Participation fee:
500 Euro/month

Participation fee:
1200 Euro/month

Participation fee:
2500 Euro/month
Training and workshops in different areas:

 • Identifying viable project idea

 • Grant writing workshop

 • Budgeting

 • Project implementation

 • Master classes

 • Online discussions and ideas exchange with other universities/researchers

Weekly funding newsletter
Club Orizont Networking sessions
Consortium building support
Support in finding the right call for proposals to apply to
Evaluation Services of already prepared proposal, CCG can act as an external evaluator and support you in improving the project proposal and offer a pre submission assessment of the application package (maximum 4 proposals/6-month subscription)
Assistance in the development of the project proposal: finding the partners, grant writing process and in the submission process (maximum 4 proposals/6-month subscription)

6 months. Partner universities that opt for a 12-month subscription will get a 10% discount on the monthly fee.

For more information, please contact Anzhela Stashchak: anzhela@consultcormack.com