EU Funding Strategic Positioning

Target audience: This service is dedicated to universities outside the EU member states, that would like to be more active in the EU funding landscape.

Description of the service:

Because the EU aims to leverage the best experience and knowledge worldwide, non-EU universities can participate in many of its funding schemes. The forefront of cutting-edge research and innovation lies the power of international cooperation, and the European Union champions this principle through its Global Approach to Research and Innovation Communication, outlining a strategic framework for global engagement.

At Cormack Consultancy Group, we understand the challenges that non-EU universities may have in participating in EU-funded projects, such as unfamiliarity with the available funding schemes, difficulty navigating the application process and finding and developing the right partnerships; that's why we're committed to offering solid support every step of the way.

CCG offers tailored support for non-EU universities in navigating the intricacies of EU funding schemes. Our Club Orizont team helps non-EU universities identify and apply for EU funding opportunities from project idea generation, project consortium building and participation in capacity building and skills development initiatives.

Our Central and Eastern Europe (CEE+) team specialises in identifying devolved funding projects, keeping an eye on opportunities in sustainability, higher education, business capacity building, digital transformation, and beyond. Subject to funding availability, we offer support to apply for these opportunities.

Club Orizont membership is included in this service, which means access to the workshop series, masterclasses, and consortium building support are included.

Please contact us if you need a personalised offer for the EU funding strategic positioning service, at the following email address: