promote Stability, authorized by the Global Fragility Act. Overall, grant-making authority for this project is contained in the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended.
Eligible Activities: This program will engage early and mid-career professionals by offering a menu of virtual courses in English and French that include information adaptable to the range of countries and contexts. Central topics will include social cohesion, conflict resolution, media literacy and misinformation, engaging government from local to national level, and inclusivity. The online/hybrid course on conflict resolution will include 500 young community leaders with at least half from Ghana and the remainder from the other four countries specified. Recruitment should target regions and communities most vulnerable to conflict and instability but may include geographically diverse participants.
The courses will be followed by interactive conversations via chat or social media platforms to form a network of similarly-minded individuals willing to develop activities or policies integrating course principles in their own institutions or communities. An in-person training and networking opportunity will then be offered to 60 participants to come together and discuss more deeply the topics of the courses. The material may include U.S. authored content and reflect the diversity of opinion in the United States and underscore U.S. fundamental values of democracy and freedom. Speakers and instructors may include U.S. citizens and experts who have experience in West Africa and the United States.
Actions must take place in Ghana.
Eligible Applicants: Eligible are U.S.-based non-profit/non-governmental organizations subject to section 501(c) (3) of the U.S. tax code; foreign-based non-profit organizations/nongovernment organizations (NGO); Public International Organizations; Foreign Public Organizations; and private, public, or state institutions of higher education.
Total Budget: $444,375
Deadline: Ongoing
More information and official documents:
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