Club Orizont is a membership-based support service designed to help universities develop projects and proposals to access EU and related international funding programmes.

In a highly competitive EU funding environment, formulating a research idea is only the first step in producing a successful application. Grant writers must know how to navigate the complex landscape of funding agencies, programmes, and application forms. They must also build the skills to strategically craft a competitive application that matches the funder’s objectives and requirements.

We’ve created Club Orizont to support universities that want to improve their access to EU-funded projects and develop new research collaborations.


Membership is free for universities in the EU and Ukraine.

If your university is outside of the EU, please contact our Club Orizont Manager Elena Bozdog at


  • Weekly newsletter highlighting relevant calls and focusing on different EU and other funding options.

  • Access to an experienced team of experts who can support across the key areas of EU funding.

  • Access to high-quality, live, interactive training courses, aimed at different levels of experience.

  • Support the development of relevant skills of staff.

  • Creates a platform that allows universities and faculties to meet peers from other universities that are interested in submitting European funded projects.

  • Mechanism for Sharing of technical and laboratory resources.


  • Grow the visibility of the institution.

  • Increase income generation.

  • Support the development of relevant skills of staff.

  • Develop the portfolio and scale of international partnerships.

  • Improve the institutions capacity to attract new EU funding.

  • Attracting new researchers and students.

  • Grow research in terms of productivity, internationalisation, citation impact and ability to attract funding.


  • International office staff and research support officers can take part in Club Orizont activities and training, enabling them to gain a greater understanding and more experience of EU funding and how it works.

  • Researchers can learn how to develop more comprehensive, innovative sustainable and effective applications.

  • Early career researchers can receive high quality initial and ongoing training on how to find partners and build project proposals and applications.  This will improve their ability to achieve funding for their projects and support their senior researcher colleagues.

  • Faculty Heads, Deans and Rectors will benefit from the knowledge sharing, decision making and consortia building, as well as the increased funding attracted to the faculty or institution.


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