Announcing Strategic Alliance between CCG and CONAHEC
We're delighted to announce a new strategic partnership between CCG and CONAHEC, the Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration. CONAHEC is a non-profit, membership-based network of more than 170 higher education institutions in Canada, the United States and Mexico, as well as a select group of institutions from other parts of the world. CONAHEC fosters academic collaboration among higher education institutions and it has developed a successful partnership with the key national umbrella higher education organizations in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) region: the American Council on Education (ACE), the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC), the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC), the Association of Canadian Community Colleges and the Mexican Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior (ANUIES).
As the largest and most comprehensive network of higher education institutions in the NAFTA region, CONAHEC plays a pivotal role in promoting efficient and cost-effective international collaboration for its member institutions. Among its core activities, CONAHEC manages an array of mobility programs for students, faculty, and staff. The organization also promotes research collaboration initiatives and hosts various professional development events, including an annual conference where member representatives can meet, interact, and develop cooperative projects.
The strategic alliance between CCG and CONAHEC builds on a shared commitment to widen access to meaningful, transformative internationalization opportunities in the institutions we serve – and specifically to student populations that have not been historically well served by more traditional internationalization activities such as student exchange and study abroad.
With that in mind, the initial focus of the alliance will be on facilitating COIL and VE initiatives between interested CCG clients and CONAHEC-affiliated institutions. CONAHEC has been working with a select group of faculty from various fields of study in Mexico and other Latin American countries who are ready to and able to begin developing COIL programs with interested partners as soon as possible. We will be reaching out shortly with more details on this exciting opportunity.